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Ignite is Unreliable

I've been here awhile

We switched to Ignite in December, worst decision we've made. Before switching, if internet went down, you'd still have your other services, now it's very frustrating because every time Ignite goes down which has become a  frequent occurrence for us, you lose all services, no internet, no cable, no home phone, nothing like being in the middle of a phone conversation and the phone line goes dead.



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Re: Ignite is Unreliable

I've been here awhile
Tony, funny, after explaining our outage that's the first question asked every time we call. We were to receive a text when the issue was resolved, still waiting for the text, but currently our services are working again, for how long, who knows but we've been in touch with customer service and they are tracking our open ticket.

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Re: Ignite is Unreliable

I'm here a lot

I also switched to ignite in Nov and never have been able to login to the ignite app. Worst of all, I’m paying $20/mo more with this garbage package than my previous legacy package for same speed, and the performance and reliability of it is the worst ever in my decades as a loyal Rogers customer. I’m fed up with their constant performance issues, outages, and poor customer support service. Not sure why we Ontario pay through the nose for the most expensive internet service in the world. Is it the Liberal government and corporate greed? I’ve had it. Time to cancel Rogers and switch to anything cheaper. Not worth the $$$$$ premium for such poor service.

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

I'm here a lot

Switched to Rogers Ignite in May 2021 - all was well until November 2021 - getting the RDK-03117 error code it getting more & more frequent. A tech was sent to our home last Tuesday and again on Friday to switch out our modem last week (went from the black version to the white). At first the wi-fi would go down - so I do the unplug wait & replug dance - which used to fix the problem but is a royal pain. But NOW it’s wayyyyy worst and I am sorry but insisting I download the HUB is even more useless because without wi-fi there is no access. Last week it took us almost 3 hours to watch 4 - 30 minute segments, skipping commercials (normally takes 1 hr 20 mins). I had installed a POD at one point last year b/c wi-fi was spotty at best just outside the door but I had to remove it completely. I spend more time messaging with Rogers than I do with my daughter. I want a REAL solution - the little dance isn’t working anymore. Plus one support person tells you one thing while the next guy tells you something completely opposite. Get your stories straight please.

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

Hello, @steelback, @GODZILLA, &, @Picotine


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums!


Its disappointing to hear about your experiences with the Ignite TV service thus far. 😞


@steelback - Have you noticed the colour of the LED on the top of the modem when the connection drops?

@GODZILLA - Can you describe what is happening when you try to login to the app, do you get an error message of any kind? Are you able to login to

@Picotine - Can you describe the location of the pod in your home in relation to the modem? Was the pod installed in an area with a strong Wi-Fi signal or a weak signal?


Most of the issues with Ignite TV revolve around Wi-Fi, it is important to have a strong Wi-Fi signal for the service to work well.


We look forward to hearing from you all.






Re: Ignite is Unreliable

I've been here awhile
Tony, funny, after explaining our outage that's the first question asked every time we call. We were to receive a text when the issue was resolved, still waiting for the text, but currently our services are working again, for how long, who knows but we've been in touch with customer service and they are tracking our open ticket.

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

The POD hasn’t been plugged in b/c the tech that came here told me they are causing havoc all over the place so please don’t insult me by telling me to uninstall and re install. It can’t be hard to work there I just keep getting the same answers “unplug and replug”. To add insult to injury last evening while settling down to watch a movie - approx 20 in the wi-fi goes down again - for almost 4 hours. Great Service Rogers. I am so flipping fed up - the colour shows me its a piece of garbage. Over the last 4 days we have had no wi-fi for a total of almost 20 hours. But still we have to pay our invoice and pray to God it doesn’t fail again in the meantime using all my data to communicated with anyone b/c your wifi is down yet again. 

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

Before reading the rest of this, please take it, as I am not saying any of the above are NOT having problems, etc.  They ARE.  But, the question is WHY?
In a perfect world, everything would be just plug in/start and go, and never ever have any problems, have to have any work on them, etc.  But any one who has owned a car, a house, knows that is not the case.

