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MAC Filtering

I've been here awhile



I've got 2 devices (3D Printers) that will no longer connect to my wifi. The manufacturer has reviewed log files and they suspect that my router might be filtering the MAC addresses and not allowing the devices to connect. I'm not super tech savy but I have looked through the app as well as the modem admin page and I can't find anything regarding MAC filtering. It's the Gateway XB8 modem. Any suggestions? Thanks!


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Re: MAC Filtering

I've been here awhile
If I’m not mistaken, there’s no options provided for MAC address filtering at all. I’m guessing you’ve already tried rebooting the modem, and (if possible) plugging in any one of the 3D printers in with ethernet?

Re: MAC Filtering

I've been here awhile

I rebooted the modem, even went as far as a factory reset of the modem. I can connect with ethernet with no issues.

Re: MAC Filtering

@sdyball  the problem is most likely the modem's default Band Steering configuration, which means that the modem is running Band Steering and attempting to force the devices onto the 5 Ghz band.  I'll bet that if you check the specs for those printers, you'll find that they don't support 5 Ghz wifi.  


There are a couple of solutions available, one of which was posted recently by @RogersTony:


That steps thru the process to temporarily disable the 5 Ghz wifi network, forcing everything onto the 2.4 Ghz network.  That should allow you to connect the printers to the modem.  The only question is whether or not they will remain on the 2.4 Ghz network when you reenable the 5 Ghz network.  


The other solution is to disable Band Steering altogether.  Have a look at the following page:


How to Ensure Bandsteering is On for the Ignite WiFi Gateway Modem - Rogers


If Comcast hasn't changed the enable/disable Band Steering function in the modem, you should be able to follow that down to the setting to "Use different names and passwords for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WiFi".  Check that selection, which will turn off Band Steering and allow you to rename either band so that you can connect the printers to the 2.4 Ghz band.  At this point, you might have to leave this configuration as is, with two Wifi bands, each with their own network names.  It depends on what you've found in the first step. 


Fwiw, this is a constant source of problems for customers who are trying to connect devices to the modem.  Its unfortunate that the default modem setting has Band Steering enabled.  


Each wifi device is supposed to declare its capability, in terms of supporting either the 2.4 or 5 Ghz network or both.  The modem or router is supposed to use that information that the device broadcasts and connect the device to the one of the two bands.  If the device doesn't support the 5 Ghz network, the modem shouldn't be forcing the device onto the 5 Ghz network.  Square peg in round hole, or something similar. .....

Re: MAC Filtering

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Just one caveat. If you have pods, I'm pretty sure band steering must be enabled again, after getting the troublesome items connected.

Re: MAC Filtering

I've been here awhile

So, I tried disabling band steering but it didn't solve the problem. I also found the MAC filtering settings in the modem admin page. There doesn't seem to be any filters in place.

Re: MAC Filtering

I've been here awhile

I'm fighting a similar problem with my HP printer not connecting due to MAC filtering being on. I suspect the problem is a backward logic thing.......MAC filtering on, but allowing everything, is not the same as MAC filtering off! Some software geek somewhere is real proud of himself for saving 10 lines of code 😞

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