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Blue Screen on boot sometimes

I've been here awhile


I have only started using my ignite box last week, and twice now when turning on the tv I get the “welcome” message, then directly to a blue screen.
I have an LG tv that is about 4 years old.
The past two times, unplugging the power from the ignite box for over 2 minutes seems to solve the problem. Less than that, it boots right back into a blue screen.
Is there a fix for this ?



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Re: Blue Screen on boot sometimes

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

1. Why is your box booting all the time?  It should remain on and there should be no need for the welcome screen each time, unless the box is unplugged or not getting power.  Do you have it on a power bar or other device that causes the power to go down and the box to boot?  If so, please make sure the box has power 100% of the time.


2. Are you using the HDMI cable that came with the box?  If not, please do. Try a different HDMI cable?


3. Try a different HDMI port on the TV. Some are 60 Hz and other 30.  Use the one marked 30 Hz.


4. The box has various video settings.  Rather than using "best" try an output setting that is equal to the TV. For example, if it's a 1080P TV, use 1080P as the output setting.

Re: Blue Screen on boot sometimes

I've been here awhile
To clarify, it is not booting all the time as far as I know. But I guess when it does, it goes blue screen? It’s connected to the wall and uninterrupted power. Maybe I just notice the welcome screen more before it goes blue screen because it’s there for 10-15 seconds.

Yes, using the HDMI that came with it.

I’ll try a different port and I’ll try different settings.

Re: Blue Screen on boot sometimes

I plan to stick around

You should only be getting the Welcome screen when the box is rebooted, either with the Settings option, or if the power is removed.  That is the only time that I get that message ...

Re: Blue Screen on boot sometimes

I've been here awhile
Still managing to get this blue screen from time to time. Very infrequently, but just happened today. Was scrolling through Netflix and I turned the tv off. About 30 seconds later when I turned it on, blue screen.

Re: Blue Screen on boot sometimes

Greetings @BJDalbs!


In this particular circumstance, if swapping to a different HDMI port doesn't work, I'd next recommend trying a brand new HDMI cable if you have one on hand.


Should that not work, we can replace the set top box for you. Feel free to send a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can assist you with replacing the box if need be. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, you can find out more here.  




Re: Blue Screen on boot sometimes

I've been around

How or did this get resolved. I am having the same issues on an older Samsung TV

i was watching and then after it went to a complete blue screen.power cycles will show a welcome screen and after approximately 40 seconds it will show the blue screen.

Re: Blue Screen on boot sometimes

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@BCBouy : Are you using the HDMI cable that came with the box?  These sorts of issues are almost always a result of a poor connection via HDMI.  Try unplugging/replugging the HDMI cable and reverse the ends so that the end that was on the TV is now on the box and vice versa.  See also my earlier post in this thread with other recommendations regarding output settings, etc.

Re: Blue Screen on boot sometimes

Is the box on an HDMI part with ARC/eARC enabled? If so. This will force the box to turn off when the TV is turned off. Disable ARC/eARC and allow the box to remain on and to go into standby when the TV is turned off.
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