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I'm a regular

Also with Ignite Tv we have discovered that certain On Demand shows and programming one in particular show is “Highway to Hell on the Discovery Channel “which I like has no commercials, similar to what you get on Discovery +. How many more shows are like this you will have to check them out.


Also when you are watching a show you have recorded and you use the fast forward on you remote. You can use the remote control microphone button for example say fast forward 3 and 1/2 minutes. Usually after awhile you can judge the length the commercial breaks are with different shows. Use all the functions that the remote has with Ignite.


*Added Labels*


Accepted Solutions

Re: Commercials

I'm an advisor

Many Rogers subscribers switching to Bell, often complain about Bell's On Demand restrictions.

With the Rogers Digital Legacy On Demand system, I can RW on any channel, but the only two broadcast network channels that allow me to use the FF button are CBC (no commercials) and Global (can even FF the commercials).

And although I can skip all the commercials on every On Demand digital channel (except first few seconds), I still prefer the IgniteTV On Demand system because of the FF button access to all the channels, and at least both CTV and CityTV allow FF through the commercials (and CBC is also commercial free).

By the way, with Digital Legacy On Demand, since it has an auto-save feature, if I accidentally change the channel, I can just go back to On Demand and press the red C button, and then choose Resume where I was when I changed the channel (but to play it safe, I like to press Stop button after I skip past the commercial breaks to force a save/resume point for content that forbids FF option.

View solution in original post


Re: Commercials

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Yes, that is one of the things that I LOVE about Ignite TV -- customers enjoy some of the most flexible content rights in the IPTV world.


When I was a Fibe TV customer, we were not able to fast-forward after Restarting a TV program.  (Really, REALLY annoying when rewinding can trigger Restart automatically!)  I don't think it was possible to fast-forward On-demand content with Digital TV either.  With Ignite TV, you can restart a program and fast forward.  (REALLY handy if somebody sits on the remote control and accidentally changes channels at a key point in a program.  Indispensable if you have emotionally-sensitive family members in the household who would be inconsolable if their favourite TV program got interrupted and you could not recover and get right back to where you were in the program very quickly. )


You can usually fast-forward through On-Demand content, subject to any restrictions need to be enforced.  However, with some channels/networks, you may not be allowed to do so during commercials.  Also, once content moves from what you can view using "Watch Now" or "Restart" to the On-Demand library, commercial breaks will typically only have one or two commercials.

Re: Commercials

I'm a regular

Hi G, commercials and ads support the regular networks which has always been the case. But I have big problem with ads or commercials on the speciality channels which subscribers are either paying extra for or they are included in a package so the only way a subscriber can do to get are this is to record them and zip through the commercials

With Ignite instead of using the fast forward or rewind button on your remote just press the microphone (Blue button) and say “ fast forward ei. 4 minutes or rewind. 

Yes check out all OnDemand speciality channels  you may find many don’t have ads or commercials as when they were originally broadcast.


As you can see I despise them 

Re: Commercials

I'm an advisor
Since the voice commands use up the batteries faster, you can always change the default settings of the skip buttons to 1 minute (or perhaps longer?), and then just press the skip ahead button three times to quickly jump ahead 3 minutes, to quickly get past the typical commercial breaks.

The code and technique to change the default skip time was mentioned in various other threads.

Re: Commercials

I'm an advisor

Many Rogers subscribers switching to Bell, often complain about Bell's On Demand restrictions.

With the Rogers Digital Legacy On Demand system, I can RW on any channel, but the only two broadcast network channels that allow me to use the FF button are CBC (no commercials) and Global (can even FF the commercials).

And although I can skip all the commercials on every On Demand digital channel (except first few seconds), I still prefer the IgniteTV On Demand system because of the FF button access to all the channels, and at least both CTV and CityTV allow FF through the commercials (and CBC is also commercial free).

By the way, with Digital Legacy On Demand, since it has an auto-save feature, if I accidentally change the channel, I can just go back to On Demand and press the red C button, and then choose Resume where I was when I changed the channel (but to play it safe, I like to press Stop button after I skip past the commercial breaks to force a save/resume point for content that forbids FF option.

Re: Commercials

I'm a senior advisor

Unfortunately the only two options for programming the skip ahead is 30 secs and 5 minutes. It will not take any other amount.


For 30 secs: Press EXIT - EXIT - EXIT - 0 - 0 - 3 - 0 - OK on the Ignite TV remote.

For 5 mins:  Press EXIT - EXIT - EXIT - 0 - 5 - 0 - 0 - OK on the Ignite TV remote.

Re: Commercials

I've been around

My remote for Ignite TV has reset itself to the 5 minute skip ahead default.

I have tried the "Press EXIT - EXIT - EXIT - 0 - 0 - 3 - 0 - OK on the Ignite TV remote." as mentioned above and it just ends up changing to channel 30. It does not affect the skip ahead duration.

Re: Commercials

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Lori9 : please see the following post from earlier today.  This should work and if you can't get it to work, pass the remote to someone else to programme as sometimes "muscle memory" leads a person to input the incorrect sequence...

Re: Commercials

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Lori9 wrote:

My remote for Ignite TV has reset itself to the 5 minute skip ahead default.

I have tried the "Press EXIT - EXIT - EXIT - 0 - 0 - 3 - 0 - OK on the Ignite TV remote." as mentioned above and it just ends up changing to channel 30. It does not affect the skip ahead duration.

No, do not press the OK button at the end of the sequence.  Just "EXIT  EXIT  EXIT  0  0  3  0"

Enter the sequence while watching Live TV, not On-demand content or a recording.  You can then clear the search dialog by pressing Exit, or you can just wait for it to time out.


If your set-top box reverted back to the 5 minute skip, it is possible that you may not be able to revert back to 30-second skip immediately; and if you leave things alone and not try to fix it, the 30-second skip might reactivate the next day.  It's apparently due to a weird glitch where this particular "easter egg" can get disabled, and the skip interval then cannot get changed until the feature gets re-enabled (during a periodic refresh) by the back-end systems.

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