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New tower needed at CFB Esquimalt

I've been here awhile

Hello.  I work at CFB Esquimalt Dockyard in Victoria, BC.  Rogers coverage in the yard is pretty much nonexistent and a lot of people are switching to Telus because they installed a tower in the yard a couple years ago and their reception is fantastic.  I actually switched to Telus recently for the same reason, only to discover Telus has their own issues near the University of Victoria where I need reliable service for a side job, so I've switched back to Rogers.  If I didn't have the side job though, I would have stayed with Telus.  Rogers does have a tower down the road, but because the base is hidden behind a hill, the signal doesn't reach the base.


Is there any chance Rogers could install a tower at CFB Esquimalt?  It would be in your best interest for customer retention. There are over 1000 people that work here (civilians and military members).  That's a lot of family plans you're missing out on.


***Added Labels***


Re: New tower needed at CFB Esquimalt


Hello, @theob88.


Welcome to Rogers Community Forums! 😃


Thank you for your detailed post, along with the map. A poor signal can be quite disruptive. Are you experiencing poor signal indoors or outdoors?


Have you checked the network status from the yard? You can visit our Network Help portal to check the network status and report the poor signal. 


Meanwhile, when indoors and if you have good WiFi, you can use WiFi Calling to stay connected. 


We appreciate you taking out the time to provide us with the feedback; we'll pass on your request. 




Re: New tower needed at CFB Esquimalt

I've been here awhile
It's all over the yard. Further west in the yard is better because you start to pick up a tower on the other side of the harbor but on the east side of the yard it's really bad.

Re: New tower needed at CFB Esquimalt

I've been here awhile

Hello.  Has any consideration been given to putting up a tower closer to the navy base in Esquimalt?  I find it funny that Rogers just sent CF One Members a promotional email for a mobile plan when you have an entire navy base that can't use your mobile service.

Re: New tower needed at CFB Esquimalt


Good day @theob88 ,


Thanks for following up with us! We know that serviceability has been a bit of a pain-point for you, in the area that you live and work in. Although we have not yet been advised of any plans to build in the near future, your feedback has been forwarded to the Real Estate and Network Planning teams for review and consideration. 👍


If we receive any updates or info, we will be sure to post it here in the community!


Kind regards,




Re: New tower needed at CFB Esquimalt

Hello again @theob88 ,


I just wanted to follow-up here to provide some additional info to your tower inquiry. 


We have been informed that there was a project for a new cell site for this area, however, it has been placed on hold at the moment, as finding a location to build a tower which is tall enough has proven to be a challenge. Hopefully, things will change in the near future.


With this being said, Radio Engineering in the West has optimized the LTE coverage by up-tilting the antennas by 2 degrees across the bay in Belmont Park, not too long ago. Would you say that you've seen some improvement in your coverage over the last little while? 


We  hope to hear from you soon!





Re: New tower needed at CFB Esquimalt

I've been here awhile



Thank you for following up with my concern.  I can't comment on whether the antenna adjustment has made a difference because I switched my service to Bell a few months ago so I could have cell reception off the Telus dish.


For an antenna site closer to the dockyard, can Rogers not put an antenna in the same location as the Telus one on top of the building at Signal Hill as indicated in my map screenshot above?  The Rogers antenna just up the road by Nelson St is on top of a building with Telus and Freedom Mobile antennas, so site sharing doesn't seem to be an issue.




Re: New tower needed at CFB Esquimalt

Hello @theob88 ,


Thanks for clarifying your situation and we definitely appreciate the suggestion. I'll forward it on for review and consideration to the appropriate team. Hopefully, we'll be able to find a workable solution, sooner rather than later. 🙂


Kind regards,




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