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Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

I plan to stick around

I was offered a rogers package and I wont get into the sale technique used, but anyway I received the CGM4331COM modem on a Ignite 1500mbps package. I have a rather complicated home network with about 6 computers and a file server that are all wired to a TP-Link AX6600 router and a 2.5GB switch. My old cable modem was just a dumb bridge. With this new modem/router combo I can't surpass 850mbps over wifi or wired, apparently the 4th port is 2.5gbps and I wire it with a new cat6 into the 2.5gb port on my router and I can only hit about 700mbps wired or wifi, if I wire directly to the modem not using bridge mode I get slightly higher speeds, but I can never get above 850mbps, 
I can transfer files between systems at full speeds and the modem and router both show they are negotiating at 2500mbps but I can't achieve internet speeds above 850mbps and speeds always drop in bridge mode. 

Any ideas? I can see others seem to have similar issues with the 2.5g port being slower than the 1g ports 


***Added Labels*** 


Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@otakunorth  I have never seen any situations where the 2.5 Gigabit port is slower than the 1 Gigabit ports.


I don't know how fast your TP-Link router can actually transfer data internally, or if you have any features enabled (e.g. QoS) that significantly slow down packet processing.  Also, what kind of computer (hardware and operating system) are you using to perform your speed tests?


Do you have a fast-enough computer computer with either a 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet or a 10 Gigabit Ethernet adapter?  An internal adapter, not a USB adapter?  If so, I would recommend disabling Bridge Mode on your XB7 gateway and connecting that computer to the 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet port, then perform a speed test.  With the 1.5 Gigabit service, you should be able to attain speeds approaching 2 Gb/s.


If you only have computers with a 1 Gigabit Ethernet adapter, your transfer speeds will max out at 940 Mb/s, regardless of which port you connect to.

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

I plan to stick around

As I said I can verify the network via internal transfer. The TPlink AX90 AX6600 is a beast and I have been using it for a year with slower internet up until now nd using it's 2.5g port for internal transfer. 
There are a few threads where others are having the same issue

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

I plan to stick around

Even wired directly the best speeds I can achieve are only about 900mbps, I contacted rogers and they said they refused to support the system in bridge mode. but I have tested in normal mode and only get slightly higher speeds, not sure what is up, I assume the auto-negotiator on the modem sucks. 

edit, just for clarification I have a laptop with new wifi 6 that can hit over gigabit speeds and both my gaming computer and home server have modern 2.5g network adapters all over cat6 (I also have a background in networking) 

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

@otakunorth is the router connected using the 2.5 Gb/s port, and is the WAN setting, as shown on page 14 of the user manual set to the 2.5 Gb/s port?   Here's the link to the web page for the router:


Have a look at page 14 of the user manual which shows the WAN port setting. 


From the user manual page 5 comes the following:


The 2.5 Gbps WAN/LAN port and 1 Gbps WAN/LAN port cannot be used as the WAN port at the same time. If you choose to use 2.5 Gbps WAN/LAN port as the WAN port for internet service, the 1 Gbps WAN/LAN port will be used as LAN port by default. It’s recommended to use 2.5 Gbps WAN/LAN port as the WAN port.



Are you running IPV6 and if so, is it set up properly for Rogers Native IPV6?

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

I'm a reliable contributor

I can confirm on my end using the XB7 with eero Pro 6e I see wired speeds average over 900mbps and on wifi with my S20 Ultra 5G between 500-600mbps. With my Lenovo X1 Carbon I can see between 800 to just over 900mbps on its wifi 6e adapter. 


You will never max out 1gb on any ISP connection. If your looking for faster speeds you would be required to have faster ISP package, switch and router. I can confirm that, YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, gaming, etc. don't load any faster once you past that 500mbps service. I know it's fun to have faster speeds but at a certain point if the other side of the connection is fast, your speed is bottlenecked from that other side. 

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

I plan to stick around

Yes, it has that setting in 2 spots. I have tried both auto negation and forcing 2500mbps on the router, both the modem and the router are showing as running 2500mbps, (as well as my unraid server I am testing on) but t's always slower on the 2.5g port for some reason 

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

I plan to stick around

is there anyway to test the speed between the modem and router? not the isp internet speed but raw packet speed in mbps? 
edit: looks like others with the same modem and 2.5g routers are having the same issue, faster on 1g 

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

I plan to stick around

Yes, all that is setup correctly except for ipv6 will give it a shot

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

You would have to be able to upload / download a known file size to / from the router, which you can't do due to the modem's access restrictions.  If you could, you would simply watch the transfer rate to see what the 2.5 Gb/s interface is actually capable of running.  


So, here's a related comment.  Your router, like many others only has one 2.5 Gb/s port.  All of the other ports are 1 Gb/s, so the router is a bottleneck, when it comes to higher internet speeds.  You have it connected to a 2.5 Gb/s switch, so your internal "switch connected" transfer rates are higher, but, with a single 2.5 Gb/s port, you have to make a decision, use that port to connect the router to the modem and only see effectively 940 Mb/s max data rate out of the rest of the router ports, and higher data rates via wifi, or, use the routers 1 Gb/s port as the WAN port which keeps the internet data rates to about 940 Mb/s, and use the 2.5 Gb/s port to connect to the switch, so that you have high data rate access via wifi, to anything connected to the switch. 


