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Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I plan to stick around

I am on the last day of my billing cycle and I wanted to check my online data usage.

I discovered that there is no more Flex Heavy Data Plan for my Rocket Hub.

I am shocked!

Does this mean that my flex Heavy Data Plan has been changed behind my back without notification?

Very upset.





***Edited Labels***


Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I plan to stick around



Unfortunately Networx doesn't provide an Android or Apple App for smartphones or tablets but it does give you the option of monitoring your router instead of one device.



Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I plan to stick around
That’s interesting as well. I will look into that as well.

I agree, I don’t know how they can classify it as “heavy usage “ when the new plan is only 5 GB!!

And yes it is 2018!! Wake up Rogers!!!

Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I plan to stick around

It appears as though rogers is pricing itself out of the mobile internet market.

Alright then goodbye.

Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I've been around

I am in the heavy flex plan and also reach or exceed 100gb often.     I also have no reasonable alternative.   I have spoken in depth with Rogers (in 2017) on higher than 100gb plans and was told it was a bandwidth issue with the towers.   I can imagine the 10gb for $60 cell phone plans didn’t help matters.     I was also told to keep checking for future changes to plans and alas 100gb has increased from $145 to $240.     Not what I was hoping for.     

I can only hope that 5G and wireless to the home (WTTH) are in the near future.   Bell has already announced trials.   Lets hope Rogers annouces something soon too.   


Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I plan to stick around

For the last 12 months our family has stayed under 50 gb per month keeping our bills at $110 on the old heavy usage plan. One exception was a month when we used 53 gb and paid $145. An extra $35 for 3gb. Astonishing and deceptive since did not find out about the overage until it was too late. Too the point

In total for the 12 month period I paid $1320 (110×12) for 600gb(50×12). Had I lived in a city I could get the low end rogers ignite for $96 per month with unlimited usage. With that I could use 600gb without extra charges every month.

1320 for 600gb verses 96 for 600gb. 

Just demonstrates how much more we pay for rural service. I am also betting we are such a small percentage of the market that giving us more bandwidth for less money would be marginal. 

Nope! Instead they put the price up for new users. Hard to be a loyal customer when the loyalty only goes in one direction. 

Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I've been around
I have had a Rocket Hub since Nov 2012 and paid the exact same $60/mth for the same initial 5gb. The huge difference is that there were no flex “heavy” plan at the time, so my flex plan only went up to 20gb and then I was charged for every additional gb. Around 2014 when my children started using more internet, I complained to Rogers of their flex plan not being large enough for the evolving technology at that time. In 2015, they finally came up with their flex heavy plan which I found out about only a few months after it being launched, because of course they waited for customers to call them asking to switch to the much better plan. Why did they actually call it flex “heavy” when all you get is only 5gb of usage with the initial $60...go figure!!! Last year, I complained again telling them that the 100gb was not large enough any longer to accommodate my family of 4 as my children keep on using more internet as they get bigger. I also complained about the fact that I was still getting only 5gb for that same initial $60. My cellular plan options had sure gotten larger and better for the same amount of money, but not the Hub? But I guess Rogers don’t care about their customer’s need as they decided to go the opposite way and have now made a 100gb usage about 65% more expensive! I don’t know of any other company raising their products/services that much at once. A landlord sure ain’t allowed to raise rent that much in a year. Isn’t there a law that would restrict a company from being able to do so? They are fully taking advantage of us people who live in a rural area with no other options. I could certainly use dial-up or satellite internet, but they don’t work much according to the reviews. And a company like xplornet who actually provides some of their customer with LTE internet and 500gb of data for only $110/mth... but of course I don’t have that service available to me either. Rogers is fully aware about all the restrictions of living in a rural area and abusing their power. Quite the shame for a company that makes billions every year!!!

Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I've been around

I pay 350 a month for Rogers Hub. I can't get regular internet where I am without spending money on building a higher tower on my house. It is gouging and taking advantage. Internet is a necessity when you work from home and I am dependent on internet for my livelihood.

Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I've been here awhile

 Still here emptying my wallet monthly for an insanely expensive service.


Any updates on new plans that give users a fair $ per gb?

Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

Hello @user123321,

I am also constantly on the hunt for ways to save a little extra money. I know how fast costs can add up, especially when it comes to using mobile internet! 

I'm afraid there hasn't been much change to the plans that are available for Rocket Hub users and you can find the current options by clicking here. Feel free to check from time to time for any changes to the plans in the future.


As a way to help keep track of where you're at each billing period, you can login to your MyRogers account online or through the app to view your data usage. 


With this being said, we really appreciate your feedback and will pass it along!!

Kind regards,

Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I plan to stick around
@RogersYasmine, your data tracker is completely useless!! The information is 12hrs out of date! This is one of the many reasons why I cancelled my Rocket Hub! It is impossible for me to use my 100gb of data without gout over! Also, why can’t you turn the service off one it hits the 100Gb mark? You have no problem shutting it down once it hits $50 over, why should I have to pay an extra $50 each month before it’s sutdown!! This is completely a cash grab!! It’s disgusting!!!

Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I'm a senior advisor
We can at least be glad that we have that 50 dollar cutoff thanks to the CRTC not the carriers. It was forced on the carriers via the wireless code. There are some members who have reported how they use a daily spreadsheet to monitor adapt and when to cut off use and almost never go over. Can't remember who it was but they had it down to a fine art.

Rogers is allowed to turn the cap off with our consent from us. Not sure why anyone would do that.

I agree the 12 delay does create a challenge in that last couple of days. I have always turned data off totally when I approached the limit and then only used it sparingly if at all to end of month. Went to doughnut shop or livrary.

If you have hit the cap of your plan 100% at midnight of last day and 12 hours before you have most likely gone over.

Only solution is cut way back knowing your typical daily use as soon as you hit say 80 to 90% depending on your usage patterns. They do warn us of the estimated delay in posted data usage but easy to get caught.

And the rocket plan is expensive and has little flexibility in limits.

Only suggestion is call in and see if there are options in packages or consider other providers.

Good luck with the challenges imposed by the nature of the limitations on our ability to monitor our accounts in real time.


Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I plan to stick around

For those people using Windows there is a program called Networx available from

It used  to be freeware but now it is a pay program but it is still worth it.

You can monitor daily, weekly, monthly and total accumulated totals for upload and download.

You can configure it for your Starting Month.

You can also configure it to display by application.




Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I plan to stick around
I know that there are other trackers out there, but you have to pay for them! Roger’s should be responsible For giving us an accurate and up to date data tracking and cutting off at the max!! Then giving us the decision to go over or not!! We pay enough already for our internet!!!

Re: Why has Rogers Eliminated the Flex Heavy Plan for Rocket Hubs?

I've been here awhile

I used to pay almost $400 for my Internet and mobile family plan of 3 lines. I got out of Rogers since they treat loyal customers like me (29 years) poorly. I still used Rogers for my $25 basic mobile service though.

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