IF everything is set up correctly, and and all at the right levels, etc.. Ignite CAN be stable and works really well. 
EG: I have maybe one 30 second hickup, every week at the most?  I would say 99% uptime?   I have the pods, i have over 100 devices on my network, so tons of chances of bad stuff happening.
Trick, is finding out WHATS wrong.

Dont get me wrong.. its still rogers job to FIX it.. trick is getting it fixed.. and sometimes you have to poke at them to get it done right unfortunately.

A ) Signal Levels - This is probably the biggest cause of anything.  If the signal levels are not good coming to the modem this can cause outages.  And in the case of ignite, cut then everything out.  Especially lately, with the more 'in home self setup' these things are not specifically checked by a tech.   And then can be set up on BAD levels.
Its a lot of info to go into details here, but if you want help in checking your levvels to see if thats the problem, feel free to post here or on another post and one of us might be able to point you in the right direction.
But if the levels are bad, getting a tech out to adjust/fix them, may make a world of difference.

B ) Wifi - Always a potential issue.  Again in a perfect world, we would only ever need ONE device, that modem should reach everywhere, etc.   BUT wireless devices of that quality, the router itself can cost in the $300+ range itself..  and would really jump up the monthly costs probably.   Generally that is what the pods are for, to help increase a mid rage device to have a more broad overall coverage.
Use something like a phone, and go around your house and watch the bars.  Even turn wifi of and back on to ensure its connecting to the closest point.  If its low bars, the wifi is not reaching there properly.  And if you have a TV box in that area.. it will have poor performance.
Many people set up wifi pods incorrectly as well.  That if you say have poor performance in the bedroom, will put the pod in/near the bedroom.  The wifi signal will then look good on their device, but show poor performance.  This is because the pod is then receiving a poor signal, and just repeating a poor signal.
A pod needs to go in between, somewhere where there is still a decent signal, and then can repeat that signal.

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

I've been around

I been using ignite 1gb now about a month and I am not impressed at all. I want the old internet back. I pay more and it cuts out all the time and freezes. It doesn’t seem any faster either. I didn’t have any issues at all with my standard internet.

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

Why am I still with rogers
There has been issues with internet and ignite TV since last year Actually since I have had this service
They have offered me nothing
I have been a loyal customer for probably 20 years
They just don't care about the customer
Absolutely brutal service and thier ability to resolve the issue is apparent
They are rebuilding covid Sabatoge are some of the reasons
Is anyone else having issues
I have had it

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Unhappy8 wrote:

Is anyone else having issues
I have had it

I have been an Ignite TV customer for three years and for me, the service has been glitch-free and rock-solid stable.


If your in-home network works properly and your Internet connection works properly, then Ignite TV will work properly.

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

I'm here a lot

All Summer long now I have experienced TV shut downs at unpredictable times but mostly in late afternoon. Sometimes the signal comes back by itself but most times, I have to unplug and re-plug the TV & PVR box to re-boot the system. Typically, when I try using the remote during a shut down, I get the typical error message RDK-03117. Of course, I always check the Gateway to make sure it is connected and operating properly. I even re-booted it a few times. For the money we pay for the service, this is getting very tiresome and annoying. Other options will have to be considered if I don't get the service I pay for without these annoyances.

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

@ramjetejmar  From what I have seen, RDK-03117 usually occurs when there is a problem with Internet connectivity.  The set-top box itself has a Wi-Fi connection but, for whatever reason, has lost connectivity with the servers in the back-end.


It's understandable that Rogers may be doing maintenance overnight and you may have broken network connectivity in the morning, so resetting the Ignite Gateway (followed by a reset of the Ignite set-top boxes when the gateway comes online again) will reset everything and fix the problem.  I think that it is strange that you are getting this late in the afternoon.  My guess is that there is something rather unhealthy about your Internet service, not a problem with Ignite TV.  When you see your Ignite TV service dropping out, do you also see any network connectivity problems with any other devices, computers or set-top boxes in your home?


When RDK-03117 happens in the afternoon, or at any time other than when you wake up in the morning, I would expect the problem to go away on its own.  I would also double-check that the coax connection to your modem (and all coax cable connections leading to it) are snug and secure.

