THANKS! I'm a senior and also a techno-twit so I didn't understand your explanation. However, I'll save and print your post for next time and I will simply read it to the Rogers rep. Of course, no issues since my last post!
I dug up an old Toronto Star article in my Rogers file on that mentioned the company offered the services of an ombudsman in certain circusmtances. Do you know if that service still exists and if so how can we access it?
Well, our 'resolved' PVR issue has returned with a vengeance today. Again on a Sunday and again watching NFL football. The TV shut off twice while recording games on two different networks and again with the same 'low signal' error message we've bee...
I've scheduled 6 NFL games and 2 W Network movies for my wife but it will take us a couple of days to view all. I'll update the Forum probably on Tuesday. Have you contacted Rogers yet? We live in Almonte, ON and when I call early just after 8 a.m. w...