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installing a vpn on my modem

I've been here awhile

is it possible to install a vpn (Nordvpn) on my Rogers modem.  I bought a seperate router but seemingly it is not secure enough.   I have it installed on my tvs etc but need it directly into the modem.





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Re: installing a vpn on my modem

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@IreneTempleman  I'm not a staff member, but I can say that you won't be able to install any firmware on the modem.  It looks like this calls for a router running DD-WRT firmware, which is pretty common.  I can't tell if Nordvpn has actually modified the DD-WRT firmware or, if its just the normal DD-WRT with a special config file that will list the Nordvpn servers.  What router did you purchase and have you checked with the DD-WRT site to determine if that router is supported for DD-WRT use?  If it is supported, then its a matter of downloading the appropriate DD-WRT firmware file and loading that onto the router followed by loading the Nordvpn configuration file that you would download from Nordvpn.


Here's the OpenVPN page for DD-WRT




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Re: installing a vpn on my modem

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@IreneTempleman  I'm not a staff member, but I can say that you won't be able to install any firmware on the modem.  It looks like this calls for a router running DD-WRT firmware, which is pretty common.  I can't tell if Nordvpn has actually modified the DD-WRT firmware or, if its just the normal DD-WRT with a special config file that will list the Nordvpn servers.  What router did you purchase and have you checked with the DD-WRT site to determine if that router is supported for DD-WRT use?  If it is supported, then its a matter of downloading the appropriate DD-WRT firmware file and loading that onto the router followed by loading the Nordvpn configuration file that you would download from Nordvpn.


Here's the OpenVPN page for DD-WRT




Re: installing a vpn on my modem

I've been here awhile
Hi, I bought a TP-LINK AC1750 and Nordvpn has instructions for L2TP and PPTP but when I go into my system it said that Rogers uses dynamic. Nord replied to my queryand advised that they recommend everyone upgrade their equipment so that they would be able to use OpenVPN. not a computer geek so some of this is unclear to me...

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

@IreneTempleman are you still within the time window where you can return the TP-Link router?  It looks like this only has passthru settings for L2TP and PPTP.  If I remember this correctly, L2TP only redirects data without using encryption and PPTP is not secure anymore.  So, OpenVPN is required for Nordvpn and this router's firmware doesn't support it.  The Archer series modems don't show up on the DD-WRT supported list, unless those modems also have a normal TP-Link TL-XXXXX number.  DD-WRT firmware supports OpenVPN so that would make it fairly easy if DD-WRT was loaded on the router.  I ran across an Australian post where the poster was using an Archer C9 with DD-WRT loaded, so, it looks like it's probable that the C7 would run DD-WRT.  


My personal opinion, depending on the time window, would be to return the C7 if possible and pick up something like the Asus RT-AC1900P at Best Buy.  That has a Broadcom BCM4709C0 (1.4 GHz, 2 cores) processor while the C7 uses a Qualcomm Atheros QCA9558 (720 MHz), so the 1900P processor runs almost twice as fast as the C7 processor.  I bring this up as you want to run the VPN in the router, and that takes horsepower.  You really want the fastest processor you can buy in a router as the VPN processing will slow the throughput down considerably.  Even with a 1.4 Ghz processor, I expect you to take a hit on the maximum throughput with the VPN running.   


Asus provides built in support for OpenVPN and here is Nordvpn's instructions for setting up the VPN in an Asus router:


In addition to this, you can also load Merlin's Asuswrt firmware on an Asus router depending on which model you have.  The RT-AC68U and RT-AC1900P (successor) is supported.  Merlin's firmware is built on the original Asus stock firmware, with additional enhancements.  One of those enhancements is the ability to run two VPNs thru the router, and, users can select which devices run thru the VPN and which will run through the normal Wide Area Network without using the VPN.  


