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Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I've been here awhile

Suddenly today an ad about cars is coming into my Inbox and there is no way to delete it.
We pay over $200 to be with Rogers, why do you use Yahoo (yuk) and why do you let Yahoo do as they please making money posting ads at the side bar and NOW actually inside my Inbox.




***Edited Labels***


Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I plan to stick around

Same for me. I have been a Rogers client since 1980ish. Suddenly getting ads was not part of the deal. The deal was no ads in my inbox. I pay enough for my other 4 services, Rogers should be shielding us from these ads. Also, no announcement whatsoever! Just suddenly do it??


Markham Mike

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

That would be nice, but I would appreciate it if Rogers would let customers know that/if this will indeed happen. I can wait, but the longer it goes, the less confident I'll be that these ads will ever be eliminated for free.

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I plan to stick around

That may well be correct about their end game.  There are two problems.  Ads being displayed by the client.  Solved by paying Yahoo (not Rogers) $6.49 a month, or using another client like outlook.  The latter is problematic since Rogers broke the authentication mechanism., The other problem is moving to another mail server means changing email addresses which is an absolute nightmare.  
What’s doubly annoying is that the spoof mail Ad that is at the top of the invoice (vs the ones at the side) I are a bit sketchy to say the least.  😱


Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Problem number 2 is not just limited to Rogers, it is a big problem with other internet providers as well.

Lots of people have an email tied to their ISP, move to a new province or city or neighbourhood and find out they can not continue with their old ISP and have to change to a new provider and lose decades of emails.  This is even worse if you use this for a company or business.

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Because of this, People have often moved away from being reliant upon their ISP for email.

I used to use Rogers for my personal email, but have since opened personal accounts with Hotmail, G-Mail, and Yahoo Mail.

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I'm here a lot

I totally agree. I understand this is coming from Yahoo but Rogers should be able to stop this on behalf of their customers. I just talked to Rogers Support who was not aware that the ads cannot be deleted (contrary to what the Yahoo page says). If Rogers doesn't stop this, then it is time to go elsewhere.

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I'm here a lot

I agree with you, time to migrate (and be gree to get cheaper wifi elswhere). I will look into Outlook - I use it at work so might as well be consistent. But just be aware that gmail has ads as well - however, they let you have two tabs and the ads to automatically in the secondary tab. This subscription push is aggressive and it is a failure on the part of Rogers not to have informed us. BTW, you say we can have gmail "fetch" rogers-yahoo email - is that actually true as I have heard Rogers blocks that.

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I've been here awhile

So, Pauly, you seem to be saying that the only viable solution you recommend is that we don't use Rogers email anymore if we don't like the ads issue?

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I plan to stick around

Rogers is the client of Yahoo on our behalf. I assume Rogers's contract was for the ad free version of Yahoo, if thats changed (perhaps unilaterally by Yahoo), then Rogers owes it to us to either negotiate a new ad free contract on our behalf, or provide a discount to legacy Rogers email users sufficient to cover the cost of the ad free Yahoo option. Suggest you all call support to enforce this idea.

Markham Mike

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Sus4 wrote:

1. I will look into Outlook - I use it at work so might as well be consistent.

2. But just be aware that gmail has ads as well - however, they let you have two tabs and the ads to automatically in the secondary tab.

3. you say we can have gmail "fetch" rogers-yahoo email - is that actually true as I have heard Rogers blocks that.

1. Be aware that it has to be the latest paid subscription-based version of Outlook 365 or MS365 containing Outlook.  Or the ad-supported version.  See the following summary regarding the App PW Generator:


2. hmm. Never noticed any ads there, however, I don't use it much as it's just a backup when I have issues with Rogers.


3. Rogers/Yahoo! will not allow forwarding of e-mails, but several people on this forum have stated that "fetch" (actually called "Import" under the Gmail settings) works.

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I've been here awhile

Open Outlook mail. You can add any mail account. I have hotmail, yahoo, gmail and rogers under one roof. Easy.

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I'm here a lot

Thanks for your advice!

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I've been here awhile

Are you sure? That would save me a lot of time and trouble switching to another platform like gmail.

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I'm here a lot

Hi Vince16 - where did you hear this?

