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New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I plan to stick around

Had my prepaid phone off during the holidays and just turned it on today to receive the following text from Rogers:


Rogers service msg: Starting at the end of 2018, our prepaid services will have a maximum allowed balance of $150. Any balance above $150 will no longer be available as of end of 2018. We will be in touch with more information on how you can use your balance soon, but in the meantime you can continue to use your balance as normal. Questions?


What are the options? The option that I think that they will do is to force those high balance users to go to postpaid. Unless they give me the option to get a new phone, there is no way that I would be able to use my balance or reduce it to under $150 before the end of 2018. The only other thing which would reduce my balance is for me to take options/services that I don't need (like data/SMS/addon services) that I don't need for the sake of just reducing my balance.


This seems ridiculous.



367 REPLIES 367

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I'm a senior advisor
Who would have thought that there would be so many ways to view the uses of a phone meeting needs and how to protect for your definition of an emergency.

There in lies the challenge of a poorly communicated and very dramatic change for a service that meets such a wide range of needs. Now imagine if Rogers communicates to discuss our individual needs. No wonder the offers are all over the map and @barndoor my Mistake they haven't communicated further. Add that to the list of escalation reasons and breach of faith in my opinion. They created this communicated poorly created no consistent way to understand the customer and move forward never followed up on communication when they said they would. Customer service. What is that.

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I'm a trusted contributor

@Sarcee  ...


Here is a deal they supposedly  gave someone here ....  message 132 in this thread ...


Posts: 2
Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance
Just called and wanted to share in hopes it helps some of you.

1) Got to keep my $0.01 evenings and weekends anytime $0/month plan you have to call before March 2018 to avoid getting switched to the $10 month plan. Note I've had this plan since 2002

2) Extended expiry date to May 2019 with no effect on $150 limit until then and did not get $100 deducted to extend expiry

Overall very pleasent and quick call less than 1 min wait and done in 5 mins is almost as if the media attention has made them not fight back on this. Although please note the first option was offered is to spend $100 from my balance to renew for 1 year  "
After seeing this deal I certainly have no idea why they won't allow you to just transfer your balance and use it up  on a ten dollar flat rate plan .  They basically gave this person  a free year and a half AND let them keep their balance over $150 . 
So  basically a gift of $150 it would seem . And still keep their balance to use up  .   Sounds like you'd be happy to  just move to a more expensive plan (read ...more beneficial to Rogers) and use up the balance you have on the new plan  and they say no  ?    Just rediculous !!  Smiley Frustrated
I'm sure you'd be tickled if they gave you an extra $100 to though .... Smiley LOL

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I'm a trusted contributor

@BS wrote:
Who would have thought that there would be so many ways to view the uses of a phone meeting needs and how to protect for your definition of an emergency.

There in lies the challenge of a poorly communicated and very dramatic change for a service that meets such a wide range of needs. Now imagine if Rogers communicates to discuss our individual needs. No wonder the offers are all over the map 

Whoa  @BS  ,   please don't go making this sound way more complicated than it  really is  .... that tends to give Rogers an out on this .  Smiley LOL


What we are seeing here is as simple as varying use levels and therefore varying  points at which  maximal benefit per customer is achieved. Whether the focuse is on cost per minute or cost per year is basically irrelevant in the bigger picture .  The issue is as simple as somebody made a boo boo in the first place in allowing a balance to be carried  forward .  Its as simple as different use levels have resulted in  varying amounts of balance being left in limbo.   .   . Surely their are enough smarts up there that they could have come up with a fair  and consistent approach  to this so  they didn't end up with an example like I posted above for Sarcee .  

I look at that  and think  .... I was on the same plan where the heck is my freebie for being a customer here.  The simplest and best solution they could have come up with IMO is to have said oops ,sorry ,we made a mistake in trying to cap your balance.... you can keep your high balance and do whatever you want with it within the parameters of the plan ... just like all the rest of us have done . That leaves it up to the customer as to what they want to do with that big pile of airtime they have so carefully squirreled away.   Then everyone is treated the same and everyone has been governed by the terms of their contract . After all that seems to be  the way all the other plans seem to work . Smiley Wink



Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I plan to stick around

Is Rogers automatically switching people to the $10. month plan March 1? Or the end of March?


