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since ‎09-04-2017

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August 24, 2024Rogers has just sign a 10 year deal and agreement with Comcast Xfinity to bring newtechnology to Canada. Could this have something to do with the increase of the additional entertainment set top box .Rogers had put $500 million into bu...
UM! Has anybody noticed the Rogers City News 24/7 channel and how similiar it is to Bell Media’s CP 24 ( City Pulse 24) which has been around for quite while. Which one do you prefer. I think I will stick to the old standby CP 24       ***Added Label...
With the discussions continuing about the 70% increase to have additional entertainment boxes in your home. When looking online for info about this Rogers states that for every tv a Ignite Entertainment box is required.   Then I went on Rogers Ignite...
Not going to get into a big story and rant about price increase coming to Rogers’ Entertainment boxes mid September. - Everybody has a choice with a provider. !!!- Or go to a service that you can buy the box and get 5,000 channels- There are alternat...
Just going through apps ei. A&E directly and not with Rogers Networks in Apps. Much more content than with Rogers. Why aren’t we getting this content, series and episodes that the A&E app offers.   **Labels Updated**