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Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around

Just curios if anyone has had there position in line move to shipped? i was positioned at 189 and i moved to 59 a couple hours ago, so i assume 130 have already been shipped! if they keep shipping at this rate then i should have my phone at launch! this is my first pre order from rogers, ive been a rogers customer for 19 years! i was an inch away from moving to telus just so i can get the apple watch - till rogers gave me a loyalty plan i couldn't refuse so i decided to wait it out and good thing i did!



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846 REPLIES 846

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around

Wow big jump over night for mine, from 335 to 89. i am hoping to get it next week. 



Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I sat at #9 for 44mm gold for days. I finally jumped to in progress early this morning.

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around

Went from #10 on the AW4 44mm gold to #4. At least its something

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I'm a trusted contributor

Not sure if anyone has even thought about this, but if you have a series 3 LTE and were planning on getting a series 4 LTE watch, and using both of them with cellular service on the same iPhone, just know that it is NOT currently possible.


Only one Apple Watch cellular service per iPhone is currently possible.  I know Maude mentioned this in her FAQ's but for curiousity sake I contacted Apple to see if this was a carrier limitation or a hardware/software limitation.  Turns out that it's a hardware/software limitation.  


So for those of you that use multiple watches on the same iPhone (via auto switch) just know that the optimal setup is one LTE watch and as many wifi only watches as your heart desires.  

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I've been around



I was 438 2 days ago and i was like bruh i drop one place a day.. but now i just drop 190!! Keep it up guys we will get our watch soon!

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around
I went from #4 to it being shipped in a matter of a couple of hours

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around

Then theirs me... still 167 for 40mm SG 😞

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around
Got the email: Being shipped. So excited!!!

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around
I stopped checking for a couple days when there didn’t seem to be any movement...when I saw some excitement here I went to check and I’m down from about 350 to 128! 44mm SG

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I'm there to cple days now. So that's my question how long do we sit here till we get shipping notice?????

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around
I would call the store and ask if they received the item.

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around

So it looks like I may have ended up pre-ordering two of the same device. One of them has shipped and the other is sitting "open". I don't want to cancel the open one, just in case it does something to the other one. Does anyone know what happens if they ship out the second watch and I don't pick it up? Am I charged for it?

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @stjamieson

You won't be charged. It will be given to another customer in the store asking for it.

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I'm a trusted contributor

@stjamieson they should credit you back the $40+tx reserve fee when the open one ships.  


If you don't pick it up within I believe 3 days, they'll just sell it to someone else.  They can't charge you for it because you'd have to approve having it added to your account.

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around



Thanks so much

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around

Anyone else waiting for the 40mm SG? I just tried a new reservation for the 44mm SG and I get a lower number then my 40mm that has been at 170ish for 5 days lol. I just think the 44mm would be to big for my 175mm wrist. Rather it be comfortable then having a better screen.

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around
I went to Apple store to compare the 44 and 40mm are not that different in size. I saw a petit girl try the bigger and it was fine. I guess the sizes are more of a preference and price point.

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I've been here awhile

MY order number is 33 for a 44MM silver. Did any one notice when Rogers clears all the pre-orders , End of every week or bi-weekly. 

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around

I used the app on my phone to compare sizes and the 44mm look much bigger IMO. Price point isn't an issue as it's only an extra $2 a month financed

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around

Hey guys!!!  People who were changed to "in progress" status, any update? I have been sitting on 67 for a couple of days now. Not complaining as it is so much better than the 300's and 400's where I originally was. 

Re: Apple Watch Series 4 Pre Order/Reservation

I plan to stick around

Mine says shipped, how long does it take to get to the store?