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I've been here awhile

Just got a new (or likely refurbished Nextbox).  Got it all hooked up.  TV has picture/sound for about 5 seconds, then loses both for 5 seconds, in a continuous ongoing cycle.  Tried using other HD inputs but no change.  Other devices hooked up to the TV work fine so I doubt its the TV.  Thoughts?




***Edited Labels***


Re: NextBox


Hi @WPS,


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums and thank you for your post!


That is strange to hear you are having audio/video issues after getting a new Nextbox. You mentioned you tried using the other HDMI ports on the TV. Have you also tried a different HDMI cable?


Test if the current HDMI cable works with another device, or if you can try using a different HDMI cable altogether and see if there is an improvement.


Let us know if you if you are still having any issues.



Re: NextBox

I'm an advisor

You could also press the menu button, then go to settings, then appearance, then choose Auto if it's not already selected.
You could also check a few more settings to see if something looks weird.
Do a long reboot for both your box and TV set. Leave them both unplugged for 10-30 minutes, just for the heck of it.

Try to resist the urge to kick or punch the box if it's still giving you trouble, and instead call Rogers tech support and ask them to send a signal to your schizo box.

As the parent of your Nextbox, it is your sworn duty to keep it alive. And yes, as a last gasp effort, even mouth-to-mouth resuscitation must be performed.
Disclaimer: Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation is not recommended by Rogers! However, if you try it, please do not use any tongue action, as that might trigger a love connection that Rogers will not be able to rectify. 👅♥️⚠️

Re: NextBox

I've been here awhile



Rogers has already confirmed that the problem was with the box, not the TV or connections.  We had no choice but to upgrade to Ignite as they said there were no more Nextboxs available.  We've been having issues with Rogers on a number of fronts over the last year, and  myy partner wanted us to ditch Rogers altogether and move service to Bell, but I convinced her to give Rogers one last shot.  Hopefully Ignite will put an end to all of this.  The saga continues.

Re: NextBox

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Just because rogers does not carry them no more does not mean your out of luck


Did you know you can always obtain or buy a used netbox elsewhere?  Yes some times a friend or relative who is no longer with Rogers Cable may offer to give you theirs for free, or someone may be willing to sell it from an online market place for a fair market used price.

Re: NextBox

I've been here awhile

Hi.  We were aware that there is a "secondary" market for Nextboxs, however, buying a used box is like buying a used anything.  No assurance of quality, no warranty, and we could find ourselves in the same position we are in now.  We don't want to get into an ongoing project with this, we just want TV reception that works.  We will give the Ignite a try.  If it works well, problem solved.  If not, we will check out other service providers.  Thanks    

Re: NextBox

I'm here a lot

I believe Rogers is blocking my digital boxes! I believe this is to get me to move over to Ignite which I absolutely refuse to do. If I have to go to internet servicing they will lose my years of business! Sickening that we have no choice in media. And we have less choice with Rogers taking over wonder we have a crisis in our economy as there is so little competition...drives up inflation!

Re: NextBox

If your area is experiencing some kind of maintenance or upgrade work, perhaps that caused your boxes to fail.

Since digital tv is near its expiry date, most of the agents you speak to will be incentivised to get you to switch to Ignite. You just need to escalate your situation, perhaps by contacting Rogers via the Contact us ... Share a Concern page, and thoroughly describe your situation, so that somebody can try to get your boxes working properly.

If none of your channels are working properly, your frustration level will be very high, thus leading you to the belief that Rogers would take the time to try to block your box signals. Scheduling a service call to switch you over to Ignite would be a more likely way for Rogers to put the pressure on you, rather than blocking your box signals intentionally.

There's a known bug in the Rogers computer system that can sometimes schedule a service call when you call to make a channel change that doesn't go smoothly. Whether the agent or the system makes the error, it can be noticed if you call the main Rogers number, then select Technical Support .... And then if you hear the voice mention an upcoming service call has been scheduled, that's the bug, or agent's doing.

You can get IgniteTv without paying for the Internet service, but since it still uses the Internet, you'll need to pay for the modem and the tv box. Rogers also apparently doesn't provide much free technical support for those choosing that standalone IgniteTv option.

I hope you can contact the right people to help you troubleshoot your digital boxes situation before the entire system gets killed by Rogers. 🍻

Re: NextBox

I plan to stick around
Should run signal from box to tv w old school video white black cable to ensure signal is constant...will look like SD quality but
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