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MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

I've been here awhile

Hi there,

The app has worked well up until this past week. Now it randomly unpauses the devices that I have paused throughout the night (ie the kid's devices), which totally defeats the purpose. Is there a known issue pertaining to this? or an update coming, or even just a troubleshoot because it's getting frustrating.  Thanks.




***Edited Labels***


Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working


Hello @tomgardneruz,


Thanks for being a part of the Rogers Community Forums and congrats on your very first post! 👍


Hmmm, it is super odd that the WiFi pause function would suddenly stop working like that! 🤔 I could not find any reported issues at this time.


Since this is not just a one-time occurrence, I would recommend removing the app from your device and try re-adding it. Once done, please reboot your device and set the bedtime hours once more. Keep a close eye on it for a few days to see if the problem returns. Please share the results once testing is complete!


Thank you,



Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

I did all of that and it is still doing it. Even when I go in and individually pause each device they unpause when someone goes to use them. It is really bizarre. 

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

Hello, @tomgardneruz.


Thank you for reinstalling the app. It's quite intriguing that the devices get resumed on their own. Has been any changes to your network? Like adding another router etc.


We can look into your modem settings to isolate the issue, please send us a private message at @CommunityHelps. You can find details about our private messaging in this blog




Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

I'm here a lot

Mine does this too!! ALL the time. I can’t figure out why and thought my kids figured something out! It definitely defeats the purpose and needs to be fixed! Glad I came to this forum and saw its not only me having this problem.

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

Food for thought for anyone with this issue.  Check the event log in the modem for any recorded events during the night which might indicate a disconnect during the night, even its its for milli-seconds.  It might be only momentary but, that might be enough to reset the modem's clock, which could in theory affect any other functions that are time based. 


The moderators could probably check the CMTS records for any disconnect, but, they would need the modem's MAC address which can be found in the modem's STATUS page, or at the back of the modem.  Send that MAC address along with your account data to the moderators at @CommunityHelps.  That link takes you to their public page when you're logged into the forum.  Further down the page is a link to "send this user a private message".  Follow that link to a message composition page.   Fill in the subject and required details and hit send at the bottom right.  When you're logged into the forum, look for a number overlaying your avatar at the upper right hand corner of the page.  That avatar serves as a link to your profile and message inbox/sent boxes.  Follow the links down to the message inbox to check for a response to your message to @CommunityHelps.


Edit:  Another thought about this function.  Does it force a disconnect of the selected device?  By that I mean that just because a usage time is selected, it might only prevent a user from initiating new connections to an internet site, but, any existing links might stay up and running.  I've run into this before with routers.  So, that's an open question to anyone using the app to enforce usage times. You could test this yourself by selecting your laptop or wifi connected phone.  Select a cut-off time, but, have that device up and running to an internet site before that time to determine if the device does in fact drop off of the net, or if you're only prevented from establishing links to another site after the cut-off time.  When the cut-off time passes, check to determine if the link to the site that you had up and running, is in fact still running by going to another link or page on that site.  That should clearly demonstrate what the app will accomplish.

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

Yes I’ve done all this I’ve called support no one seems to know the problem. I’ve also noticed that I’ve set “bedtime schedules” and even though it says it’s set up it won’t actually turn on at the specified time, every time. Some days works great others not so much. This app has great potential if it worked properly all the time like it should.

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

I've been here awhile

It's not just with the bedtime schedules. It is any time I go in and manually pause a device too. For example: when my teen wouldn't get off her PlayStation when I asked I would go in the app and pause the playstation from wifi so she couldn't access online gaming. This was much easier than going in and physically removing the machine every time I wanted her off. 

This worked perfectly up until recently. Now even when a device is manually paused it seems all they have to do it go in the device and somehow it suddenly is no longer paused. It's like accessing it negates the pause. It's weird and something that just started happening with no new updates or anything across any device, app, or modem.


It's not between certain hours, it is literally every single time throughout any point of the day that this happens.  

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

Hello @MEESEEKS & @tomgardneruz,


We've been mulling over this scenario a bit at our end to figure out what could be causing the random unpausing of your services. We've also reached out to the app development team and they have no other reports of any ongoing issues that would be causing this to happen.


Apparently, the gateway CUSADMIN password is the same as the Wi-Fi password--is it possible that your children have discovered this and are manually going in and resuming the service themselves? I have kids of my own so I know firsthand how savvy they can be when it comes to technology!! 


What you may want to try doing is changing the gateway password to something else that your children would not know and then monitor for a few days to see if the service continues to get randomly unpaused again. 


This is just a shot in the dark right now, so please let us know the results!


