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Using CGN3ACSMR/CGN3 for PS3

I plan to stick around

Hellos to all,

It's been a little while since I have given some feedback with the Rogers CGN3ACSMR and my issues which are only with online console gaming(PS3)...Let me begin with this first because I believe as a result of my frustration with not getting my gaming fix 😃 I was sounding a little bitter and harsh in my earlier replies regarding "the getting signed out of PlayStation network" due to the modem latency and compatibility with the PS3, my apologies. All my tech and tv services including wireless and internet also are with Rogers since 97' and I must say that I am very happy with their service and pricing and plan on "sticking around" 😊

So I've had some time to continue testing and fiddle around with settings and port forwarding, static IP and even the DMZ had a chat with Sony & Rogers tech support crew and have come to my own conclusions and please, i only speak from my own experience and not for others in the same boat.....just like with all the newly released tech and gadgets, there is that early "beta phase" that contains some bugs that need to be worked out and also most importantly the device although it has been calibrated nicely by Hitron, it needs further configuration on the Rogers network, and to be properly optimized to reach it's capabilities....i also think that having in bridge mode with top notch 3rd party router won't solve the issue. All my other internet requiring devices, requests and needs are met with the service and the CGN3ACSMR, but as many experienced hardcore gamers know, online gaming is a whole different beast that is very very delicate and extremely sensitive to the slightest of change with regards to your network, hardware etc...

I hope that we see some progress soon on the functionality as a whole regarding the entire CGN3 series...

I know I'm rambling haha 😊 I have a question, in basic settings tab when i look at connected devices it shows incorrect name on one of my connected devices, anyone know how to edit host name of connected devices??

Also just wanted to confirm signal levels are ok...thanks in advance Datalink, I really appreciate your opinion and always a pleasure reading all your helpful and considerate replies on here and @dsl too....i have learned a lot from you bud! 😊






*** Edit labels ***


Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/CGN3 for PS3

I plan to stick around

Whoops forgot these:

Downstream Overview

Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)

1 651000000 256QAM 1.700 106 37.356
2 591000000 256QAM 1.800 97 38.983
3 597000000 256QAM 2.400 98 38.983
4 603000000 256QAM 1.900 99 38.605
5 609000000 256QAM 1.500 100 37.636
6 615000000 256QAM 1.100 101 37.636
7 621000000 256QAM 0.800 102 37.356
8 633000000 256QAM 0.900 103 37.356
9 639000000 256QAM 1.300 104 37.636
10 645000000 256QAM 1.500 105 37.636
11 657000000 256QAM 1.500 107 37.636
12 663000000 256QAM 1.000 108 37.356
13 669000000 256QAM 0.500 109 37.356
14 675000000 256QAM 0.100 110 37.093
15 681000000 256QAM -0.500 111 36.610
16 687000000 256QAM -0.900 112 36.610
17 693000000 256QAM -0.300 113 36.387
18 699000000 256QAM -0.100 114 36.610
19 705000000 256QAM 0.500 115 37.356
20 711000000 256QAM 0.600 116 36.610

Sometimes in downstream from 14 to 20 the signal to noise dips into 35.595-35.780 but usually hovers around 36.780

Upstream Overview

Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID BandWidth

1 38596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 41.750 5 3200000
2 23700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 41.750 7 6400000
3 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 41.750 6 6400000

Thanks to all for your time this morning and have a great day! 😊

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/CGN3 for PS3

Your signal levels look pretty good there 🙂

One thing you didnt mention.. is that if you have got the latest new 'beta' firmware for the CGN3ACSMR??


If not.. this may solve MOST of the issues possibly with the gaming.

If you contact @CommunityHelps with your internet account number and the MAC address of your modem, they can push it out to you.

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/CGN3 for PS3

Hi Onyx2222, thanks for the kind remarks.  Always appreciated.  I consider what @Gdkitty, @VivienM and myself do in terms of helping others with internet based issues to really be a team effort.  I'm just the new guy in the group, while they have been with Rogers as clients and Resident Experts much much longer than I have 🙂

Your signal levels and signal to noise ratios on the downstream are good.  The upstream is just above the normal 36 to 40 dB range, so no problem their either.

