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Friday’s outage

I've been here awhile

I’m having a similar issue. Once service was ‘restored’ my Ignite TV keeps freezing and/or audio drops. Happening every few minutes so basically makes tv unwatchable. 

Was on hold with chat support for over an hour and then it just ended. What a joke. 


***Added Labels***


Friday’s outage

I've been here awhile
I rely very heavily on my cell phone for my job as a courier. I receive orders for delivery via an app that requires GPS to track my location. I had to cancel not 1 but 2 shifts on Friday because of the network outage. This cost me at minimum $120-$140. I am very disappointed and if Rogers hadn’t been one of the better carriers I’ve been with, I would have switched. However, I choose to stay with Rogers for the foreseeable future as long as something like this doesn’t happen again.

Re: Friday’s outage

President wants everyone to accept his apology but continues to raise rogers fees.
It is not acceptable.

Re: Friday’s outage

I've been around

So the almighty gods of rogers is going to reimburse me for Friday?

Here we are on Sunday afternoon with a fraction of the channels we're paying for.

Tried re-boots with zero results. Now waiting for boxes to re authorize.

Moving next month, out of province, Definitely shopping for a provider who believes in customer service.

Re: Friday’s outage

In Kitchener we have had nothing but black screens, freezing and problems with channels switching by themselves. Even before the outage, and had a 21 minute call on July 5th with IT for similar problems with the same error codes. That problem resolved itself during the call ?

So no useable TV service for all day Friday,  Saturday with either live TV or shows recorded on our PVR. Today a show on our PVR froze half way thru and then asked if I wanted to delete it ??

Also my daughter (semi-paralyzed) had NO ACCESS to 911 as cell and home # are with Rogers ...

Re: Friday’s outage

Wonderfu(ly generic) email from the Big Boss.

I could have written it myself, and I am not in IT. Enough motherhood and apple pie to give one a glycemic shock.

Would be interested in the real cause, once found. Hopefully the CRTC will investigate and impose the necessary corrections, as well as adjust its regulatory requirements to ensure this cannot and will not happen again. Equipment always malfunctions, and this needs to be planned for and around.

Rogers and Bell must be made to cooperate and act as each other's back-up.

No more black swans.


Re: Friday’s outage

I've been here awhile
this message is straight to the president of Rogers.
I read your generic email for all of us and though I understand that you are somewhat sorry it's not enough..this has happened too often & to credit us loyal customers with a day is like sharing a plate of cookies--NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
you owe us a month or two at least..when you do that for us all, then & only then will I know that you are being sincere..we all know you can afford to credit us properly..some of us have lost time and money due to this and I feel this measly credit is a slap in the owe us more than that..respect your customers more

Re: Friday’s outage

I've been around

Rogers has had two large service outages in 15 months. This one being severe enough to make me know I need a back up. Given I use internet for business as well. I will now need to move one of my accounts. Home or cell to another provider so to mitigate my risk again. I need access to service. I think many people and business will do the same. It is only smart.

Re: Friday’s outage

I'm here a lot

I don’t know what they’re talking about cause I’ve had no service all weekend until today! Pretty Bad! This is worse than last years outage by far! I’m seriously considering finding a new provider!

I have an elderly mom who I check on daily cause she recently had a really bad fall. I couldn’t reach her all weekend cause neither of phones worked.

Re: Friday’s outage

I've been here awhile

It's Monday and there still isn't any internet and TV at both of my addresses in North York and Downtown. Mobile is sporadic but usable.

Re: Friday’s outage

This is now the 4th day when all services are still not operational.  I live in the M2R 3N8 area.  This is unconscionable.  I do not care about the piddly $3 or $5 credit that Rogers has promised, I just NEED ALL services restored 100%.   

Re: Friday’s outage

I don’t know if you read my post? But this is a second time for me! This happened last year, I believe in April? We lost service for a Day! This time was much worse! I had no service from Friday till Monday !

