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Unable To Access Web Server

I plan to stick around

I just upgraded my setup to the XB7.  Everything seems to be OK except my web server, which I can no longer access.

I have an Apache web server (v2.2 - yeah I know it's old) running on one of my computers.  It only servers some test and pictures o family can access them.  I also use the No-IP DUC to make sure the web address translates to my IP address - which is how I did it on the old Hiton unit for many years.  I have forwarded ports 80 and 442 same as before. All I get is a time-out when I try to access the site.

I thought it might have to do with some access control, but I turned all that off and still no joy.  I even tried to access the page using the external IP address and nothing.

Anyone know how I can get the access back to my web server?


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Re: Unable To Access Web Server

I plan to stick around

Further to my issue as noted above, I find that I am unable to access anything from a remote system.  The web server, my Caliber book server, and my Hone Assistant all all unreachable.  I am, however, able to ping the external IP address.  For some unknown reason, my PLEX server works. 

Re: Unable To Access Web Server

Hi @os3rules,


I certainly understand if it was working before on your previous setup and now you are unable to access it with the new modem.  


Can you check the Ignite HomeConnect app and see if you have Advanced Security turned on? If it is, you can try turning it off and see if that helps to get you access back to your server. You can find the steps on how to turn off/on the Advanced Security from the app here.



Re: Unable To Access Web Server

I plan to stick around

I did have advanced security turned off. 

I have come to the conclusion that this new router is no good.  It only took me 3 days to figure this out.    Nothing I need works on it.  Nothing that worked on the old router works. In fact, I have already backed out this new router and re-installed the Hitron.  And guess what?  Everything is working again. 

The new router offered me nothing - the download speed was the same as the old router.  The only change was 50MB upload rather than 30MB, which is perfectly fine with me. So, I consider this issue closed and thank everyone for there time.

Re: Unable To Access Web Server

@os3rules just to point out, you shouldn't have been able to remove the Ignite modem and reinstall the Hitron.  The Hitron modem should have been blocked from use when the Ignite modem fired up for the first time.  Maybe @RogersJermaine can expand on this.  I suspect that you might have to chat with him or one of the other moderators about this.  While the Hitron modem might be working now, it shouldn't, or, it should become a brick fairly soon.    

Re: Unable To Access Web Server

I plan to stick around

Rogers has notified me that they are "cancelling my Ignite order".  I expect that my old service will remain unchanged as a result.

Re: Unable To Access Web Server

Ok, gotcha.  That will still be a problem down the road as Rogers purges the Hitron modems from the system.

Re: Unable To Access Web Server

I plan to stick around

I am perfectly willing to use anything that they provide as long as it works for me with my configuration.  I can't afford to purchase a router just because Rogers deems it necessary to remove functionality from their equipment (to make it cheaper).  If they continue to provide the services I need, that's fine.

As people become more and more reliant on web services and application using the cloud, Rogers needs to provide hardware that can satisfy their customers needs.  I have been using my web server for absolute ages and to have it be unavailable is a big problem for me.  And - just for fun - I also use No-IP, which I also understand is not supported. 

Re: Unable To Access Web Server

No arguments from me.  Just pointing out that at some point in time, probably around the end of the year or earlier, it won't be possible to renew your services with a Hitron modem.  There won't be any choice but to switch to an Ignite modem (XB6/7/8), unless a minor miracle happens and Rogers introduces a modem that isn't a Comcast designed XBx modem.  Making a sacrifice to the modem gods might help.

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