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Stable Rogers DNS IP Addresses

I plan to stick around
What are some of the DNS IP Addresses used for Rogers internet? Especially since I'm now on gigabit internet.

I've been using the below ip addresses for a few years and have from time to time had issues with slow websites and buffering. I've used these IPs with Rogers and Fido.

202 seems to have a lot of packet loss just pinging for 10 minutes and since I have moved to Google DNS, but would like to stick to Rogers DNS or use it at the very least as a backup.

Re: Stable Rogers DNS IP Addresses

I'm an advisor

Hello @JonSnow88,

Not sure about current Rogers DNS (CODA-4582 does not display them in the GUI), but I am using Google DNS ( and on my primary computer with no issues. 

Re: Stable Rogers DNS IP Addresses

I'm an advisor

@JonSnow88 wrote:
What are some of the DNS IP Addresses used for Rogers internet? Especially since I'm now on gigabit internet.

I've been using the below ip addresses for a few years and have from time to time had issues with slow websites and buffering. I've used these IPs with Rogers and Fido.

202 seems to have a lot of packet loss just pinging for 10 minutes and since I have moved to Google DNS, but would like to stick to Rogers DNS or use it at the very least as a backup.

If you are using the Hitron Modem then I just set DNS to AUTO in the web GUI of the modem. 

I've had no issues with the Rogers DNS servers in the last couple of years. 

You can download a program called "DNS BENCH" to benchmark local DNS servers, but it's always showed Rogers as the fastest for my connection. 


Re: Stable Rogers DNS IP Addresses

I plan to stick around
I am using the white CODA modem but in bridge mode and wanted to know what ip addresses the CODA modem defaults to so I can set the same on my router.

I know I can use google DNS but prefer to use Rogers DNS instead.

Re: Stable Rogers DNS IP Addresses

Rogers IPV4 DNS:


Primary IPv6 DNS:



Secondary IPv6 DNS:



If you don't set the DNS addresses in the router or in your pc/laptop/mobile device, then the router will use the Rogers DNS addresses as supplied by the CMTS.  The connected devices will then use those same addresses.  So, you really don't have to do anything unless you want to use another DNS such as Google, OpenDNS, Quad9, etc.  


Just to note, from Ottawa, there is a difference in response times for the IPV4 Domain Name Servers. provides a response of about 15 ms, while the response time is about 30 ms.  If you want to clock the response times, so that you know which one is faster from your location, take a look at the following post:


You can run Dns Monitor to check the IPV4 DNS response times over a period of time, and plot them with Wireshark if you're interested. 

Re: Stable Rogers DNS IP Addresses

I've been around # # # # # # #

use ping and tracert in command prompt to see if there are any errors or timeouts or packet lose if there is any thing wrong even high pings i would try another one timeouts and errors mean linkdead you will get dropped and lose connection extremely bad for gaming

nothing seems to support ipv6 so ipv6 is kind of irrelevant and rogers ipv6 is linkdead almost all year long so i would not worry much about ipv6

slow web site buffering is only dns when there are errors timeouts or extremely high pings chances are it is just the rogers service including rogers dns ping and tracert results may vary by location i timeout on almost all of rogers dns servers with the fastest internet service package rogers offers

this is just a comparison of other free dns providers
because there is no reason to stick with a service that never works

there is no reason to stick with rogers dns beside providing rogers with telemetry information and data for rogers to sell for profit like bell canada does

i never tried any of those rogers dns providers

i do not know of any information on what security features or benefits if any rogers dns would provide likely none or rogers would be advertising it in some way shape or form there is not even a knowledge base with information about rogers dns

all links and information is provided as is without warranty liability
Why have a signature section in roger forums if they are none functional
how rogers maintains internet service

Re: Stable Rogers DNS IP Addresses

Are there up to date DNS server addresses for IPV6?  

Re: Stable Rogers DNS IP Addresses

@jasonreg the DNS addresses listed above should still be valid:


Rogers IPV4 DNS:


Primary IPv6 DNS:



Secondary IPv6 DNS:



I don't run IPV6 so, can't state whether or not they are running.  If you're using IPV6 you should be able to ping those addresses to see if they respond and if you're using a router, enter those address, reboot the router and run an IPV6 test to see if they're working as expected.  


Personal opinion, I'd use a Domain Name Server other than Rogers, perhaps CIRA DNS addresses. 

Re: Stable Rogers DNS IP Addresses

I've been here awhile

I use quad9. It is suppose to filter out malware.

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