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

I'm a reliable contributor

We are having the same problem. Just happened this morning in fact, but it can happen any time. TV goes black but ignite box stays lit. Sometimes it comes back by itself after a few minutes but usually you have to unplug the box then plug it back in to reset. Sometimes the internet drops and you have to wait for it to come back on. We just had it looked at a few weeks ago and after a a week or so we started having dropped connections, usually once a week, now more often. We get the same error messages about network connection. Very annoying.

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Greetings @Cap07


Yikes! I'm sorry to hear about the Ignite TV issues you've been plagued with. 😥 I know how important it is to ensure you're receiving the service(s) you're paying for. Have you had the chance to connect with us since you last posted? I just have a few questions for you to get this ironed out.


When the internet drops, what color is the light on the top of the modem?


How long does the internet take to come back up after losing connection?


Are you able to kindly send us a screenshot of the error message that you receive regarding the network connection?


If the issue still persists, feel free to send us a message at @CommunityHelps so we can have a gander. Not familiar with our messaging system? Check out this blog.


Looking forward to hearing from you,



Re: Ignite is Unreliable

I'm a reliable contributor

We're getting RDK-03117 about Gateway connection most often. The modem is not in the same room as the TV. If the internet connection drops it's usually back in about 3-5 minutes. We're normally in the middle of a show or Blue Jays game when the screen suddenly goes black and either it comes back after a few minutes or we get a message about a problem with the network connection. Sometimes if I turn off the TV and wait a few minutes to turn it back on it'll be fine. (The TV is off, but the box is still lit) Sometimes I have to unplug the box, wait a minute or two and then plug it back in to eventually get things working again. Sometimes it'll go out but we still have internet service. Very annoying.

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Cap07 : I assume you're using a WiFi connection to the Box?  Fire up the IgniteTV Home Connect app on your phone or tablet and run the test in the app.  It will advise if you have a good WiFi connection or not and also what to do if your WiFi is poor. 


You can look into your various individual connections and troubleshoot each device that's connected.


Via the box you can go into: Rogers - Settings - Device Settings - Network and see what it says there if you have an excellent, good or poor WiFi connection.   Read up on what causes poor WiFi and what you can do about it.  Sometimes even shifting the Gateway a few inches can help.


Check the light on the Gateway to make sure it's white indicating the Internet is "up".

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

I'm a reliable contributor

The internet rarely goes down even when we lose the TV signal. We had a new cable hooked up outside just a couple of months ago. I asked the tech about the signal and he said it was good. Tonight it's gone out at least six times. We were watching a YouTube movie at the time. Even without that, watching CP24 went out and flicked back on then off. Isn't technology wonderful? Best go back to reading a book, but I expect the lights will go out...Funny thing. I watched the rest of the YouTube video on my tablet without any trouble.

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Cap07  What, specifically, happened in your case?  Did the TV randomly go black for about five seconds (as if somebody had unplugged the HDMI cable) and then come back on again?

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

I'm a reliable contributor

Last night the picture froze then the screen went black except for a message (RD-something or other) saying there was a problem with the connection.  I hit the power button on the Rogers remote and left everything off for half an hour. The light on the box stayed on for more than five minutes. The internet was working fine on my tablet. After the half hour I switched back on and it was fine. This morning watching channel 7 (City TV) the picture froze. I was able to change the channel but then that one froze, so I switched off. After a few minutes I turned it back on and everything was fine. Is this a problem with the box?

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

I've been here awhile

I just had the same thing on my 2 PCs, clicking on shortcuts says there is no internet connection but anything not requiring a URL works, looks like maybe ANOTHER DNS issue.

What are they doing over there in Experimental Land?

Re: Ignite is Unreliable

Hello, @Cap07 & @Grakky 


I know how important it is to have a consistent connection. It's never fun to deal with connectivity drops.


If you have not already, please reboot the Internet modem by removing the power cord for 5 seconds then reconnect it. Once it is back online please reboot any affected Ignite TV boxes by removing the power cord for 5 seconds and then reconnecting it. 


Most of the issues experiencing are caused by Wi-Fi connectivity problems. Can you describe where you modem is located in your home? Is it in a central and open area?


We look forward to hearing from you both.



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