I'm assuming from reading your post that you have a CGN3ACSMR.  We haven't had a great deal of feedback for the PS3s and PS4s but what we have is split between good and bad.  @RogersAsif runs both with an updated CGN3ACSMR and despite a rather interesting network setup, doesn't appear to have any problems with either.  Others have found that going back to a CGN3 has resulted in better gaming experience with those consoles.  So, personally speaking, based on the feedback alone, I'm still undecided as to whether or not the update firmware fully resolves the issues for those consoles.  I think what might be needed is further feedback located on one thread, to try to determine if the problems are console specific, ie: PS3 or PS4 matched up specifically with any of of the CGN3 series modems, or if its particular game and game server issue. Throw in potential wireless issues and now there are a number of variables to sort through.  Food for thought....

All of the Hitron CGN3 series modems have problems with latency and in the case of the CGN3ACSMR, there are additional issues with online games.  However, as you are aware, the update for that modem seems to resolve the issues with online games and addresses the latency issue for latency intolerant applications and devices.  I don't know when that same firmware resolution will migrate down to the CGN3 and CNG3ACR.  Wish I did.  But, when that does happen, it will be interesting to see if those firmware modifications clears those issues up once and for all.

If you keep an eye on other forums you would see that Rogers is ahead of the pack in addressing the latency and gaming issues with a 24x8 modem.  All of the 24x8 modems that are out today, in use, have latency issues and it appears that the CGN3ACSMR is leading the rest of the pack when it comes to resolving those issues.  So, as frustrated as people are with those modems, I think this group is much further ahead of everyone else.  Progress might not be achieved as fast as everyone would like, but it's being made, step by step.  

Lastly you asked about how to edit the host name of connected devices.  In some cases such as a phone with wifi capability you might not have a choice.  It might be broadcasting a default device name that can't be changed.  In other cases it should be a matter of digging into the device settings to find the name that is being displayed and changing it.  If its a cell phone, post a question into the Wireless forum.  If its something else, can you post the device type and model?  Maybe someone already has it figured out.

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/CGN3 for PS3

@Datalink wrote:

Hi Onyx2222, thanks for the kind remarks.  Always appreciated.  I consider what @Gdkitty, @VivienM and myself do in terms of helping others with internet based issues to really be a team effort.  I'm just the new guy in the group, while they have been with Rogers as clients and Resident Experts much much longer than I have 🙂

I don't think I've been an RE longer than you (@Gdkitty was here long before us), though I've been in various residential high-speed Internet forums at various times in the past 16 years.


And yes, I guess I just celebrated 16 years as a Rogers Internet customer. Rogers@Home, as it then was called, was installed at my parents' house in Ottawa with a LANcity modem in late June, 1999; they're still using Rogers (the Hybrid Fibre 30/200 plan with a CGN2) to this day. My own account in Toronto dates back to 2005; spent a couple of years in Cogecoland before then...


Honestly, those who weren't around 15-16 years ago have no idea how much better things are now, both in terms of speed and especially reliability (those LANcities had a couple hours/month of downtime)...


Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/CGN3 for PS3


My house when i was young, my father was in the BETA program for it.. when it started in 95.  Was rogerswave at that time (before the @home)
Started off with a the FIRST lan city modem (thing was like 4x as big as the current ones), and was a whopping 128k!
(quickly changed to the 256k)  Though this was the time of the 56k modems being the norm.
At that point, residential routers really didnt exist.. at least for a few years..  You were just ONE device only on it.
(were some ways to cheat with a PC with two network cards, 98SE with ICS, a hub, etc)


I love talking to  people at rogers some times about email stuff.. when they check my account and see when it was created.. that its almost 20 years old 😛

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/CGN3 for PS3

@Gdkitty wrote:

At that point, residential routers really didnt exist.. at least for a few years..  You were just ONE device only on it.
(were some ways to cheat with a PC with two network cards, 98SE with ICS, a hub, etc)

Back in 2000... when we suddenly had two computers, we were paying $10/month to Rogers for an extra IP (oh how I miss the @home DHCP, that thing was awesome - hostname cr781114-b magically got the second IP...) and plugging the modem into a 10 megabit/sec hub. Yes, hub. Not switch. And it cost $50ish... from an outfit called Long gone outfit too; they seemed to be selling everything at a loss...


