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Rogers Whole Home Wireless Mesh Network - When is this being rolled out?

I'm a senior contributor

I was reading an article that Bell has setup this service and was wondering when Rogers will come out with something similar:




Re: Rogers Whole Home Wireless Mesh Network - When is this being rolled out?



Hello, @Alex4161


I appreciate your interest in the WiFi mesh network. At the moment, we are unable to comment on the product/service which has not announced yet. We will definitely share with the Community when the information becomes available. 





Re: Rogers Whole Home Wireless Mesh Network - When is this being rolled out?

hopefully soon we always have spots that wifi sucks even when boosted or upgraded to the max. very frustrating we pay a lot of money every month

Re: Rogers Whole Home Wireless Mesh Network - When is this being rolled out?

I'm a senior contributor

It looks like Rogers has introduced exactly what I was talking about:


According to Mobilesyrup, this is based on the Eero Gen 2 system:


How good is it?  According to this review, it is average:


Keep in mind that there is no standard for mesh systems.  This means that some devices play nice while others can be a pain.  

Re: Rogers Whole Home Wireless Mesh Network - When is this being rolled out?

I actually have this setup.
It is actually included in the new Ignite TV / internet service.
(compared it looks like its a $10+/m rate to have them support it on the other, I would assume the basic $10 would give the base unit and 1 other hub, and each additional is $4/m.   Vs I have the main unit and 2 other units, and are all included).

Overall, seems to work for me.
Coverage wise, seems to work well.   
Do I get the max speeds for my plan across all of them?  No. But expecting that without having a ton of these units at all the most optimal locations.. even then you would loose some speed with overheads.
But still better than when I had a router central on the main floor.

Management for them is via a phone app.
What is nice, I can see at a glance which devices are all connected wireless, and which exact unit they are connected to.

 Are they perfect? No.
But all in all, I would say compared to the average joe's setup, who ONLY has the ISPs provided modem, usually in the basement, etc.. that this is going to be 10x better for them.

Re: Rogers Whole Home Wireless Mesh Network - When is this being rolled out?

This system is a Radio Frequency Interference Nightmare! If you have any other wire,ess services in your home or listen to Any kind of AM broadcast radio ( hockey/baseball games etc) be prepared for losing those things! We have had to pay a HUGE amout of money to are alarm comapny to try to solve the false alarms being caused FROM THE HOUR we had Rogers Ignite wireless hub and pods hooked up! Also everyradio in the house now has digital hash on all the stations except the very strongest locals...thats down to 3 staions from 15-20 !


we are are group home and this has  been a complete EXPENSIVE fix- which still hasnot been solved- becuse the fire and burgaler alarm systems are getting tripped by the new Rogers Wireless and pods! We had to pay double time service call fees from the alarm company as an emergency call...and they still cant stop the problem!


We want are old wired CAT system back! Also the new Rogers wireless cable modem also goes off and is a pain to deal,with....i have no,idea how Rogers or the Candaian Radio Authory can allow a system that interefers with so many other existg sytems ...and why WE have to pay to have it fixed?

do NOT go with this sytem!....your opening yourslef feom cmaplaints from nieghbours, other alarm users and AM radio listeners in your area.....and it is YOUR dutynto stopinterfering with them accorindnto the radio act...this systme is a nightmare!



Re: Rogers Whole Home Wireless Mesh Network - When is this being rolled out?

I am assuming these are the little wireless pods?

Maybe see if rogers is able to provide the EERO ones instead?  
I am using these ones (which were what they used before the smaller pods) and havent noticed any interference.


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