Just curious, as they extended my expiry date to March 8th.

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Sarcee :  I've seen various dates for various people.  Here's a copy of the text that I requested. This was sent to me by e-mail after a phone conversation in early January, at which time I requested to stay on my existing Anytime plan:


Rogers service msg: Starting on <DATE> and each month after that, your monthly top up will go towards our $10 Talk & Text plan that will give you 50 anytime local minutes and 50 text messages instead of being charged for every minute or text you use. For more details about the plan see . This change is made in accordance with the CRTC Wireless Code. To go back to what you currently have or to cancel your prepaid service, reach us at .

As you can see it says "Date", which probably varies depending on your individual billing date. I've seen dates for February and March, so if you don't want to switch, I suggest you call right away.

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I'm a trusted contributor

@57 wrote:



Rogers service msg: Starting on <DATE> and each month after that, your monthly top up will go towards our $10 Talk & Text plan that will give you 50 anytime local minutes and 50 text messages instead of being charged for every minute or text you use. For more details about the plan see . This change is made in accordance with the CRTC Wireless Code. To go back to what you currently have or to cancel your prepaid service, reach us at .


 It could be noted from this that it would seem to be specific to those making monthly top ups  ....if @Sarcee has been using the annual top up does it apply  ? 

According to the CSR I talked to  those on the annual payment protocol are not being automatically switched to the ten month plan .   

But one from Rogers   who monitors these posts seems willing to give a confirm or deny  as to that particular detail so you may want to err on the side of caution and call  in . Smiley Wink

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I'm a senior advisor

All we are missing here is Monte Hall - let's make a deal and behind 2 doors is nothing.  Depends upon who you talk to what is behind the winning door.

This game of let's make a deal gets tiresome, and because of forums like this one, people get to see what others got - even though technically we aren't supposed to report the details of conversations with reps.


So it is a set up for some happy people, and for angry people. Like trying to buy a car.  This is why I don't play this game anymore - I am the guy like someone this week who when they wouldn't match the competitor's 20.00 per month, they walked.

I tell them what I am willing to pay, the services I wold like, and I am willing to give up a bit to make a deal, but no games on the prices. 


They need to be careful how much they do this - because of the poor access to the data deals in December, they were the worst performer of the big three, and all companies moved people off pay as you go and gained people off pay as you go, but also Rogers had the greatest churn.

I think people are finally getting tired of the games.

  And when your system can't handle the load of calls for your offer, or you get stuff like this, guess what , the data says, people go across the street.


This is one, like so many of the other services, that decide what you want to pay and what service model you want and mix, and if they won't work with you, look elsewhere - it appears you have a month still to shop around, and decide if you are going to take, whatever that magical magic number they are going to come up for you will be.


Good luck everybody.



Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I plan to stick around

@BS wrote:

This game of let's make a deal gets tiresome, and because of forums like this one, people get to see what others got - even though technically we aren't supposed to report the details of conversations with reps.

"Technically" according to who?


As long as a person is part of the conversation (and not just overhearing it) - the same person is allowed to discuss the conversation with others. So I don't think any rules are being broken to discuss details of deals...

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I've been around

Today Rogers added a 10 dollar plan into my prepaid account, it includes unlimited text and talk weekends and evenings. 

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@hghf : If you were on the "Anytime" plan, you were perhaps automatically migrated to the new plan. See points 3, 4 of the following post and further discussion in that thread:


If you wanted to remain on the Anytime plan, you'll need to call very soon to get this change reversed.  The grandfathered Anytime "rolled over" any unused money in your account if you kept up your payments. With the new plans, the money doesn't roll over, you just pay per month.  Of course there are benefits either way depending on your talk/text pattern.  PAYGo plans are outlined in the link below.

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I'm a trusted contributor

@hghf wrote:

Today Rogers added a 10 dollar plan into my prepaid account, it includes unlimited text and talk weekends and evenings. 

Wow ...didn't you just sit on a horse shoe .Smiley LOL 


Isn't that normally a  $25 / month plan they just gave you for $10 .  You sure there is no catch  somewhere ? Smiley Happy

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I'm a trusted contributor

@hghf wrote:

Today Rogers added a 10 dollar plan into my prepaid account, it includes unlimited text and talk weekends and evenings. 