The next year, one of those machines was replaced with a dual-NIC FreeBSD box running natd. Funny thing is, while my parents have long been switched to dedicated NAT routers (a Netgear or two, a Linksys WRT54GL, a Linksys WRT320N, now the Asus RT-AC68U)... I'm still running a dual-NIC FreeBSD box with the same firewall rules from 2001 here. Works great, and the Asus RT-AC68U is the first router that's made me even vaguely consider dumping the rock solid FreeBSD setup...


Oh, the old days...

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/CGN3 for PS3

See, what did I say, I'm just the new guy here 🙂

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/CGN3 for PS3

I plan to stick around

Hi ladies and gents and thanks for your replies Gdk VivM Data...i do have the updated firmware
It functions ok wirelessly but the latency is there regardless whether in bridge or gateway...seems to be be starving for clean usable bandwidth, reason I say this is because I'm in a new residential neighborhood 30 mins east of GTA and I'm in phase 1 which is now 2yrs old, builder just completing phase 2 and the new additions to neighborhood nodes may be possibly overloaded/mismanaged and improper bandwidth allotment might come into play causing a lot of these latency issues which seems to improve in the early am between 2-6 when customers usage is low...we will see, I may need to make a few calls.

Data regarding host name editing for connected devices, I haven't found the option but I'll keep digging...the device is VoIP home phone replacement, probably modem can't puuull correct name or it's not available and chooses to name it after another device on my connected device list AppleTv, probably chooses this name option because already on the list and alphabetically quicker I guess 😊

Gdk it's funny how I get that also from Rogers CSR's when thy notice the longstanding customer loyalty, which is actually amusing at times 😊 Ahhhh the old days of the 80s & 90s when distractions were minimal and life was beautiful 😁
Thanks for your time everyone 😊

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/CGN3 for PS3

I plan to stick around

Hey come my emoticons aren't as Chris Martin from Coldplay would say YELLOW haha 😊😁

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/CGN3 for PS3

Ok, so far so good..... maybe.  Here is what you can to do potentially solve the wireless issue, and that is to look at the wifi environment to see how crowded it is.  The link below is for the last freebie version of inSSIDER, which is a wifi monitoring application.  It will display the 2.4 and 5 Ghz bands and the networks that are in those bands which use a/b/g/n.  It doesn't show 802.11ac networks but there is a pay version out now that will show those networks on a normal b/g/n capable laptop by reading the transmit header data.  For $20 US its worth it if you use 802.11ac at all.  So, give this a go, load it on a dual band capable laptop so that you can see both bands.  You should probably find that the 2.4 Ghz band is very crowded and that there are no clear channels to operate on.  You get what you get basically.  The 5 Ghz band might be almost empty, but you would need the new inSSIDer version to be sure.


Edit:  please let us know how your PS3 gaming turns out.  The only other recommendation I can make is to swap your modem for the CGN3, but that puts you back into the situation of having 5 to 6 ms average ping times to the modem as well as latency through the modem.


Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/CGN3 for PS3

Hey Guys


@Datalink & @ONYX1222 brought up some interesting and valid points. 


First one being the fact that we haven't much feedback regarding the Ps3 and Ps4.


The one thing i wanted to post about @ONYX1222 statement is "hardcore gamers". I used to game a lot but now i only consider myself an occasional gamer, possibly someone who only plays a few hours a week wouldn't notice much but a hardcore game would have more data regarding the issues.


