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Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

I know you guys try your best but I became very frustrated after I recently tried to provide you with feedback, but I could not post it because of the image below.  I tried different O 0  I 1 combinations but it was all for nought.  I was not over 500 characters either!


I was trying to indicate that the instructions for the App Password were written for a tech geek, not my 70 year old grandmother. I suggested you provide a video! All your surveys and requests for improvement seem to go nowhere.  I do not think I am alone in my frustration with Rogers support.


Rogers feedback image.png



***Edited Labels***


Re: Captcha Issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

The captchas were gone from Chrome for a few days, but they have returned the past couple of days.  At first I solved them and they were present about 25% of the time I tried to login.


More recently, they are present more often and I'm required to fill in several of the static ones to login.


I'm back using Firefox today since I don't need to put up with the nuisance using FF.

Re: Captcha Issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I've seen Captchas on Chrome about once a day (or about 25% of the time) since my last post.  But the real horror came today when I got a Captcha on Firefox.  I must have jinxed things by posting here.  😉

Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

@57 wrote:

I've seen Captchas on Chrome about once a day (or about 25% of the time) since my last post.  But the real horror came today when I got a Captcha on Firefox.  I must have jinxed things by posting here.  😉

I just logged in with Mozilla Foxfire, used my ID and password and there were no Captchas. 

"Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean they are not out to get you."  Smiley Wink

Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

They seem to be random for me on chrome .  Likely about like  57 and about 25 % of the time . 

What bugs me is the ambiguity and poor quality pics ends up just being a guess anyway in some cases ....what does that protect against  except the participation of easily irritated members ? 

Re: Captcha Issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I've been able to use Firefox for a couple of weeks and have not run into the Captcha during that time.  However, yesterday I did.  I'm currently on a very slow connection and got the message "Cannot contact reCAPTCHA. Check your connection and try again."  which is not at all helpful...


Bad enough that I have to deal with these horrible things (sometimes several of them with very poor picture quality), but now I can't even sign in sometimes.  What I do when this happens is click OK to the above message and then try to click "OK" on the main signin popup and sometimes it lets me in then without the Captcha.

Re: Captcha Issues

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey Community!


Wanted to follow up to let you all know that we are still reviewing and investigating the CAPTCHA, and plans are still in motion to alleviate the issues.


Stay tuned and please keep sharing your concerns.



Re: Captcha Issues

Since my last post I had one of those dynamic captchas.  .  It asked me to identify crosswalks, but after I identified them all, more kept coming up. It was like a "whack-a-mole".  I must have had to whack about 10 crosswalks before I was allowed in.


Most of the time, the captchas are static, but the image quality is poor and it's really difficult to identify the bicycles or storefronts, buses, bridges, etc.

Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

Yup ... and what is the purpose of it ?  I'm on other boards and visit a few  supposedly  secure sites  and they don't seem to need this nonsense..... why here?

Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

@57 wrote:

Most of the time, the captchas are static, but the image quality is poor and it's really difficult to identify the bicycles or storefronts, buses, bridges, etc.

It does seem ironic ...I got a pair of prescription computer  glasses  so  so I can better see the print on my pc and  now the captcha images are even poorer quality the last few days  .  Smiley Surprised

And since when is a cube van a bus , or a roof vent a chimney or a building front a store front .  If there was something on this bulletin board that warranted protection it might  make sense to have to go through that foolishness  . Smiley Wink


Re: Captcha Issues

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@barndoor : Check out the following recent thread on Captcha and login issues:

Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

Thanks  @57

While I appreciate the suggestion still boils down to being a customer service issue that is under Rogers control   and if Rogers is not going to deal with it  in a customer oriented manner and in a timely fashion... this has been going on for a while now    ....I can take a hint .  Smiley Wink


Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

@barndoor wrote:

Thanks  @57

While I appreciate the suggestion still boils down to being a customer service issue that is under Rogers control   and if Rogers is not going to deal with it  in a customer oriented manner and in a timely fashion... this has been going on for a while now    ....I can take a hint .  Smiley Wink


FYI. When I got the Community Mailer:  barndoor (I'm a Trusted Contributor) posted a new reply in Community Questions & Suggestions on 12-23-2018 11:21 AM :

then clicked on the links to Sign in, I didn't get any Captcha's from 18 Dec to 23 Dec.  Today when I reply this way, I keep getting Captchas.  They are obviously making changes without asking the customers.



Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a senior advisor

What's important here is that your sign-in for the forum is the same as as for all your other access to Rogers, including purchases and changing plans. That should be vitally important to Rogers customers and protected.

Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

@OLDYELLR wrote:

What's important here is that your sign-in for the forum is the same as as for all your other access to Rogers, including purchases and changing plans. That should be vitally important to Rogers customers and protected.

I think my issue is that I deal with a couple banks and and an investment  business and they have a far less  complicated  access protocol  and don"t use captchas  .... so why does Rogers ? Granted for some people I suppose  their phone and TV are the most important concerns.

What does a captcha really protect against anyway ? 

Re: Captcha Issues

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)



Hey Community,


I shared this update over on the Changes to Login November 2018 thread, but the answer applies here as well.


I've confirmed our Technology Team is working to implement an enhancement in  (hopefully) early 2019 that should significantly reduce the number of times the challenge triggers.


For the time being, one thing that we’ve found to be quite effective; when using Chrome, log into your Google account in the background. The CAPTCHA's should be less likely to appear. 




Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

The question remains though ,in this case, what is a captcha  actually   protecting against ? It comes up AFTER I have entered my name and password .  Does that mean that Rogers may have issued an  account to bots and wants to sort them out ? 

If a bot has a customers  name and password don't you want to know about it rather than just avoiding the issue with a captcha ? 




Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor


Tried to log on today as usual but after the Captcha for Fire Hydrants I got this. I had to try three more times before getting in.  I also got the jumping bean page refresh.  As others have said, this doesn't happen on other websites.

Access Denied.png


Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

@User14 wrote:


Tried to log on today as usual but after the Captcha for Fire Hydrants I got this. I had to try three more times before getting in.  I also got the jumping bean page refresh.  As others have said, this doesn't happen on other websites.

Access Denied.png


Are you suggesting that maybe they should  scrap  the captchas since no one seems to be able to explain what they actually protect us from anyway   and instead concentrate on fixing it so that customers can access their accounts and this information board 98% of the time rather than what seems like about 70% of the time currently ? 

Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

@barndoor wrote:

Are you suggesting that maybe they should  scrap  the captchas since no one seems to be able to explain what they actually protect us from anyway   and instead concentrate on fixing it so that customers can access their accounts and this information board 98% of the time rather than what seems like about 70% of the time currently ? 

I am merely reporting my experiences to let the "Community" know what is happening.  I managed to log on this morning in my usual way through the Community Mailer process and ended up with 3 captchas.  No Access Denied but a lot of "clicking" this time. I tried 9 clicks on the first Captcha, but I guess it wasn't a traffic light. Smiley Mad

9 clicks for the Crosswalks, but it failed.  4 clicks on the last Captcha worked. 22 clicks total! 

Captcha Traffic lights.jpgCaptcha Crosswalks.jpgCaptcha Crosswalks 2.jpg





Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

@User14 wrote:

I am merely reporting my experiences to let the "Community" know what is happening.  I managed to log on this morning in my usual way through the Community Mailer process and ended up with 3 captchas.  No Access Denied but a lot of "clicking" this time. I tried 9 clicks on the first Captcha, but I guess it wasn't a traffic light. Smiley Mad

9 clicks for the Crosswalks, but it failed.  4 clicks on the last Captcha worked. 22 clicks total! 

Captcha Traffic lights.jpgCaptcha Crosswalks.jpgCaptcha Crosswalks 2.jpg





My apologies ...I should not have tried to put words in your post .  

I have found that 95% of the captchas i get are 3-5  clicks  with the majority being four  if it makes a difference to what you do .  Why a computer designed to sort them  could not figure them out  most of the time is beyond me.

Thank you  @RogersYasmine for  overriding the word police in my last post  . Smiley Wink

Re: Captcha Issues

I'm a trusted contributor

Today, 30 Dec 2018   ~12:05pm. I tried to log in directly at


Sign in As page.jpg

No Captchas! I was able to see the MyRogers page but I went directly to Community Forums.  The forum page showed I was not signed in, although I was shown as logged in at "Users Online" on the bottom of the page. 

Signed out and then signed in directly again at

or  ?  

Looked like this:

My Rogers Sign in.jpg


Still NO Catchas! I was able to see the MyRogers page and went directly to Community Forums. This time I was shown logged in at the top right. 

Still very inconsistent depending upon how you try to log in. 

Some login pages work and others don't.

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