.....Or whenever a call is made to Rogers technical service all of a sudden it is fine. When I put in the formal complaint through the CRTC complaint program my box stopped doing the very thing I put the complaint in for (happened with regular freque...
And when the internet is down, I still get my television with the channels that aren't available in the new packages! On many F/B neighbourhood groups people ask regularly if others are having the same problem. This happens with a lot more than peopl...
Rogers is playing around with the digital boxes so that people move over (I do have technicians who while fixing the system box in the neighbourhood agreeing with this). I have two boxes, one owned and one not. I can have the black screen with the me...
I believe Rogers is blocking my digital boxes! I believe this is to get me to move over to Ignite which I absolutely refuse to do. If I have to go to internet servicing they will lose my years of business! Sickening that we have no choice in media. A...