Wednesday - last edited Wednesday by RogersMaude
Would appreciate any tips re reducing cost of Roger's bill we feel that Roger's engages in bait and switch making the billing difficult to understand we are pensioners
***Added Labels***
@micm1 We can't really advise you without knowing what services you subscribe to and what services you really need. Are you subscribed to services that meet your needs but looking for better discounts? Are you in a situation where you were sold a much higher Internet speed tier than what you need, a TV package with many, MANY channels that you do not watch, or an "unlimited" mobile phone plan that is also far beyond what you need... and now looking to right-size?
7 hours ago - last edited 7 hours ago
I have gone through this with my grandparents but they have Cogeco. Over a week or two, keep track of the channels you watch and make a lost of them. Compare that with the channels you have to dial in what you are actually watching. That helps Customer Care out a lot when looking at ways to reduce your bill. Cable is about the most expensive service there is, including the imsane price per box Rogers is currently charging. If you have a TV you don't watch much or at all that has one of those $17 a month boxes on it. Returning it can net you a nice savings over a years time.