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Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem

I've been here awhile

I have purchased Rogers Internet a month ago, and it has never proved a stable internet service. I have had 4 technicians come to my suite on separate occasions, and none of them have been able to fix the issue. The most recent technician said it was an area issue, and that it was actually fixed the day prior, but he still wanted to come to my suite to let me know in person, rather than cancel the appointment. I initially thought “great, he took the time out of his day to still come by my place to let me know the issue has been resolved!”. The problem is, the issue is not resolved. My internet will drop upwards of 6-7 times a day, and it’s getting very frustrating. The last support agent I spoke with told me to that my only option at this point is to post my problem here on this forum. I’m just trying to get some proper help, and it’s crazy how difficult it seems to get that help.


*Added Labels*


Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem


Good afternoon @Luke1996


Welcome to the Community Forums and congrats on your first post!


Having that many technicians out within the first month of getting your service is not a good start. Thank your patience.


Are all of your devices disconnecting at the same time when it drops? When the internet drops out, do you notice if the @ light on your modem is going off completely or flashing?


Looking forward to your reply so we can get your internet stable


Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem

I've been here awhile
Yes all my devices lose internet connections at the same time, and yes the @ sign shuts off when my internet drops, along with the two blue lights. This is also my 2nd modem within a month, as I was recommend I go switch the 1st modem I had for a new one. The same problem is still occurring with my 2nd modem.

Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem

Thank you, I would recommend giving us a shout in PM. We'll need to gather your account details and look into the problem further by running some diagnostics on your connection and area.


Please send a Private Message to @CommunityHelps. If you are not familiar with our Private Messaging system, please Click Here.




Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem

I'm a reliable contributor

We just got a Rocket modem so I sure hope this isn't a common problem.

Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem

I'm a reliable contributor

We just got a new Rocket Modem. Prior to its installation I had no problem connecting to the internet. Now every so often I am confronted by a warning message:Warning.jpg

So is this a problem with the ASUS Router or the Rocket modem? If it is the router, and it's not that old, how do we fix this? This laptop is an older model (2013) and a newer machine is not experiencing this problem.

Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Cap07 I'll see that warning occasionally if I'm playing around with the modem or router and trying to access the modem thru the router where the router hasn't received its IP address.  If I modify the router's MAC address and the CMTS isn't happy with that particular MAC address, it won't assign an IP address to the router, and I'll see a warning similar to what you have posted.  I wouldn't normally see those warnings in day to day use.  


How are you connecting the router to the modem?  Thru a short commercially produced Cat 5e or Cat 6 cable, or thru house ethernet?


Are you running stock firmware on the router, or Merlin's Asuswrt?


What modem did you have previously? 


Just to point out, I've run Asus routers with the CGN3, CGN3ACSMR, CGNM-3552 and CODA-4582 and never had any issues.  The modem was configured for Bridge mode normally and occasionally in Gateway mode for test purposes.  

Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem

I'm a reliable contributor

My daughter is way more tech savvy than I am. She went into the router and found that the two PCs having problems were on a blocked access list. She thinks this may have something to do with a recent firmware upgrade, because the two PCs weren't on there before.


Hoping this solves the problem.....

Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Personally I wouldn't suspect any problems from the Windows 7 pc's even though Windows 7 is long in the tooth, so to speak.  With the router sitting between the modem and the Windows 7 pc's I definitely wouldn't suspect anything.  Is the modem running in Bridge mode with the router running in full router mode?  


Can you:

1.  Have a look at the back of the modem, specifically the product sticker and let me know what model of CGN3xxx modem you have?  There are several CGN3xxx modem models.

2.  Again at the back of the modem, confirm that the connected port LED is flashing amber, indicating a 1 Gb/s connect rate with the router.

3.  Log into the modem and have a look at the Software (firmware) version that is loaded on the modem.  


If you know that the modem has received a newer firmware version recently, reboot / restart the modem.  Pull the power from the modem, wait for 10 to 15 seconds and plug it back in to force a restart.  Even though the firmware update includes a tail end reboot, I've always found that a factory reset, or at minimum a reboot / restart is required in order for the modem to operate as its expected to after an update. 


Fwiw, the list of firmware updates for the modem models can be seen here:


Whenever you have time, can you drill down into the Device Manager on the two Windows 7 pc's and have a look to see if the ethernet adapters are Realtek adapters? We've seen issues with Realteck adapters in the past, but, I wouldn't expect any in your situation with the router connected to the modem and the pc's connected to the router. So, just curious at this point. 


Now, I wouldn't rule out issues with the higher data rate.  What were you running previously and what do you have now in terms of the internet plan data rates?  If there's a huge leap, perhaps it simply comes down to whats behind the ethernet port, that is to say, processor type and speed, memory onboard, hard drive speed, etc, etc.  Essentially everything that really determines just how fast a motherboard will handle incoming and outgoing data. 