That can be seen here which shows the settings for VPN server 1;



and here, which shows the individual devices settings for VPN or WAN:




So, hope this helps.  At the end of the day, you could probably load DD-WRT on the C7, but, with a 750 Mhz processor, you will notice the slow data rates. 

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

I've been here awhile

wow, what an amazing and detailed rsponse.  thank you so much and even though it is technical I understand it (well most of it) really appreciate you taking the itme to answer in such a detailed format with graphics to assist me even further.

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

This all hinges on whether or not you can return the TP-Link router and what your budget is for a router purchase.  Its unfortunate that the TP-Link routers, at least this series, don't offer native support for OpenVPN. 


If there is anything that you don't understand, please let me know and I shall endeavour to find a simpler explanation.  If anyone reading this has DD-WRT running on an Archer C7, please chime in. 


Edit:  one last item, Merlin's home page:


           ..... and, you could buy an Asus router that runs a 1.8 Ghz processor, but, that would be pretty expensive.  It all depends on the budget.  Stay away from the Asus RT-AC87U as that can either work, or not work, for some reason.  A good number of users have had nothing but problems with that router, so, I don't recommend it.  


Re: installing a vpn on my modem

I've been around

VPN outside of my Home Network




I recently set up VPN for my household. I setup a connection and everything was working. Still is. However, when I leave my home network and connect to another network, I cannot seem to connect to my VPN. As in it only works on my home network. I have the Hitron CGN3 Router. I have a feeling that it has something to do with the fact that because the computer is registered on my home network, I will only be able to access it while I'm on my home wifi. With VPN, I should be able to access my files without being on my home network.


I was wondering if anything thinks that it's a router issue or an IP Address Issue and how I should deal with it?

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Well i think we need to know/figure out a few things first.

There are really two types/usages for VPNs.

There is setting up a VPN, say for all your data in your home network.  This means that all the data going out is encrypted, going through that one vpn company, makes you appear your coming out from that location, etc.


Now are you using the CGN3 only (no other router), i didnt think you COULD set it up with a VPN for outbound.

Now as for INBOUND.. thats a whole different story.  Technically the same technology.. but your sort of doing it differently.  You would set up your machine as a VPN to receive.  That would mean, when your external, your doing an encrypted connection TO your home.. being able to be then on that internal network, access resources, etc.  But then all your data then appears to come OUT of your home connection.

As far as i am aware, you cant have both things running at the same time.. 
(nor did i think the CNG3 supported either)

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

I've been here awhile

Hitron router configuration for VPN Passthru


Has anyone successfully done an inbound vpn passthru with a Hitron router. I'm trying to terminate a tunnel to a cisco vpn router behind the Hitron. The passthru tab is enabled, but i see no attempts to connect to the cisco behind the Hitron. i don't really want the Hitron in Bridge mode if i don't have to, but not sure what else needs to be configured for the IPSec or PPTP attempt to hit the Cisco


not even sure how to find the users manual for this device. I've never worked on one before




Re: installing a vpn on my modem

Hello @rambling_rebel,


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums! 🙂


I use a VPN connection quite often for work so I know how important it is to ensure your VPN connection is set up properly.


You've definitely come to the right place for your inquiry! We've got several Resident Experts who can shed some light on this for you. I will tag in a few of our Experts to chime in @Datalink@Gdkitty@gp-se.


Thanks for posting and being apart of the Community Forums.



Re: installing a vpn on my modem

Your trying to set up a VPN to connect INWARDS to your internal network?

With the right forwarding, it MAY be possible?  Never seen anyone try it with without being in bridge mode though.. 

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

I've been here awhile

yes, i'm trying to forward either IPSec ports or PPTP ports from the rogers router into MY vpn router...

i have the ports defined in the rogers router to forward to my router, but the packets don't seem to be hitting my cisco. 


i did figure out vpn passthru is an outbound term.


i'd rather not do bridge mode if i can help it, my son is a gamer and i'd rather he not have his traffic pass through my vpn router, so i've got him plugged into the rogers router on one LAN port and my cisco on another LAN port

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

what ports is it trying to use?

many have found that there are some ports which appear RESERVED on the unit in gateway mode.

