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Sound Drops and Some Pixelation on Channel 9 Yes TV

I'm a senior contributor

I have noticed that I have had frequent pixelation and sound drops on Channel 9 Yes TV for over a week now.  Other channels seem to be fine but this one has it often.


Is there a transmission problem going on?





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Re: Sound Drops and Some Pixelation on Channel 9 Yes TV

I'm a senior contributor

It happened at least a dozen times yesterday over the course of the episode and was not a one off.  I had a ticket open for a signal issue which has improved but not the viewing experience.

Re: Sound Drops and Some Pixelation on Channel 9 Yes TV

I've been around
I had this same issue with Sportsnet at one point and just relegated to the fact that this issue “is what it is”. However….
It may not be an issue in your household at all but could be interference coming from a neighbouring customer.
Long story short, many Rogers customers in the neighborhood had complained so one day I saw linemen and thought nothin of it. What they were actually doing was going pole to pole tracing line interference and it actually originated from my address due to a loose cable connection. The lineman showed me the line noise monitor and as soon as the connection was tight it eliminated the noise / interference. Since signals travel back and forth, the fact was my loose connection apparently affected customers on the “same line”. The tightened connection /elimination of line noise fixed my issue and assuming others as well.

Re: Sound Drops and Some Pixelation on Channel 9 Yes TV

I'm a senior contributor

I also find shows around 5 pm, 6 pm have breaking up issues during the segment.  

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