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Rogers SLOW - intermittent and problematic (ASUS 3100 AC and 5300 AC router)

I plan to stick around

Ive been using a ASUS 3100 AC and 5300 AC router, all with IPV6 enabled. 

After awhile, and more so recently i have many disconnects. 
I've ran new lines, move the router and trouble shot for dozens of hours. 

I also noticed my speed tests we're quite slow -- upsetting. 
In a desperate move i disabled IPv6 and low and behold my internet is running at full speeds, and the disconnects seem to be gone. 

What is going on with rogers? 



***Added Labels***


Rogers SLOW - intermittent and problematic (ASUS 3100 AC and 5300 AC router)

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I'd place my bet on IPV6 problems with the CMTS.  Fwiw, IPV6 problems with the CMTS seem to come up on a regular basis.  Getting tech support or anyone else to believe that a CMTS IPV6 problem exists is major problem in itself.  Can't fix what you're ignoring.  Unfortunately, @RogersDave departed Rogers a few years back.  He was able to recognize an IPV6 problem in an instant.  And .... also unfortunately, no one at Rogers seems to be able to follow in his footsteps in terms of Dave's technical expertise.  



Re: Rogers SLOW - intermittent and problematic (ASUS 3100 AC and 5300 AC router)

I've been here awhile
I have the Gateway modem and Ariss AXO61AEI TV box. I’ve been having intermittent drip outs of WiFi for a week now. Today, the WiFi seems more steady, but the tv box won’t play any channel. Have tried several hard resets.

Re: Rogers SLOW - intermittent and problematic (ASUS 3100 AC and 5300 AC router)

I plan to stick around
How do you turn off IPv6 when the Rogers modem is running in bridge mode?

Or do you just configure your router to only use IPv4 and then it won't request a IPv6 address from the Rogers's dhcp server?

Re: Rogers SLOW - intermittent and problematic (ASUS 3100 AC and 5300 AC router)

@User021 I’ve been using Asus routers for several years now with the Hitron modems in Bridge mode, and so far, haven’t had any issues with that configuration.  Fwiw, here’s a few items to consider for test purposes.  I would go down this list one at a time and run each change for a day or two, or until the next DHCP failure and then include the next item.  I’d change one item at a time until hopefully you don’t have any more issues with the Rogers DHCP.


  1.  Switch the modem back to Bridge mode.  In the router’s WAN tab, set the DHCP query frequency to Aggressive mode and reboot the router.  If you still run into issues, set the DHCP query frequency to Continuous mode.
  2. If you use IPV6, disable IPV6 and set the DHCP query frequency to Aggressive mode.  Reboot the router and connected devices so that their all running IPV4 only. There shouldn’t be any relationship between an IPV4 DHCP server and IPV6 Prefix issued thru the CMTS, but, consider trying this so that the router runs IPV4 only.
  3. If you use Rogers DNS, in the router’s WAN tab, set the DNS Server 1 and DNS Server 2 to something other than Rogers DNS address.  Consider:
    2. OpenDNS:
    3. Google:
    4. Or other DNS service

Reading thru your post my bet would be that part of the problem is related to whatever the issues are with the neighbourhood node.  The next time that you’re chatting with a tech regarding issues with the neighbourhood node, ask for the ticket number so that you can refer to it during any subsequent conversations. 


I disagree with the tech’s statement that Asus routers are not compatible with Bridge mode.  As I indicated above, I’ve used this same configuration for several years without any problem.  But then, I’m only running IPV4 with the DHCP query frequency to Aggressive mode. 


Connecting directly to the modem with the modem in Bridge mode:  I absolutely do not recommend this unless it’s a last resort test configuration.  And then, only for the shortest period of time possible.  Rogers IPV4 addresses are scanned continuously by miscreants across the internet, so, its typical to see half a dozen or more port scans per minute, looking for any vulnerability in device firewalls.  You have to be absolutely certain of the device firewall capability to protect the device before considering a direct connection.


Its difficult to come up with an explanation of your observations regarding the MAC, without knowing the IPV4 and IPV6 firewall configurations of the router and the MAC.  Is Apple any better at firewalls than Asus?  Good question.


If you’re using the Hitron in Bridge mode, and plan to continue using that configuration, you don’t have to keep the Hitron’s wifi enabled.  If you don’t have any reason to use the Hitron wifi, disable both 2.4 and 5 Ghz networks.  Log into the modem, navigate to the WIRELESS …. BASIC SETTINGS and set the Wireless Enabled setting to Disable.  Do that for both 2.4 and 5 Ghz networks which is on the next sub-tab.  You can leave the router running in Access Point mode if you prefer, which means that the Hitron modem is in charge of the network. 


You can also consider running the router in its normal Wireless Router Mode.  That means that you’ll have a double NAT configuration running, but, the router will be in charge of your networks, not the modem.  That’s not efficient, but, if you don’t game, there a good chance that you won’t notice any issues with that configuration.  VOIP or VPN might be an issue, but, you won’t know unless you try it.  I do this from time to time as I’m too lazy to reconfigure the router to Access Point mode when I change the Hitron CODA-4582 to run in Gateway mode.  I haven’t had any complaints yet.


You indicated that you have firmware version running.  Would you happen to know when that was loaded?  It doesn’t show up in the firmware update list on the feedback post:


That list needs updating by @RogersIan to include


Can you post the modem signal stats?  Log into the modem, navigate to the STATUS …. DOCSIS WAN tab and copy the Downstream and Upstream Overview.  Park your curser in front of the “Downstream Overview” line.  Hold the shift key down and scroll down to the bottom right hand corner of the Upstream Overview data.  You can also use the Arrow keys to do this.  When that data area is selected, release the shift key and right click …. Copy.  In a new post, right click …. Paste.  That should paste the table into the post, just as it looks in the modem’s user interface. I’d like to see your signal data to see if that also plays a part in this. 


To disable the modem's IPV6 configuration, log into the modem and navigate to the BASIC .... GATEWAY FUNCTION tab.  Change the Router Mode from Dual (IPV4 + IPV6) to IPV4 only.  Save the changes.  The modem will take two to three minutes to sort itself out so that its configured to run IPV4 only.  I usually reboot the modem once this is done, ADMIN .... DEVICE RESET .... Reboot.  Reboot any connected devices as well.  If you have the router running in Router mode instead of Access Point mode, then you can simply disable IPV6 in the router, so that its runs IPV4 only.  Then it won't matter if the modem is running with IVP6 enabled.  The IPV6 firewall in the router should still be enabled.  That is located at Firewall .... Basic Config .... Enable IPV6 Firewall .... Yes.


If you're not receiving any response from tech support regarding the issue with the neighbouhood node, send a private message to @CommunityHelps (the moderators) with your account details so they can look up your file, and then locate the ticket for the neighbourhood node to see what's been done and what remains to be done, if anything. 


Are you running stock Asus firmware or Merlin's Asuswrt?  I'm using Merlin's Asuswrt on an RT-AX86U.

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