03-31-2023 03:54 PM - edited 03-31-2023 04:34 PM
Where would customers of the digital cable television service (not to be confused with the new Ignite platform) be able to find packages and pricing information? The Web site is extremely poor in navigating and finding this information, and the customer service folks on chat appear to be clueless as to where to find the information. I don't understand why this information would not be easily accessible to those that subscribe to the service (nor do I understand why the customer service representatives on chat are clueless about where to find the information).
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05-31-2023 04:57 PM - edited 05-31-2023 06:22 PM
For those interested in a solution to the original problem presented in this posting:
Did I say how amazed I was after this entire experience, that a billion Dollar company is unable to provide existing customers with basic information on the services for which they pay?
05-31-2023 11:17 PM
Rogers no longer carries digital tv
06-01-2023 12:12 PM
@Babylegs1 wrote:Rogers no longer carries digital tv
That's not exactly true. Rogers is still providing Legacy Digital Cable to customers who have it, however:
1. They are strongly encouraging customers to switch to IgniteTV and not wait until the last minute (which is rumoured to be the end of 2023) when Legacy will not be available for most households (MDUs excluded probably until their bulk agreements are up).
2. They do this by making it difficult to get technical service on Legacy, if something goes wrong, and by making the pricing, if you're trying to renew and stay on Legacy, quite high.
3. As mentioned by @422151819119 it appears to be possible to renew and get "acceptable" pricing, but it takes a lot of effort as he mentioned in this and other thread(s). I'm assuming this was worthwhile for him/her, but each person will need to decide if it's worth the effort for what will likely be a relatively short period.
4. It's costing Rogers a lot to run parallel offerings, so, they are strongly encouraging the switch to IgniteTV in various ways as discussed.
08-31-2023 02:33 PM
Being forced to watch sporting events with Ignite on a 45-60 second delay makes me feel like it's 1975 again.
08-31-2023 04:52 PM
08-31-2023 05:12 PM
It has nothing to do with being in a 'stadium' watching it. I don't want to deal with people messaging me about a scoring play before I see it, or having an app update ahead of my feed. The delay is bush league, just like the garbage picture.
08-31-2023 06:52 PM
09-01-2023 09:41 AM
If it improves the picture quality I'm all for it. 😁
09-01-2023 10:46 AM
2 weeks ago
2. Digital Cable is no longer "offered". It will be discontinued "soon" (rumoured to be around the end of 2023) and Ignite has been around for almost 5 years. Digital Cable packages may be continued for some customers on a case by case basis.
I'm interested in knowing more about the Cable packges may be continued for some customers. Where could I find out more about this. We currently have digital cable in a house where we have 6 digital boxes, 2 pvrs and 3 Seniors who are still learning to use after many, many years.
2 weeks ago
@evenshorter wrote:
2. Digital Cable is no longer "offered". It will be discontinued "soon" (rumoured to be around the end of 2023) and Ignite has been around for almost 5 years. Digital Cable packages may be continued for some customers on a case by case basis.
I'm interested in knowing more about the Cable packges may be continued for some customers. Where could I find out more about this. We currently have digital cable in a house where we have 6 digital boxes, 2 pvrs and 3 Seniors who are still learning to use after many, many years.
The post you quoted was from more than a 1.5 years ago. Back then we did not know much information about legacy digital cable, it was mostly speculation and some hints. However we know for a fact, digital cable is officially end of life, if you still have it, you should start looking now to replace it with rogers ignite offering, or find a tv provider that suits your needs.
What I'm trying to say is do not expect it to continue to work for much longer, you should do something about it soon instead of hoping to hang on to it by a thread.
2 weeks ago
Yes, I realize the post is old, but it's quite scary try to figure out what to do. We just switched over to Virgin Internet a year ago, and it threw the household into a tizzy. So I can't even imagine what this is going to do. I just checked and found out Bell Fibe is not available in my area. So now I'm going to have to look into Ignite, but that means I'm going to change the internet over. Thanks for your reply.
Just got my Sep Bill. No mention of that kill date of Nov, but it did say this:
We hope you're enjoying your TV service. With the rising costs to deliver the latest technology, we'll begin charging an additional $7/month (plus taxes) for each TV box rental on your account, starting on your first bill on or after September 24, 2024. Any existing discount will remain in effect until its end date.
Please note, if you have box(es) included as part of your condo maintenance or property rental fee(s), they remain included. Any additional box(es) will increase by $7/month (plus taxes).
The rest of your Rogers TV service remains the same. If you have any questions or no longer wish to rent any of your box(es), please reach out to us as outlined in the Contact Us section of this bill.