Well anyways, I have made a slight modification to the title of this thread. Hopefully we can gather some more feedback on the issues affecting the PS3. I haven't played PS3 much just that one match of Call of Duty. I was playing FIFA 05 online on PS4 over the weekend and it was kind of spotty some matches were fine well others were not. Im not sure if it was the game servers, the other player(as if they have a poor connection it will affect the match), or my connection.





Using CGN3ACSMR/​CGN3 for PS3

Just upgraded to the rogers ignite 250 plan, I have the router/modem  connected directly. Im achieving only 15mbps download and 2 mbps upload.  I can't even join online FPS servers with out losing connection. 


hardwired to my mac the internet is 300MBps down /26mbps up.


please help 🙂 

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/​CGN3 for PS3

Hi @sedg101,



Thank you for your post and Welcome to the Community Forums! Smiley Happy


I understand you have the new router/modem connected directly to your PS3 and not getting sufficient speeds and unable to join online FPS servers with out losing connection. To start with troubelshooting your issue I would suggest the new firmware update, most likely you may have the firmware of The new firmware update is which automatically gets updated within 48 hours from the time the modem came online. If you notice the firmware is not updated even after 72 hours, please message us back and we will follow up for you with our deployment team.


Thank you for your patience,

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/​CGN3 for PS3

Yep, as @RogersArthur indicated, you need to load to resolve the issues inherent in the current firmware.  Beyond that, set up a static address by using the DHCP reservation function and then manually set up Port Forwarding for the device.  If you prefer to use an automated set up with the modem's UPNP enabled, between UPNP and the PS3 setup that you can run on the PS3, the ports should be set for you.  I don't recommend leaving UPNP enabled as it can also be used by rogue applications to change the modem settings without your knowledge.  @RogersAsif has indicated that using UPNP with his PS4 setup does work.  

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/​CGN3 for PS3



The Story
I recently had Rogers service installed and ever since then I have been having connectivity issues with my PS3. The internet works fine with all other devices but the connection is being very weird on my PS3. I believe this is an issue with the service and not the device because nothing about the device changed and it worked fine on the old service.


I spent the past 4 days being passed around by technical support until I got moved over to a Tech"Xpert." His suggestion was to unplug the router for 30 seconds. To my surprise that didn't work...who would have thought that would happen....


The Issue
I keep getting disconnected from games. Some games show me the connection status I have with those games and the thing I noticed that I get disconnected when my connection with the game is good. This persisted with multiple games so it can't be blamed on a certain game.


I tried setting up a DMZ and that didn't seem to improve the problem. I tried playing on a wired connection and even though the download speed almost tripled I still got disconnected (even faster this time).


As mentioned before nothing about the PS3 changed so I don't believe this is caused by the device as it worked before with no issues over a wireless Rogers connection.


My router is the Hitron CGN3ACSMR.


The Conclusion
I am confused and livid. No one was able to help me and I can't really blame them that much becasue this entire situation doesn't make any sense and the issues seem like they are are arising for absolutely no reason.


Thank you for reading. Any suggestions are much appreciated.

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/​CGN3 for PS3

Ok, well I dont' know why @RogersAsif didn't respond to this earlier as I believe he runs a PS3 and PS4.  So, first things first, can you log into the modem and check which Software Version (firmware) is currently loaded and let us know.  Just to confirm, the modem model, as indicated by the product sticker at the back of the modem is the CGN3ACSMR.  Depending on the firmware version and confirmation of the modem model, the next step will most likely be to request the latest trial firmware version for the CGN3ACSMR.  


Beyond that, you should know that the Hitron NAT is fairly strict, to the point of being a pain.  For the PS3 and PS4 that means running the modem with UPNP enabled so that the PS3/4 negotiates with or sets the forwarded ports (required for PS3/4 to operate properly) in the modem. Note that switching from wired to wifi will reset those ports as the MAC address on the PS3/4 will change from a wired MAC to a Wireless MAC, or vice versa.  @RogersAsif has indicated previously that he uses UPNP and that results in gaming without any issues.  


The one issue with UPNP is that it can also be used by rogue applications to change the modem settings without your knowledge, which is why I usually don't recommend using it unless you have to.