Do you have a high prepaid balance by chance  ? 

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@barndoor wrote:

Isn't that normally a  $25 / month plan they just gave you for $10 .  You sure there is no catch  somewhere ? Smiley Happy

I wonder if he forgot the word "local", which is available with the $180/year plan (and was $120 last year...)?


It'll be interesting to hear more details from @hghf

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I plan to stick around

So I just got an email from Rogers:


We're topping up your PAY AS YOU GO plan

Call 1-800-575-9090

Imagine not having to worry about your mobile plan for 6 months. You currently have unused credit on your PAY AS YOU GO plan that can be used to keep your account active.

Exchange $50 of your current balance now and don't worry about topping up for six months.*

Here's an example of how it works:

Your unused account balance as of 8 March, 2018: $83.36
The amount exchanged to pay for the next six months: -$50
Your new account balance: $33.36

The next date you're required to top-up: 8 September, 2018

*The six months expiry extension may only be used once per account per year. This offer allows customers to keep their account active for 6 months without topping up monthly. Customer must have positive account balance to be able to continue to use wireless phone services.



Yes, imagine Rogers stealing $50.00 from me just to extend a service I already paid for. Holding my account hostage unless I pay a $50.00 ransom to keep it alive!  They even present this as if they're doing me a favor.


Looks like I'm going to have to call some more CSRs.


Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I'm a senior advisor

@Sarcee How is it that you take exception to this offer?  How do you normally renew? You're getting 6 months for $50 out of your balance when normally you would only get 30 days for $50. If you normally renew at $100/year, then it would give you a balance of $183.36. By the end of the year, if you don't use your phone, that balance would drop to $175.86 due to the 911 fees and then you'd lose $25.86 when Rogers caps it at $150, as they've announced. They're doing you a favour. Take the deal.

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I plan to stick around

@OLDYELLR wrote:

@Sarcee How is it that you take exception to this offer?  How do you normally renew? You're getting 6 months for $50 out of your balance when normally you would only get 30 days for $50. If you normally renew at $100/year, then it would give you a balance of $183.36. By the end of the year, if you don't use your phone, that balance would drop to $175.86 due to the 911 fees and then you'd lose $25.86 when Rogers caps it at $150, as they've announced. They're doing you a favour. Take the deal.

How is it you fail to understand what's going on here? Huh? Your comment is absolutely unbelievable, just ridiculous. I'm shocked at the level of your naivety. Do you work for Rogers?


I guess I'm going to have to break out the crayons and draw you a picture. Normally, $50.00 would already be for 6 months (Rogers changed the top up rates and time a few years ago. You used to be able to buy 6 months). Normally I pay $100. for a year. When I pay to top up (whatever amount), the money I spend goes towards air time. I already gave Rogers money for this air time. It's sitting in my balance. Now Rogers wants to take that money I already paid for air time and use it instead for simply extending my expiry date. That's money I've already paid that I will now lose. Why should I lose ANY money? Why do you consider losing money a "deal"? I paid for air time. I should receive air time. Rogers is not doing me a "favor", they are threatening to steal money from me. I'm not the one who changed the terms of the plan, Rogers is.

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I'm a trusted contributor

@Sarcee wrote:

Normally I pay $100. for a year. When I pay to top up (whatever amount), the money I spend goes towards air time.

No you pay 100 plus taxes and that is money you also had to pay income tax on  ... so potentially  $130 -$150  depending on your tax bracket and where you live .  There is no tax  when you use part of your balance .  Smiley Wink 

As we said before that is lovely if you can use that airtime  but if you don't  use it what are you going to do with a big balance ? 

The thing I don't like about their presentation is that they make it sound like they are giving you a big deal  .. and it's not's just another way to use your phone.  in my case  can take their big deal to extend the expiry and then two months later will have to turn around and ad more money to my balance  ... From my point of view all this does is give the CSR's more calls to answer .... and they still haven't fixed the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ menu on the number they are advertising to make it user friendly. 