Have you connected one of the 2.5 Gb/s capable pc's to the modem when its running  in its default Gateway mode, just to see what you end up with for a max internet data rate?


Do you have fibre installed, which would require an Optical Network Terminal (ONT), which is then connected to the modem via the modem's 2.5 Gb/s port?


Here's a link to a post containing Rogers IPV6 settings for various routers:


Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

I plan to stick around

I understand that, but I should be getting faster on my Lenovo T14g2's wifi6ax but only hitting about 800mbps.
Enabling IPV6 netted me a bit faster speeds hit 880mbps which is the fastest I have hit yet. 
I'm doing this remotely at the moment and will need to test wifi again once I'm done work, will update this after 6pm, thank you all for the advice 

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

With the router connected thru the 2.5 Gb/s port, and set to use the 2.5 Gb/s port as the WAN port, when you have time, take a stroll thru all of the router settings pages and disable anything that you know you're not using.  I'd have a look at the QOS settings just to see if their enabled.  I'd also have a look at the wifi settings for channel and bandwidth settings.  The low channels (36 to 48) only run a maximum of 200 milli-watts, while the higher channels (149 to 161) run a maximum of 1 Watt.  So, that can make a difference in the signal level, signal to noise ratio and ultimately the data rate that you see on the laptop.  If you're running low channels, change to the higher channels and also check out what competition you have for those higher channels.  When that's all done, reboot the router and run more speed tests to see if you've improved the data rate. 


I'd also flip the modem back into Gateway mode and connect one of your 2.5 Gb/s pc's to the modem's 2.5 Gb/s port and run a speedtest.  If the pc is capable of supporting something above 1 Gb/s, then you should see that on the speedtest.  If that doesn't work, then its time to look at the modem's signal levels and codeword stats. 

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

I plan to stick around

Unfortunately still getting about 750mbps over wifi, but if I do a file transfer between 2 computers on the network I can hit at least 1000mbps, something is wonky with the xb7's 2.5g port,
will try gateway mode later tonight when my wife is not using the net. but my home setup needs this router 😕 

update: I was actually able to hit 285 MBps about 2350mbps transferring files between computers on my home network that are plugged into a 2.5g switch that is plugged into the router and 1000mbps between one of those systems and one that is just plugged straight into the router, it looks like it may just be a defect that has been around for years 😞 

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

I plan to stick around

Just tried in gateway mode and my wifi speed is about half, but I'm getting the full wired speed. I feel like this is intentional. and if you google xb7 slow in bridge mode, so do others.... 

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@otakunorth wrote:

Unfortunately still getting about 750mbps over wifi, but if I do a file transfer between 2 computers on the network I can hit at least 1000mbps, something is wonky with the xb7's 2.5g port,
will try gateway mode later tonight when my wife is not using the net. but my home setup needs this router 😕

Keep in mind that LAN-to-LAN traffic is forwarded on LAN switches.  It is not forwarded by any code running on your router's internal CPU.


The big question is whether your router is capable of forwarding 90000 packets per second in its current configuration, the minimum required (with 1500 byte packets) to saturate a 1 Gigabit connection.  The XB7 and XB8 gateways can forward traffic at double that rate, in bridge mode and gateway mode.

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

I plan to stick around

It is more than capable of that, $50 says if I set it up in AP mode I will see my missing speed, but I don't want to do that. 

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@otakunorth wrote:

Just tried in gateway mode and my wifi speed is about half, but I'm getting the full wired speed. I feel like this is intentional. and if you google xb7 slow in bridge mode, so do others.... 

I know that there was once a glitch, several years ago, where users with Ubiquiti routers saw reduced network speeds in bridge mode.  However, I am not aware of any problems with the latest firmware.


I am currently seeing slow Wi-Fi speeds with an M1 Mac when testing on my parents' Technicolor XB7 with CGM4331COM_5.2p22s1_PROD_sey firmware.  I have not had the time to troubleshoot why this is happening.  My wired speed tests are limited by their 500u connection but even still, I am seeing throughput approaching 800 Mb/s.

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

I plan to stick around

Appreciate your time and knowledge, I think I'm going to be cancelling anyway. Long story but a Rogers sals person came to my place lied about installing new fibre here and then sold me a fibre package, then cable modem arrived 😛  
I'm going back to a 3rd party 

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@otakunorth wrote:

Just tried in gateway mode and my wifi speed is about half, but I'm getting the full wired speed. I feel like this is intentional. and if you google xb7 slow in bridge mode, so do others.... 

So now that you know that you are able to achieve full speeds with a computer Ethernet-connected directly to the Ignite gateway, what speeds can you get if you put your router in the network path?

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

@otakunorth wait a minute ..... you're indicating that you were sold a fibre package.  So, does that mean that you have a Rogers fibre optic installation, which requires an Optical Network Terminal (ONT).  That terminal is then connected to the modem's port 4.  The modem is typically an XB8.  


If this is the case, that changes everything.  

Re: Can't achieve more than 850mbps with xb7/CGM4331COM

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@otakunorth wrote:

Appreciate your time and knowledge, I think I'm going to be cancelling anyway. Long story but a Rogers sals person came to my place lied about installing new fibre here and then sold me a fibre package, then cable modem arrived 😛  
I'm going back to a 3rd party 

Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.  All I can say is that I am able to get the following speed test results with my Ignite 1.5 Gigabit cable Internet service:

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