When you run a speedtest using the Rogers Toronto server, what do you get with the Windows 7 pc's versus the Windows 10 pc?  


@Cap07 have a look at the following post:


I had to set one pc recently as follows:


netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=experimental


After doing that, the Windows 10 pc returned to 900+ Mb/s on the download tests.


Here's the Microsoft reference page for this setting;


Fwiw, you could play with that setting on the Windows 7 pc's just to see if it will make any difference in the datarates, and kill that error as well, if the router setting change hasn't had the desired effect. 

Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem

I've been here awhile
Same issue. My wifi disconnects from my devices 6 or 10 times a day!

Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem

I've been here awhile
We have the same issue. It got worse when we "upgraded" to Ignite.

Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem

I've been around
I'm getting pretty fed up with Rogers. I was warned but didn't listen to my friends. Wifi is constantly turning on an off and on an off and on and off........been like this for months. Just to give you an idea of how often this data on my phone has reached 10 gigs in 8 days.

Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem

@brulivia83 do you run any devices via ethernet and if so, are they also dropping off-line?  If so, then you might have a cable signal issue, not a wifi problem.  What modem are you using:


1.  a black rectangular modem (Hitron CGN3xxxx model as seen by the product sticker at the back of the modem); or

2.  a white Hitron CODA-4582 modem which is the latest Hitron modem that Rogers uses; or

3.  the new XB6 modem that accompanies the new Ignite TV service.  The product sticker is on the bottom of the modem.


If you have the black or white Hitron modem, when you have time, can you log into the modem, navigate to the STATUS ... DOCSIS WAN tab and select or highlight the entire signal table, from the Downstream Overview line at the top of the table, all the way down to the very bottom of the table.  Select that entire table, right click .... copy.  Then start a new post, right click .... Paste.  That pasted in table should look like the table in the modem. Here's an example of what the table looks like for the white CODA-4582 modem.


The user interface is the same for both the black and white Hitron modems, with minor changes for the advanced capabilities built into specific modem models. 


For the wifi, while you're logged into the modem have a look at your wifi parameters and change them to the following:


2.4 Ghz wifi parameters:


Wireless Mode: 802.11 n 
Channel Bandwidth: 20/40 Mhz.  In a crowded wifi environment, I would set this for 20 Mhz.  It will default to 20 Mhz in a crowded environment.
Wireless channel: 1, 6 or 11  Set this to one of those channels that offers the least interference from neighbouring routers and modems as seen with a wifi monitoring application listed below.  Do you happen to have a laptop wifi monitoring application available?
WPS Enabled: OFF
Security Mode: WPA-Personal
Auth Mode: WPA2-PSK
Encrypt Mode: AES only


Check/set the following 5 Ghz wifi parameters:


Wireless Mode: 802.11 a/n/ac mixed
Channel Bandwidth: 80 Mhz
Wireless channel: 149 to 165     Use this higher channel range as it runs higher transmit power levels.
WPS Enabled: OFF
Security Mode: WPA-Personal
Auth Mode: WPA2-PSK
Encrypt Mode: AES only


If you had to change any parameters, reboot your router after the changes have been saved, ADMIN .... DEVICE RESET .... Reboot.

Re: Persistent dropped Internet signal on Rogers Rocket Modem



I have the Hitron CODA-4582 Rogers modem and am experiencing the same issues with disconnects/speed drops.  I as well have multiple wifi signal drops throughout the day but can only measure so much as I am at work most of the time.

In addition to the modem deciding to soft boot itself over & over, the wireless signal is jumping from 300mg's down to less than 10mg's down in a matter of seconds.  (This is normal as per the Roger's Help Desk).  in my eyes, that's an awful lot of wireless interference.  Did a truck load of steel just land on my roof?  Why is it always the download stream with all the interference when the upload speed is always around the same 15mg's no matter how much steel they dropped off?

When getting in touch with Rogers, half of the service desk people say there is a problem with the line...  We then go through getting a tech to my residence.  The last time a tech came, he put a connector (Looks like an F81) on the modem and said this should fix my drops and speed issue....

Guess what?  Problem not fixed.  That connector did absolutely nothing.

The other half of the online service techs say the line is fine and testing like it should, what??????

I have tried everything in these forums as well as many other forums to try and get a steady half decent wireless signal to no avail.  I have changed channels, relocated the modem a hundred times (I am in a small condo) Some times the speed is perfect, other times a total waste of time & money!

I will be swapping out my modem in a last effort to help my wireless, this I imagine will do nothing.

We shouldn't have to by another wireless router because the signal on the Rogers modem are junk.






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