With that in mind, to run the PS3/4 or any other gaming console, the first step would be to set up a static IP address using the DHCP Reservation function located in the BASIC .... LAN SETUP page. Once that is setup and saved, reboot the modem using the ADMIN .... DEVICE RESET .... Reboot function.  After the reboot, log back in and setup the port forwarding as required for the PS3, using the BASIC ... PORT FORWARDING ..... Add rules function.  When that is done and saved, reboot the modem.   Remember that the rules are set up for the Device, which is tied to a MAC address.   So if you change from wired to wireless, you might be out of luck so to speak as its most likely that MAC address will be different.  The way to check is to use the connected computers list on the BASIC ... LAN setup page.  Check the MAC address when the PS3 is connected via ethernet.  Then switch the PS3 to wifi and turn it off.  Reboot the modem.  Then turn the PS3 back on, and check the Connected Computers list again for the MAC address of the PS3's wifi adapter.  I expect them to be different.  That would be the usual case.  But, I'd be pleasantly surprised if Sony had put some thought into this and arranged for both ethernet port, and wifi adapter to run the same MAC address.  Won't know until you're there.  If they are the same, then it won't matter, you can use the same rule set for both connection types.  If the MAC addresses are different, you would have to create another static IP address for the second MAC and then redo the forwarding rules.  


So, hope this sheds some light on the situation.

Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/​CGN3 for PS3

@Datalink wrote:

Ok, well I dont' know why @RogersAsif didn't respond to this earlier as I believe he runs a PS3 and PS4.  So, first things first, can you log into the modem and check which Software Version (firmware) is currently loaded and let us know.  Just to confirm, the modem model, as indicated by the product sticker at the back of the modem is the CGN3ACSMR.  Depending on the firmware version and confirmation of the modem model, the next step will most likely be to request the latest trial firmware version for the CGN3ACSMR.  

Hey @Datalink


As the forums are a peer-to-peer environment, we leave time for other Community members to chime in/offer their expertise first. I had planned on jumping into the convo myself, didn't get around to it right away. You beat me to the punch Smiley Wink Smiley Happy Also I have PS3 at home but it packed up sitting in a box, currently using PS4.


@Kerubimu I haven't heard of a wide spread issue involving PS3 so my suggestion is we start with analyzing your connection and get some more details on how you are gaming, before we get into the other nitty gritty stuff. Also as Datalink has mentioned check the firmware version as it possible you received a modem with an older firmware.


Is it possible you log into the modem and paste the information from the DOCSIS WAN page(please remove any mac's addresses) as this will give us an idea of the signal. You can also see if a new firwmare was pushed by accessing the logs.


Can you list some of the games you are having connection problems with?





Re: Using CGN3ACSMR/​CGN3 for PS3

For the signal levels that @RogersAsif is indicating, navigate to the STATUS .... DOCSIS WAN page, copy just the downstream and upstream tables and paste those into a post.  That will copy and paste the text contents of the tables.  As a general rule, its always good to have a look at the signal levels to ensure that they aren't the cause of, or a majority contributer to the problem.


The Software Version (Firmware) that is loaded is also part of this issue,so that is also a required piece of info.  I would add one more item.  Navigate to the STATUS ...... DOCSIS EVENT page and have a look for one of the following sequences:

a. CMTS-MAC=00:17:10 which indicates that you are connected to a Casa Systems Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS), or;

b. any of the following which indicates that you are connected to a Cisco Systems CMTS.


     1. CMTS-MAC=00:05:00
     2. CMTS-MAC=00:12:43
     3. CMTS-MAC=00:14:f1
     4. CMTS-MAC=00:1f:ca
     5. CMTS-MAC=e0:2f:6d         Note: there may be other Cicso MAC addresses

                                                         as well which are not on this list yet.

Please let me know if you have the CMTS-MAC=00:17:10 sequence in your DOCSIS EVENTS log as you will need to request the trial version when that CMTS is connected to a CGN3ACSMR. 

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