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Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

I'm a regular

I just got ignite does that mean I won’t get lobby camera anymore



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Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

There are many different types of systems, so this is something that you need to discuss with your building management.

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Laurajane09  Try using issuing the "Lobby camera" voice command.


For me, I just get an APPS-04154 error.  That means that there is support for a Lobby Camera app in Ignite TV; I just don't have access to it.  It may also be a feature that Rogers is still working on.


With Rogers Digital TV, buildings can inject a lobby camera feed onto the coax at a specific frequency that the set-top boxes tune into.  For Ignite TV, they would need to implement a different solution for the feed to be viewable on the Ignite set-top box, whether it is through a Lobby Channel app or a channel that you actually tune into.  (The app would be simpler to implement.)  Either way, your building management team would need to work with Rogers to make this happen.

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

Whee the app called didn’t think of it till after I got ignite

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

@Laurajane09 wrote:
Whee the app called didn’t think of it till after I got ignite

I don't work for Rogers (and I live in a house) so I don't know whether a "Lobby camera" app is even available yet... but given that "Lobby camera" is a valid voice command, it sure looks like somebody at Rogers is finally testing one.  If/when it does become available, it will probably also be accessible from the Apps screen.


The code to integrate with IP cameras has already been developed by Comcast: their Home Security customers can use the "Show me my cameras" voice command to see their security cameras on-screen.  A lobby camera app would work in a similar way.

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

Thanks do you know a lot about ignite when I watch a show on demand and I don’t finish it the next time it start from the beginning any idea why

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

I'm a senior advisor

Ya why does on demand no return where you left off? Like said it starts from the benginning again. 

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

I'm an advisor

This On Demand question has already been answered (by @57) in another thread: Resuming an On Demand Program with Ignite TV.
With the remote: Press Rogers - go to "On Demand", scroll down to "pick up where you left off", select the programme."

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

I plan to stick around

it's a big issue for my in-laws at a building with all seniors.  Rogers says they are working on it... Would anyone on this forum have an update?

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

There is not much they CAN work on.

Most of the older style lobby cameras operated that they run across the cable lines with an analog or digital signal which is decoded by the TV or the box.


in these cases, rogers and even bell is the same, that the feeds are done across the internet and that the boxes dont touch the cable anymore have no way of decoding it.


The best bet would be, connecting the cable line right to the TV and have the TV scan for channels.  The lobby one  should hopefully show up.  They would then have to swap inputs on the TV between the TV tuner and the HDMI port the rogers box is on

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

I plan to stick around

Thanks for that... maybe they could split to cable coming into the apartment. it currently running directly to the modem...  I wonder what other buildings doing for lobby camera's

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@greygables : as discussed in post 2 of this thread, there are many different options for MDUs and lobby cameras. This is something that needs to be discussed with the building management as they are the ones responsible for making this work in conjunction with Rogers.  It may be that there is no lobby camera at all.


Your relatives may want to discuss this with their neighbours to see if they have it working.

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

I plan to stick around

Management did contact Rogers. They claimed they are working on the issue and as other posts on this and other threads indicate, that may or may not be true.  I'm hoping to use the knowledge base on this forum to delve into the issue a bit more.  My understanding is that a digital cable option is ending soon (certainly by the end of 2024) and I worried the residents of this building will not have secured entry for visitors. 

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

I'm a senior advisor

Why doesn't buildings provide a log in web page for lobby cams access? Be simple enough to provide.


I know the rsponse "Old folks don't access the internet".


Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

I plan to stick around

I am "building management". our rogers rep. for our bulk plan sent this "Unfortunately, the Ignite service is not compatible with the Lobby Channel watch. The Lobby Channel watch was a value add-on with the Digital service and was never meant to replace a security system."

Our lobby channel is still being injected onto the coax, so if you split it before the modem, and connect it to your TV (if your TV still has coax input), switch the TV from HDMI input to it's own tuner, the channel is still there on channel 9x whatever. 

Bell says they can do this with an app on their set top box, IF the security system is IP based (which ours is). Basically they just connect to the same IP cameras like our NVR does.

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

I plan to stick around

thank you for your response, disappointing answer from Rogers but at least it's an answer!!  I will forward it to building management.  Some residents in the building are still with digital cable as they really want the lobby channel and Rogers gives them no discount.

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

Any updates on this topic?
My mother-in-law is feeling more and more isolated by the day.
I'll be contacting Rogers tomorrow and just found this forum. Please share any updates. Thank you!

Re: Ignite TV and Lobby Camera

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Rhondabt : You didn't provide any information regarding the building and setup, but since there are numerous possible ways for lobby cameras to work, you will need to contact building management.  See the following link from earlier in this thread:


Some MDUs use the internet to supply lobby watch and there are many other ways...

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