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I'm a trusted contributor

@57 wrote:

3. Rogers/Yahoo! will not allow forwarding of e-mails, but several people on this forum have stated that "fetch" (actually called "Import" under the Gmail settings) works.

I have not tried this very recently so maybe I should before I weigh in, but I have tried a few times in the past to use the "fetch' feature and it has never worked for me. I'd be interested to hear from anyone on the thread who has done so successfully.

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I'm a trusted contributor

So one of the fundamental things I guess I do not understand is where these ads are actually being fed *from*.  Why is it that if I access my Rogers email through another client (like Outlook) I do not see any ads, but if I access it via what used to be called Rogers Webmail, I do see them. This suggest to me that Yahoo is not serving them up at the source or else I would see them in other clients as well? So is it Rogers who is serving up the ads or Yahoo?


Does this mean I can use ANY other email client and avoid the ads? 


I am clearly missing some fundamental understanding of the process.


That said, I really prefer NOT to use Outlook per se - far too cumbersome for my Rogers Mail (I use Gmail for most of my personal emails already) but since I have a long standing Rogers email account, it would be far too frustrating to phase that out and move all my legacy stuff to Gmail from Rogers. Webmail was light and easy.


Until now.

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I'm here a lot

I have read many of these posts and they are becoming increasingly esoteric (for we non-techies). It should not have to be so difficult to understand. Email is by now a life necessity, like paper mail used to be, and should be protected from corporate shenanigans - but I digress. 
It will indeed be painful to migrate after having had a Rogers email for 20+ years but maybe this is the final push we need. We all swore we'd do it after the last blackout, after the last billing eff-up, after the last..... and here we still are because we want to avoid the nightmare to switching. However, I have taken an hour of my day so far to start shifting newsletters and other "easy" things over to gmail. I can't take this any more. And if my loyalty as a customer for so many years means nothing to Rogers, well - that tells me all I need to know, doesn't it?
BTW I am surprised that some of you have known for a while (2023?) that this was coming. I have seen nothing about it and for sure have not received any indication from Rogers or Yahoo that this was coming down the pipe. So maybe being dumped by two-timing Rogers is not a bad thing!

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@DrMike wrote:

So one of the fundamental things I guess I do not understand is where these ads are actually being fed *from*.  Why is it that if I access my Rogers email through another client (like Outlook) I do not see any ads, but if I access it via what used to be called Rogers Webmail, I do see them. This suggest to me that Yahoo is not serving them up at the source or else I would see them in other clients as well? So is it Rogers who is serving up the ads or Yahoo?

Hi DrMike,


I can help explain "some" of this to you how it works.  To access Email, you would need to use an Email Client/App or purchase one if your computer does not have one.


Microsoft MS Outlook is by far the most popular one, and most of the time it does NOT come with New computers, some exceptions to this rule.  You install the client, and enter your credentials and check the email,  The client ONLY downloads your messages, you will not see any ads.


ANOTHER WAY to access your email is thru a Web Based email client,  since you are NOT buying software, and the ISP or Email Provider is providing it to you as an option, you are using THEIR email client. Webmail is basically a web based email client, but they own it, its only purpose is to connect to Rogers email, not other email providers.  So because they own it and they probably paid for the licence to make it available to you, THEY have the ability to insert advertisements in THEIR web client.


Tesla could make a FREE email client for anyone to use, and have it FREE but have it full of Tesla advertisements or ads of Electric cars. its a real thing.


Since so many years they never did this until now, means maybe it was part of their agreement or they never needed the advertising revenue, but something did change since they are being displayed, but I could not tell you what changed, This is purely a decision or action done internally and we are not privy to this information.


The fact that even Call Centre employees are not aware of this, could point the finger that this might be coming from the Yahoo company itself and not Rogers, but who knows? maybe rogers agreed to this to lower the fees of their contractual agreement? no one will know unless one of the 2 companies comes out and makes a public statement.

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

I plan to stick around

To recap … Yahoo iOS App displays the spoofed email in inbox.   iOS Mail client does not.  And, I have to recheck this, but I don’t think windows Rogers Hahoo web page was either (on Firefox) 

Re: Ads showing up as e-mails in Rogers Yahoo Mail that can't be deleted.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

The Yahoo app for Android devices has also been displaying ads in the email list, so its not just iPhoneOS devices

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