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Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

I plan to stick around

My wifi on my pc with/without ethernet is super slow im averaging over 50 ping on games and it randomly spikes up. Also theres some pros and cons with using ethernet and without con of using ethernet for me its that the download speed are super slow  but a little decent ping like 40 and not using no ethernet gives me more download speeds but inconsistent ping in games and other stuff i need help please.


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Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

I plan to stick around

Do i have to contact rogers to control my wifi?

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

@Leo123321 I really don't know if the first line tech support or the moderators can override Rogers backend control over the modem functions.  Only way to find out is to call tech support or send a message to the moderators asking them to release the wifi controls so that you can modify them at will, or, at the very least, set the 5 Ghz network to use channel 149 with the Bandwidth set to 80 Mhz.  


@CommunityHelps is the group address for the moderators here on the Rogers Forum. When you're logged into the forum, follow this link to the @CommunityHelps page. On that page will be a link on the right hand side to Send a Message. Follow that link to the message composition page. The address will fill in automatically. Fill in the subject and details, including your account number and when the message is complete, hit Send Message at the bottom.


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To send anyone else on the forum a message, including @CommunityHelps, hover your mouse over their user name and a popup will appear with a link to send a Private Message. Follow that Private Message link to the message composition page and as before the message addressee will fill in automatically. Fill in the subject and details and hit Send Message when you're ready to send the message.

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

I plan to stick around

I messaged them I'll let you know when they respond to me.

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

I plan to stick around

I looked into this more and more people are struggling with this issue and rogers isnt allowing them to switch or something i also contacted one of the moderators and he said he cant change it.

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

I plan to stick around

ok i just spoke with rogers and its actually not even possible to control my own wifi.  i am getting 20 mbps download speed with lan and they just repeating themselves and saying its my pcs fault.

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

I plan to stick around

wifi bad .png

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Let me see if I have the situation correct.  I have done a cursory re-read of previous posts.


1. You have tested the Rogers gateway with the Home Connect app and it shows that you have at least 1.5 Gbps speed - actually closer to 1.8?  This test must be conducted when nothing else is using the gateway - like other devices or computers or TV boxes, etc..


2. You have tested with other devices and the speed on those is OK?  Can you run a test using a phone or tablet placed close to the Gateway and advise what WiFi speed you get?  If you have more than one device, you can run a speedtest on them simultaneously and see what you get - for example 500 Mbps on a phone 500 on a tablet, 500 on your brother's PC, etc.  This would confirm the 1.5 Gbps connection


3. The problem PC is not directly wired via an Ethernet cable to the Gateway? 


4. You mention that your Brother's PC gets 500 Mbps.


5. If all of the above are correct, then this points to an issue with your PC and requires more troubleshooting on that front since it's not a Rogers issue.


6. If possible, provide the makes and model numbers of the various devices you have used for the testing and what speeds you get on each and how each is connected - WiFi or Ethernet cable.

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

The slow ethernet speeds make sense as you're using powerline adapters in an apartment.  You might have better success if you were in a house, but, I wouldn't guarantee that.  So that leaves wifi as your only real option, and with that there are a few challanges:


1.  Rogers is restricting your modem to the low power channels, which results in reduced operating range and data rates.  

2.  You're using a wifi adapter where the antenna sit behind the pc.  If the pc is blocking the direct path from the antenna to the modem, that's also a problem

3.  Your room is some distance from the modem location.

4.  There may be an issue where Windows 11 is running the connected network as a public network instead of a private network.


So, solutions:


1.  Buy a good router which gives you full control over all of the wifi settings

2.  Buy a wifi adapter where the antenna sit on a separate base, so that the antenna are not shielded by the pc or nearby furniture.  You may have to go as far as buying a router and running it in a media bridge mode.

3.  That's not going to change.

4.  Needs more research.


Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

I plan to stick around

1. yes i was the only ones using a device when i tested it and yes i was getting around 1.8 gbps on my phone not on my pc.

2.yes all of the devices are getting very good download speeds expect for my pc.

3.nope its not but i might buy a lan cable to do so but for downloading stuff i tend to use without lan cable because i get around 100 mbps but still isnt good but better than 20mbps with lan.

4.yes and he uses a normal lan cable probably cat6 or something.

5.ive done everything by deleteing my wifi cards drivers, installing new ones, updating, changing settings, ive tried everything but nothing seems to work also forgot to mention but when i was with comwave i was getting more mbps with the lan cable im using like around 150 mbps.

6.2 iphone 15, 1 phone 13 (my phone) , 2 computers i dont know my brother specs but i can provide mine if wanted. and a iphone 12, a ipad, and a macbook.

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

I plan to stick around

Yes im aware that it might be my powerline but the wifi should'nt be slow without it too im going to send a screenshot of the test WITHOUT the lan cable on.

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Datalink wrote:

The slow ethernet speeds make sense as you're using powerline adapters in an apartment.  

Agreed.  I have Powerline Adaptors running from my second floor to the basement of my home and I get about 100 Mbps on that. My adaptors have Ethernet connections at both ends and the far end has WiFi as well. The speed is the same with Ethernet or WiFi at the far end.  It's adequate for what I use it for, which is an IgniteTV box, which only requires about 25 Mbps - even for 4K and for my MacBook Air 2020, which I use to stream YouTube videos - mostly HD and I get no stuttering.


@Leo123321 Is it possible to plug the Powerline adaptors into different electrical circuits in each of the rooms to see if you get any improvement that way?  You may need to experiment at each end.

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

I plan to stick around

wifi bad 2.png

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

I plan to stick around

do you see the pickle im in. I get better download speeds but bad ping in game without lan cable. and with lancable i get lower ping with lower download speed.

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

I plan to stick around

I decided to just install a ethernet cable and now im getting 900 mbps download speed thank you guys for helping tho.

Re: Wifi is so slow on pc compared to phone.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Datalink wrote:

No doubt there are issues afoot in this case.  But, there are also numerous posts in the forum where apartment MDU's and cabling are in terrible shape and can't support the data rates that customers are paying for. 

I don't recall numerous posts that had that as the cause. Outside of when work is being performed in the area, I don't recall more than one or two such threads in the years I've been on the forum.   There are certainly many, many threads where slow speeds are discussed.


Now that we can access the speed at the modem via the Home Connect app, that should rule out Rogers when the test comes back OK and we can then concentrate on the customer's equipment/setup, which is almost always the cause of the slower than expected speed. (as was the case here).  I'm glad that @Leo123321 got his issue resolved.  Obviously the 900-940 Mbps is the limit of the (1 Gbps) card in the PC (after overhead), which is also often the case when people mention not getting 1.5 Gbps.


The following link can therefore almost always be the first in the "checklist" when someone sees lower than expected speeds. (I have it bookmarked)

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