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I'm a senior advisor

@Sarcee wrote:

@OLDYELLR wrote:

@Sarcee How is it that you take exception to this offer?  How do you normally renew? You're getting 6 months for $50 out of your balance when normally you would only get 30 days for $50. If you normally renew at $100/year, then it would give you a balance of $183.36. By the end of the year, if you don't use your phone, that balance would drop to $175.86 due to the 911 fees and then you'd lose $25.86 when Rogers caps it at $150, as they've announced. They're doing you a favour. Take the deal.

How is it you fail to understand what's going on here? Huh? Your comment is absolutely unbelievable, just ridiculous. I'm shocked at the level of your naivety. Do you work for Rogers?


I guess I'm going to have to break out the crayons and draw you a picture. Normally, $50.00 would already be for 6 months (Rogers changed the top up rates and time a few years ago. You used to be able to buy 6 months). Normally I pay $100. for a year. When I pay to top up (whatever amount), the money I spend goes towards air time. I already gave Rogers money for this air time. It's sitting in my balance. Now Rogers wants to take that money I already paid for air time and use it instead for simply extending my expiry date. That's money I've already paid that I will now lose. Why should I lose ANY money? Why do you consider losing money a "deal"? I paid for air time. I should receive air time. Rogers is not doing me a "favor", they are threatening to steal money from me. I'm not the one who changed the terms of the plan, Rogers is.

I guess I still don't understand what you're trying to say. Normally you would have paid $100 + tax to renew for a year and then lost anything in your balance over $150 at the end of this year. Rogers has offered you a way to save your money by using part of your current balance.

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I plan to stick around

@OLDYELLR wrote:

@Sarcee wrote:

@OLDYELLR wrote:

@Sarcee How is it that you take exception to this offer?  How do you normally renew? You're getting 6 months for $50 out of your balance when normally you would only get 30 days for $50. If you normally renew at $100/year, then it would give you a balance of $183.36. By the end of the year, if you don't use your phone, that balance would drop to $175.86 due to the 911 fees and then you'd lose $25.86 when Rogers caps it at $150, as they've announced. They're doing you a favour. Take the deal.

How is it you fail to understand what's going on here? Huh? Your comment is absolutely unbelievable, just ridiculous. I'm shocked at the level of your naivety. Do you work for Rogers?


I guess I'm going to have to break out the crayons and draw you a picture. Normally, $50.00 would already be for 6 months (Rogers changed the top up rates and time a few years ago. You used to be able to buy 6 months). Normally I pay $100. for a year. When I pay to top up (whatever amount), the money I spend goes towards air time. I already gave Rogers money for this air time. It's sitting in my balance. Now Rogers wants to take that money I already paid for air time and use it instead for simply extending my expiry date. That's money I've already paid that I will now lose. Why should I lose ANY money? Why do you consider losing money a "deal"? I paid for air time. I should receive air time. Rogers is not doing me a "favor", they are threatening to steal money from me. I'm not the one who changed the terms of the plan, Rogers is.

I guess I still don't understand what you're trying to say. Normally you would have paid $100 + tax to renew for a year and then lost anything in your balance over $150 at the end of this year. Rogers has offered you a way to save your money by using part of your current balance.

Except I wouldn't be 'using' part of my balance, I would simply be giving / forfeiting part of my balance to Rogers. If I pay $100.00 to renew for another year, that's $100.00 I can actually 'use' in air time.

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

I'm a senior advisor

@Sarcee wrote:

Except I wouldn't be 'using' part of my balance, I would simply be giving / forfeiting part of my balance to Rogers. If I pay $100.00 to renew for another year, that's $100.00 I can actually 'use' in air time.

You would be taking $100 from your unused balance to renew for another year. This is to your benefit unless you expect to be suddenly using over $100 of air time in a year, which you don't seem to have been doing in the past. While some people might find some security in having a balance of hundreds of dollars in case they want to use it for foreign travel or some emergency, I don't think the basic PayGo plan has all the roaming capabilities of the higher plans.  And as I mentioned before, Rogers will be capping balances at $150 at the end ofv this year, so use it or lose it.

Re: New Pay As You Go Maximum Balance

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Sarcee: As we've discussed in previous posts, you obviously disagree with everyone else on this forum.  You may choose to select this option, or not. It's up to you.  If' you'd rather keep adding money to your PAYGo account instead, please feel free to do so.  No one is forcing you to do anything.

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