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Neighbourhood congestion (possible node issue)

I've been here awhile



Firstly, thank you to those who continue active discussions; google does find you and, in turn, has helped me with my technical issues (well some of them).


I am affected by internet download speed going to single digits about 7pm EST until at least 11:30pm; during the day, I have very few issues;


I was with a cable reseller ( in London ON) and they tried.  After many hours of troubleshooting, I ended up with two modems (tc4400 and tc4350) and have been using a linksys AC router (about 6 months or less);


I have tested my wifi at home using wavecom (linux tool) to rule out specific channel frequencies;

I have done copious amounts of ping tests and traceroutes to appease those on the other end doing their job.


today, I have received the ignite wifi gen 2 modem and have jumped to to turn off wi-fi and move to bridge mode (read a lot about the broadcom SOCs having a pile of jitter causing latency);


I have recently received glorious speeds with a ping from 10 to 58 ms; download speeds of 6.94 to 8.05 Mbps and upload speed of 13 to 14.60  - I have selected the rogers 150/15 cable plan


Tonight, spotify has blipped 3 or 4 times per song since about 7:30pm ET tonight.


There have been others reported they needed to do 19 calls; I am up for a challenge. Any info that anyone wishes to share so I can sound smart while I work my way to customer cares?


As a fun note: I am trying to educate myself on gen 2 modem logs - I am not sure what option 82 and option 24 are. Also it looks like there have been a few retries (I plugged in the new modem this morning at about 1130ish AM ET). Sorry, this text format is ugly ; 


DHCPv6[12083]: 72001002-DHCPv6 Provision - Completed
2022/5/25 21:30:20 Informational

DHCPv6[12083]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82
2022/5/25 21:30:17 Critical

DHCPv6[12083]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82
2022/5/25 21:30:17 Critical

DHCPv6[12083]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24
2022/5/25 21:30:17 Critical

DHCPv6[12083]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24
2022/5/25 21:30:17 Critical

DHCPv6[12083]: 72001004-DHCPv6 Provision - 2 Retries Attempted with Last attempt at Thu May 26 02:30:15 2022
2022/5/25 21:30:17 Critical

DHCPv6[12083]: 72001004-DHCPv6 Provision - 0 Retries Attempted with Last attempt at Thu May 26 02:30:17 2022
2022/5/25 21:30:17 Critical

DHCPv6[12083]: 72001004-DHCPv6 Provision - 1 Retries Attempted with Last attempt at Thu May 26 02:30:14 2022
2022/5/25 21:30:15 Critical

DHCPv4[11186]: 72001001-DHCPv4 Provision - Completed
2022/5/25 21:30:13 Informational

DHCPv4[11186]: 72001008-DHCPv4 - No Offer or Ack Received 1 times
2022/5/25 21:30:10 Critical

eRouterEvents[11149]: 72003004-eRouter enabled as Dual Stack
2022/5/25 21:30:03 Informational

[Harvester][2747]: Harvester StartRadioTrafficHarvesting Starting Thread to start RadioTraffic Data Harvesting
2022/5/25 21:29:48 Notice

[Harvester][2747]: Harvester StartAssociatedDeviceHarvesting : Started Thread to start DeviceData Harvesting
2022/5/25 21:29:48 Notice


P.S. When the Ignite Gen 2 modem is taking full advantage of the speed (signal?) the performance is pretty solid so far. Sadly, I am under-utilizing this technology with bridge mode; c'est la vie.


Any knowledge or kind assistance is greatly appreciated!


Will be happy to return the kindness to the community with follow-ups within this thread.




***Edited Labels***


Re: Neighbourhood congestion (possible node issue)


Hello, @radiopipes.


Thank you for your detailed post, and welcome to our Community! We're thrilled that some of your tech issues were resolved by following the active discussions. 


The reduction of download speed to a single digit at certain hours of the day can be inconvenient. Is it a daily occurrence? 


Have you tested the speed on a wired computer during those hours? 


You can bypass your router, unbridge the modem and send us a private message at the time of speed degradation so we can run a few diagnostics. You can find details about our private messaging in this blog




Re: Neighbourhood congestion (possible node issue)

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

You mentioned you checked signal?   When did you check them?
It might be worth collecting data from a GOOD time, when your getting full speeds.
And then again when your getting the speed drops.

I had an issue, probably had to be a good 6+ years ago now if not longer?  Every night, sometime after 6pm to like 10.. had some major TV issues (on digital cable), some internet drops, etc.  Every other time was fine.

My initial thought was congestion as well.  That time of day, most people on, maybe it was just an overloaded node.   But they did tests, and it was not that.

What it ended up being, was that there was a cabling issue, not to the house directly, but on the street somewhere.  
Under a normal light load, the signals were fine.  But as that 'pipe' filled up, more active connection going through it.. whatever was wrong, it couldnt handle it and there was a signal drop.
Post them fixing it.. really  havent had a signal issue since.

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