I plan to stick around
since ‎08-13-2015

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  • 64 Posts
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Well, the day has come and Rogers has admitted we are no longer wanted.   My use is less than $6/month, so Chatr is my best option.   I have been on hold waiting to talk with a rep for 68 minutes at this point.   Has anyone managed to talk with one? ...
So, is it possible to transfer my balance to Chattr to take advantage of the $15/month plan?  I rarely  use my phone and this plan includes a small amount of data.   Has anyone done this?  Or would it make more sense to stay PAYGO and just pay for th...
So, ShawGo used to pick up on my cell phone when I was out and about, or was easy to sign into.   Rogers is a nightmare.  I've tried to sign in with my email and password to be told there is an error in my username or password.   There isn't because ...
So, how do you find a living, talking, customer service rep at #611? I tried everything.  There is no number to press to get a human.   There is no online support unless you get the work around to work. I was told things along the way by the recordin...
Just back from a couple of months in Europe.      Used a paygo SIM card.  Ten Euros a month for 40gb of data, unlimited talk and text within the EU, UK and get this, the US!   Balances were available on line and on the phone app.  No stigma because I...
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