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Setting up prepaid plan

I've been here awhile

I got my son a new phone and finally figured out how to set up the SIM. I am choosing the $120/ year plan, and I am at the screen for payment, but 1. I still don't have a phone number and 2. Why do i need to choose a top up amount if I choose the $120/yr plan? 


*Edited Labels*


Re: Setting up prepaid plan



Hello, @newuser12345


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums! Smiley Happy


Thank you for joining and posting your query in the Community. Were you able to complete setting up the service? You shall see the option of choosing the number in the next screen and the top up amount is just in case the balance has run out before the year ends. 


I suggest to reach out our Pay As You Go support for any other clarification. Please dial 1-800-575-9090, after confirming the language, Press 4, and then Press 4 again. At the end of the third menu, press 1 to reach an agent quickly.




Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I've been here awhile


no. i entered the SIM card number then it wanted me to choose a monthly plan. WITH top up! So nothing has been completed. I don't understand why i need a minimum top up when I am choosing the $120/yr plan.  It has what I need. and I can't move forward on the screen unless I choose a top up!

Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I've been here awhile

@RogersMoin wrote:


Hello, @newuser12345


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums! Smiley Happy


Thank you for joining and posting your query in the Community. Were you able to complete setting up the service? You shall see the option of choosing the number in the next screen and the top up amount is just in case the balance has run out before the year ends. 


I suggest to reach out our Pay As You Go support for any other clarification. Please dial 1-800-575-9090, after confirming the language, Press 4, and then Press 4 again. At the end of the third menu, press 1 to reach an agent quickly.




but it still wants to take a minimum of $10/month? so that means i am acutally paying $240/yr? shouldn't I have the option of NOT renewing in year if that is what i choose?

Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a trusted contributor

@newuser12345 wrote:

but it still wants to take a minimum of $10/month? so that means i am acutally paying $240/yr? shouldn't I have the option of NOT renewing in year if that is what i choose?

Did you  notice ... in the fine print it says the " TTaxes are extra " . i assume that means you have to run an extra balance to  pay  the 911 fee.  If not  what in the world are " TTaxes "?


Rather sad ploy ... but they gotta do what they gotta do .  Smiley Wink    I would expect that if you stay within the parameters of the plan  all you would need would be one $10 top up  


Would I be right in guessing that the phone would just not work or drop the call  if it was a long distance call on a plan like this and no balance left  ?



Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a trusted contributor

Since no one from Rogers seems to want to address this type of situation  I called in and asked for clarification . 


I just have no words for how little I think of Rogers at the moment .  I called the paygo department . The very polite CSR confirmed that the $.75 cent  911 fee  IS   indeed an extra  in ADDITION to the $120 cost of the plan ! 

Where O where does it say ANYTHING  about that in the marketing propaganda  OTHER than the vague reference to " TTaxes".  Please what does that stand for anyway ???

So ... the plan ACTUALLY and inescapably costs $130  PLUS the regular retail taxes you pay up front. 


The CSR also confirmed that if you make a long distance call with no funds available  it will not complete the call, but you can still make a local call  or text ok.

I did not ask  and can only assume due to Rogers previous methods that if you have a little bit of  money in your  top up account it will likely try to use that up  and  make that  long distance call, subsequently leaving you  with a dropped call AND no money left in your top up account for next month's 911 fee. 


All I can say is  be sure this plan will fit your needs before you say,  I do . Smiley Wink




Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a senior advisor

@newuser12345, @barndoor I've had Rogers PayGo for years and years, ever since someone gave me a phone for my birthday.  It came with $20 of air time and I would add $25 a month as needed. EventuallyI went to the $100/year renewal and would use the accumulated balance each year to renew whenever it got over $200.


When Rogers went to GSM they replaced my old phone for free with a Nokia 2610 and when that got a bit long in the tooth I bought my current LG-E410B from Rogers. In all that time all I've ever done is add to the balance or draw from the balance when necessary. I only use the phone for calls and texts and occasional data when someone has sent me a text with a picture.


A year or so ago, when that $120/year plan was $100, I switched to it, but immediately regretted it because it carrier no balance, so I switched back to my old plan. Now, when you go to the Rogers site it's extremely difficult to find the original plan and there all those monthly plans that seem to offer "free stuff" but end up costing you more in the long run.  I believe the idea is to steer customers to the high priced smart phones and $100+/month plans.

Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a trusted contributor


I don't think this thread is about the choice of which  plan is best , so much as   the issue of  lack  of details provided by the offering  company so an informed decision can be made by the consumer. 



Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a senior advisor

Yes. The lack of details includes publicizing the basic $25, $50 or $100 plans.

Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a trusted contributor

Well  yes ... but I think there is a big  difference in that the lack of details in the case of the OP should be considered borderline criminal because there seems to be a  definite withholding of pertinent information which has caused a financial uncertainty  for that customer and the others that have posted on here with the same issue.

 Whereas the company's  lack of publicity and marketing  on the part of the  voucher and "anytime plan" options  would seem to me to be  just poor marketing to that crosssection of the public that may find that particular option appealing and it is pretty much only Rogers that loses because there are other similar options with other companies that lay out the details of their plans in a clearer fashion and even have cheaper minutes,  if Rogers really doesn't want that business. 



Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a trusted contributor

I  came came back to edit my post to say in my opinion  there is no" borderline " about it but it is too late . I can't see how it is not illegal to  not  state in an obvious and clear manner whether the 911 fee is either included in the plan price or not and to this time I do not see it anywhere in that plan offering and fine print . 



Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a senior advisor

You are absolutely right.  I have the $100/year plan that runs a balance and when I go to my Transaction History I see a 911 Access Fee of $0.75 charged every month. That's clear.  But when I go to MyRogers > Shop and look through all the Prepaid plans offered, nowhere can I find any mention of the 911 Fee, i.e., whether it's included or an extra charge on top of the plan. Here is what Rogers publishes on the fee, but it still doesn't make it clear whether it's included or in addition to the plan price.,Tabset1--4,

Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a trusted contributor

So ... is Rogers going to correct this lack of information   or just let customers  find out the hard way ? 


Any Rogers people got a defintion of TTaxes  figured out ... googling or a search of the Rogers site  brings up nothing except this thread . 

Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a senior advisor

@barndoor  I think that is what this board and is for - we have to ask because clarity of use, pricing, etc with the features of our plans is not always overly clear, if there at all.


Just the way it seems to be, nothing new.


I feel your pain and frustration.


I can assure you that my recent attempt to clarify changes to my plan on Roam like Home was not fun at all.


If I ever go Pay as you go, not sure I would do it with Rogers anyway.


Hang in there, Bruce

Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a trusted contributor

Actually I found this mentioned on another board and then researched it to confirm before i brought it back here  .  Every other company I checked out offering  prepaid  plans states clearly whether the 911 fee is an extra or included in the plans .Most are only to be found in subscripted print  but are clearly outlined  when you find the subsript . Rogers as of the time of this post does not that i can find .  


And when you think about it in a little more depth  you can  see the negative effect that this  lack of info  can have on the customers situation .  

Yet  we haven't heard a peep from Rogers  staff  to provide an explanation or direction as to just where the pertinent information is located  . What am I saying ... no one here seems to be qualified to address pay go issues anyway  ... why have pay go as a section of the board if all you can ever seem to respond with is the paygo number and ask. 


I don't feel "Just the way it seems to be, nothing new." is not the case here .  I have grown accustomed to having to search out fine print and subscrpts in the strangest places...  I agree that is nothing new.  But to not make pertinent information  available or possibly using questionable terminology to refer to it  does seem to be a new twist to me .


And as far as your comment regarding "If I ever go Pay as you go, not sure I would do it with Rogers anyway."  I agree completely now  ...  but there was a time in the past that I didn't  feel that way .  Smiley Wink

Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a reliable contributor
$10/month is $120/year, not $240 (A calendar year has 12 months).

Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a trusted contributor

@TwitchyPuppy wrote:
$10/month is $120/year, not $240 (A calendar year has 12 months).

Since @newuser12345 doesn't seem to have been back on sit  since that post I will  respond with what I think was the point they were making. 

Your math is excellent Twitch  but I think you have missed the point that  the plan is $120 a year PLUS money on account for the 911 fee .  True the 911 fee won't take ten dollars a month  BUT if you have that money on account then you can make or receive a long distance call that you were not intending to  thus using up that $10 very quickly depending on your situation ( for example when I started with Rogers anywhere on the property was local... now to sit in my house of 30 years and receive a call on my paygo phone I get burned for  long distance )  . It's a clever way of setting it up just not particularly customer oriented. 

Regardless I think it was that potential EXTRA ten dollars a month that  newuser was referring to as potentially bringing the total  up to$ 240.  Smiley Wink 

Re: Setting up prepaid plan

Incoming calls from 6-9pm depleting my balance because they are mistakenly under PST time zone


Well, it's been non-stop frustration for months now dealing with an issue that Rogers still hasn't resolved.  I'm on the one year $120 plan with unlimited texting and unlimited evening (after 6pm) and weekend calling.  The plan also includes 50 anytime calling minutes for the year.  At some point during the year, we noticed our 50 anytime minutes were gone even though we hadn't used those minutes, and we were restricted from making calls during the daytime.  We initially called Rogers and were told that we must have used those minutes but they couldn't prove it.  After calling Rogers multiple times, one of their reps finally figured out what the problem was - incoming calls between 6-9pm were being treated as if they were under the PST time zone even though I and my plan are in the EST time zone, so Rogers was essentially treating 6-9pm calls as being received between 3-6pm.  This didn't impact my outgoing calls.  So, basically my account was being depleted for each and every call received between 6-9pm even though they should be free as part of my package.  Rogers has put money back into my account but their engineers still haven't resolved the problem and they don't know when it will be fixed.  So, every so often, I have to call them once again to reiterate the problem.  Unbelievable!        

Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a trusted contributor

Sorry ...only help I can offer is to sympathize . 


You must admit tho, that is a much more novel way of getting your money than  not disabling your voice mail by the book .   Smiley Happy


You must be the only one in that time zone with the $120 plan ... Smiley Wink  

Re: Setting up prepaid plan

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @min99,


Welcome to the Community Forums. 


I'm sorry to read of the length you've been experiencing this issue. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for you.


Has there been a recent ticket opened? If airtime is deducted in error due to an issue on our end we really want to make sure you get credited.


I'd suggest to reach out our Pay As You Go support for any other clarification. Please dial 1-800-575-9090, after confirming the language, Press 4, and then Press 4 again. At the end of the third menu, press 1 to reach an agent quickly.




Re: Setting up prepaid plan

I'm a trusted contributor

Smiley Surprised


Just curious, rather than suggesting what apparently has already been done,  why  not take the bull by the horns and reach out through community helps and guide @min99  through the problem ?? 

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