Thank you kindly,


Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

No it’s definitely not my kids going and unpausing it. I’ve had it happen right while they’re sitting next to me. I’ve also called and had the password changed 3 times because the password is infact the wifi password which to me is silly because like you said a kid can figure it out and defeats the purpose. That’s a suggestion that should be forwarded to the developers for an update! Make a separate password. But still this app has a mind of its own. I’m sure we’re not the only 2 with issues...we’re just the only ones mentioning it. Tech support is aware as I have called several times to troubleshoot its most certainly not one isolated incident. I would love to know how this is happening, it didn’t originally start doing it from the get go I’d say it’s been the last 2-3 months...getting worse as time goes...

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

Technically yes, this is a possibility that I considered, and one of the first things that I thought too. They wouldn't be accessing it from my phone since it's always on me, locked, and it happens when I have the phone. I've searched their devices to see if they downloaded the app (I have a 14-year-old who is savvy so it was my first thought), and I didn't see it. That doesn't mean anything though since kids are sneaky.


Is there a way to change the username and password on the app so that it isn't the same as the wifi password? I don't want to go in and change the wifi password because it is tied to too many things and having to go in a change the settings for everything would be a pain. Also, the teen would figure it out, so it would defeat the purpose. 


If I could have an app username and password that is totally different than that, that would be a solution to try. I can't see anywhere in the settings to do that though. It just gives me the option to change the wifi password. 

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working



We appreciate the response! 


@MEESEEKS wrote:
No it’s definitely not my kids going and unpausing it. I’ve had it happen right while they’re sitting next to me. I’ve also called and had the password changed 3 times because the password is infact the wifi password which to me is silly because like you said a kid can figure it out and defeats the purpose. 

You mentioned above that you did reach out to have your password changed three times...this should have made the gateway/admin password and the WiFi password different from one another. 


That’s a suggestion that should be forwarded to the developers for an update! Make a separate password. But still this app has a mind of its own. 

To change the password used by the app, you need to change the administrator password of the Gateway. To do so:


  1. Connect to the Gateway Wi-Fi
  2. Go to the web page of the gateway IP (normally )
  3. Enter the administrator credential of the Hitron Gateway
    1. Username: cusadmin
    2. Password: the ADMIN password (same as the APP password)
  4. Go in the Admin tab
  5. Under the Management subtab, you will be able to update their admin password
    1. Enter the old password
    2. Enter the new password twice
    3. Click save

By default, the gateway/admin password and WiFi password are the same initially to help simplify things as customers tend to forget their passwords. However, as explained above, you can change the gateway/admin password to something different if you wish.


I hope this helps!



Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

Hey @tomgardneruz!


Thanks for checking into that for us! 👍


As mentioned in my post above, there is a way to change the admin password for your gateway (which is also what the app uses). Please have a look at the instructions provided and let us know if that helps! 😊


Have a great day!



Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

I've been here awhile

Has this issue been resolved yet? I have the same problems, called into rogers several times. They send me a new modem and still not controlling the devices properly.

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

nope, I’ve even gotten a new modem and it’s still doing it. I was told it’s because the connection from the internet is going off and on and resetting itself. I do believe this to be true,as it’s happened less with the new modem. I just have to keep checking it and fix it if necessary.

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

Hello fellow-Community members!


Regarding this strange issue--if you've already taken steps to rule out any funny business from other family members or your kids (as per posts #9 and #12 of this thread) and the issue still persists, please send us a Private Message @CommunityHelps so we can investigate further!


For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, please CLICK HERE.


Thank you kindly,

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

I've been here awhile

Im having this same issue. Done all that is suggested on this forum. Any updates on how to solve this yet?

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

Only thing that worked for me was getting a new modem, since I got a new one it hasn’t happened once. (Went through 2 new ones) second one I’ve had no issues...first one was confirmed faulty.

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

I've been here awhile

Thanks for letting me know that! I will request a new modem tomorrow😊

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

I've been here awhile

Im still having issues with my app not really pausing ( or my daughter being able to get around it somehow). I have tried everything that has been suggested on this thread. I even chatted online with a Rogers agent (who was quite rude and told me that my daughter was using data on her phone even though its blocked by the carrier). If this doesn’t get resolved soon i will need to switch from Rogers to another ISP. Please let me know my options. Thank you

Re: MyWiFi App - Pause Feature Not Working

I've been here awhile

Same here, I have deleted and re-installed the app several times as per Rogers technician suggestions. Changed modems a few times.
And after setting the bedtime routines it seems to work for a day or two and then it’s all screwed up.
It seems that Rogers is resetting the blocked times or the system just ignores them. I was told by Rogers too that the kids may use cellular data, but all their gadgets are not connected to cellular, we are strictly on wifi. It is annoying especially in this times when I want to control their online time and I can’t because Rogers is good at increasing rates without warning but incapable of managing a simple app. I bet a teenager could put a better app together.

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