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Data speed issue within 5G coverage area!

I'm here a lot

I recently switched from Fido to Rogers due to a promotional offer and I got Rogers Infinite plan. Unfortunately, my data speeds both download/upload is horrible (130mbps/10mbps avg.) and much inferior than Fido, although it should be just opposite. I contacted technical support and they escalated it to back office promising that I will get a resolution within 72 hours. Alas! It is more than a week but no resolution. Could anyone tell me what is the next step?



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Re: Data speed issue within 5G coverage area!

I'm a reliable contributor
How are your data speeds horrible? What can't you do, on a phone, with 130 Mbps of download speeds?
Is it outside or outside? Downtown or countryside? 5G or LTE? A lot of factors can influence data speeds and network strength!

Re: Data speed issue within 5G coverage area!

It should be 5G speed within 5G coverage area which shows in their map and that speed I mentioned is pretty consistent everywhere. My issue is not with browsing but with the service that I subscribed and paying for but not getting it.

Re: Data speed issue within 5G coverage area!

I'm a reliable contributor
5G speed are up to 1Gbps (depending on your 5G Infinite plan), also depending if you're indoor or outdoor, and downtown or in a suburb or countryside.
I know mine vary depending if I'm at home (suburb) or at work (5G+; downtown).

Re: Data speed issue within 5G coverage area!

I said everywhere though, you just name it inside or out, core downtown or suburb. 🙂

Re: Data speed issue within 5G coverage area!

I'm a reliable contributor
Downtown buildings and the subway could definitely impact signal.
I'd suggest trying either in a suburb (outside, preferably) and/or with a different device.

Re: Data speed issue within 5G coverage area!

Well, my phone supports 5G and is a newer S+ series which gave higher performance with Fido everywhere in Canada irrespective of signal interference and Rogers should be better but not. I am surprised that way. May be I should switch back to Fido or other carrier where I will pay less as well.

Re: Data speed issue within 5G coverage area!

Based on that. What makes you think your device isn't the issue?

Re: Data speed issue within 5G coverage area!

Because. I am getting 5G speed from my wifi and got the same with Fido using this same phone!
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