I wonder if that is whats happening here.

Changing the ports to NON standard, might help?
IE:  If its trying to connect via say 443 (which may be reserved) try a different like 10443.

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

I've been here awhile

Openvpn throttled


i have openvpn with two vpn providers. My problems started during this spring, downloads started to become slower and slower then i said maybe its my vpn provider who is throttling me so i went with PIA as they are known not to throttle and are very fast. throttling still occurs. When i do a speed test i sometimes get over 200mbs but the problem happens immediatelly after the speed test when i do the second or third or when i download or browse the internet, my speeds immediately drop to 10-20mbs in speed tests but in actual world usage its between 5-10mbs. I thought the crtc banned throttling so why am i being throttled? Yes i am experienced a bit and i have tried openvpn through modem with firewall enabled  through modem without firewall (bridge) and computer connected directly to it and openvpn on and also through my router that supports openvpn. Please can someone answer why this is happening? I dont even bother calling tech support because they will immediatelly say its my vpn provider plus i recently switched from 250mbs to 1gbps hoping that the vpn issue didnt.

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

I dont think its throttling in my opinion.


I also have PIA, and when in use, the speed tests are much slower than compared to the connection just on its own.

BUT.. thats also to possibly be expected.



Take a comparison of speed tests on  
Do your standard speedtest of a LOCAL one.
Now take one on a different providers local.
Start choosing locations father away.

All of the sudden your speed starts dropping more and more you move away, or even just to a different provider locally.

As you do these, the routing changes.. and potentially takes much longer/more hops for the data to travel.
And the speed slowing down.

Going through a VPN.. could be increasing the distance/number of hops for the speed tests.
IE: If your choosing LOCAL speed test.. but using the VPN.. it could be going from here.. to a location much father away, then back, etc.

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

I've been here awhile

when i first got pia i was reaching 500-600mbs constantly. now i hover around 700kb to 1mb . i use toronto servers or montreal. there is throtling somewhere its either rogers or pia. most likelly roger because i had a vpn service provider before and still have him and the same issue. so rogers. this started happening this spring. and i al;so have to make a correction when i first made the post i got do speed tests at around 200mbs now its 10-15 mbs!!!! i am not joking or anithing like that i am gonna try reaching pia maybe they throttle me.

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

I've been here awhile

Rogers is definitely messing with VPN connections. A torrent download of ubuntu should receieve 2+MB/s but its stuck at 500kB/s. Add another or three and the overall speed is magically still 500kB/s.


Without VPN can max my 100u connection easily.


Rogers, hands off our internet!

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

I'm an advisor

@mrhexen wrote:

Rogers is definitely messing with VPN connections. A torrent download of ubuntu should receieve 2+MB/s but its stuck at 500kB/s. Add another or three and the overall speed is magically still 500kB/s.


Without VPN can max my 100u connection easily.


Rogers, hands off our internet!

that would be against the rules in Canada, I highly doubt Rogers would take that risk. 

Re: installing a vpn on my modem

I'm a senior contributor

I would like to setup a open VPN or other connection directly on the Hitron CODA-4582 modem.  Could someone please tell me how to do this?



Re: installing a vpn on my modem

@Alex4161 sorry but you can't load any other firmware or software on the modem.  Applications such as OpenVPN clients have to run on a router or pc, so you would have to kick the modem into Bridge mode and use a router which runs OpenVPN, or leave the modem in Gateway mode and run OpenVPN on a pc.  Since OpenVPN is a single thread application, it will only run as fast as the host processor allows.  Multi-core and threaded processors will only run one core for OpenVPN.  


In order to obtain the highest performance out of OpenVPN, or any other VPN application, you need to use a processor that has hardware encryption and that runs AES-NI (Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions).  


Here's an online article that may be of interest:


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