Re: Friday’s outage

I’m SO sorry to hear about your daughter🥲. I was terrified all weekend also not being able to check on my mom. She recently had a bad fall & I call her a through the day to make sure she’s ok! I couldn’t reach her all weekend 😡. So scary!

Re: Friday’s outage

DEFINITELY!!!! I was left all weekend with NO CELL & NO HOUSE PHONE!!! No services at all! But this can’t happen again! I agree! One has to be with a different provider, so at least if one goes down you have a Back up with the other provider!

Re: Friday’s outage

I agree🙄😩 ! 4 Days of No service & they’re offering $5 -10? That’s like a SLAP in the Face!!!

Re: Friday’s outage

My Rogers went down with  everyone else Friday AM.  It has not come back on yet. It's now Monday at 2 PM. (No TV, no internet, no home phone).  My neighbours are back up and I'm not.  The help line has a 3 hour wait time to talk to anyone.  Help !!


Re: Friday’s outage

I've been around
That’s exactly what my tv is doing. Haven’t been able to watch it at all. Every channel. Waited for a chat person and never got anyone

Re: Friday’s outage

On the day of the outage my wife and I happened to be moving two provinces over from BC to SK. The outage was very inconvenient but then escalated to dangerous when we experienced a flat tire on the highway and were unable to call anyone for help. I am on Rogers and my wife is on Fido. For Rogers to seemingly take this outage like it’s a matter of a few days compensation of our bill is a slap in the face. We pay for these services with the expectation that we can rely on them. Because of your negligence Rogers, a simple inconvenience almost turned into a life altering event. I simply can’t trust you anymore and it’s clear you view your customers as commodities, and not as people.

Re: Friday’s outage

Roger's wireless is my only connection with my Mom ,,who is 85 and has Dementia and has declined a lot...I count on my service 100 percent ...I am her only child and I call her at least 4 times a day as she is not able to call me due to not remembering my number due to her Dementia...I worry about her all the time so phone calls are most important for her and myself.....When I could not contact her July 8 at all,,,,it caused my Mom a lot upset and stress as well as it did me...If something had of happened ,,the Care Home couldn't contact me so it was very stressful on me...I find your service unacceptable ,,and a few dollars of  credit doesn't come close to the stress we both suffered...My bill is always paid per my contract with you,,,Roger's  on the other hand ,,you failed your end of the contract when the service was down for so long..I'm only speaking about how important my cell is to me and my connection to my Mom...I had a struggle having to go through no contact with my Mom July 8..All I could do was hope the City Police didn't show up with bad news about my Mom...A fear that I should never have wait for ..I will be searching another provider that I can count on 24/7...because I'm all she has and with her declining ,,I'm at a time where anything can happen to her and I need to know  asap,,,not 18 hours to late...Not happy at all with your service nor the few dollars credit your offering...My Mom is all I have and not having any service ,,just made my day a very upsetting one...

Re: Friday’s outage

I've been around
I just received my August bill for two phones and the credit won’t even feed two people who couldn’t use debit for one day let alone the ‘5 days credit’ that is supposed to satisfy customers. Not cool to leave us in the lurch without emergency access. Now, we could go and get second phones with an alternate provider, but we shouldn’t have to with the proclaimed reliable service and coverage area. And don’t try offering me some great deal to resign my contract because the last one was a scam and not honoured. (Talked to ‘the people’ who would make sure the pricing was corrected’ but it never was AND sent in multiple feedback. I guess we know how important our feedback is to this company. It doesn’t make anything better or acknowledge you at all. I’m glad I have 36 days left on my contract of two phones. We won’t be renewing.

Re: Friday’s outage

I'm here a lot

Rogers doesn't care about us as customers. They only see us as meal tickets. It's never about the customer with big corporations like this. It's only their bottom line that matters and they'll give out as little as possible in the hopes that people will continue using their service.


And don't think Bell or any other company is any better. They all suck.

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