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Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

I've been around

I have a BRAND NEW iPhone XS... like 6 hours old. Just set it up today and ported over my old number from Fido. I CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT get rid of the "New Voice Mail" popup upon restart AND a "red dot" on the voicemail icon in the phone app. (no number, just a dot)

I have tried:

• removing the sim card and reinserting

• restarting

• turning badges for phone off/waiting/restarting

• Reset Network Settings

• Reset All Settings

•updating to latest iOS

• Calling and leaving myself a message and deleting that (NOTE: I wasn't able to delete my message *press 7* just saved my VM, and pressing*9* which SHOULD save, resulted in being told I had pressed a wrong command.) That voicemail has dissappeared from the inbox... 

BUT, I still have an alert popup un restart and a RED DOT! 


Kinda disappointed in this first experience with Rogers. 😞 

There is CLEARLY a Corrupted voicemail inbox.



***Added Labels***


Accepted Solutions

Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
some times you have to manually clear the voice mail, its rare but here is what works for me, have someone call you and leave you a message, wait for the indicator to show, then make sure your phones in an area with good signal and call the voicemail and check your messages and delete them, and then wait till everything clear then hang up, check your indicator it should be clear.

View solution in original post


Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Hello, This sounds like the culprit:

NOTE: I wasn't able to delete my message *press 7* just saved my VM, and pressing*9* which SHOULD save, resulted in being told I had pressed a wrong command.

it sounds like you need to call the technical support to fix the issue, they need to probably re-initialize your mail box. the MWI can only be cleared by deleting your message from your mail box (without getting an error) or by tech support resetting something on their end

Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

I've been here awhile

I keep getting notifications that I have a new voicemail when there is no voicemail at all! There’s even a red circle by my voicemail icon all the time. Very annoying as I use my phone for work. iPhone XR, IOS 13.3.1

Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

Good day @Dardub01,


Welcome to the Rogers Commmunity! Thanks for your post. We want to help you troubleshoot the voicemail notification issue. I see you made sure to have the latest iOS update up and running. Does this happens when you are driving or when you change local calling area? I've seen this happen in a case where a user went from a deadzone to a Rogers serviced area. There are a few steps to go through so we can help you resolve this.


First, quit the voicemail and then re-open it. Here is how:

  • Go to your Home screen and swipe up (if you have an iPhone with a Home button then double-press the Home button), this will reveal the last used app previews. You may swipe left or right. Find the Phone preview icon and swipe up on the Phone’s preview icon to quit. Then reopen the phone app.

Second, restart your iPhone. Press and hold the side and volume up (or down) buttons together until you see the power slider. And then slide the slider. Wait until your phone is fully turned off (about 30 seconds). Then press and hold the side button until you see the Apple logo.


On your iPhone, go to Settings > Notifications > scroll down and tap Phone turn off Badges and wait about a minute and then turn it back on. Then, go to Settings > Notifications > Phone and turn off Badges. Then, restart your iPhone and go to Settings > Notifications > Phone and turn Badges on.


Finally, you can force restart your phone. To do so, press and release the volume up and then press and release the volume down buttons and then press and hold the side button until you see the Apple logo.


Hope this helps!



Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

I've been here awhile
It always happens going from a dead zone to a service area. Anytime the phone dies or if I power it off it’s the first thing that pops up! I did all the steps you mentioned and it still does the same thing. Even when I did the step of powering down with the badges turned off it was the first notification on the lock screen when powered back up

Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

Hi @Dardub01,


It's odd that the issue is specific to two scenarios. We haven't received any reports pertaining to this.


Have you had a chance to share your experience with the Apple Support Communities





Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

I've been here awhile
No I haven’t but I will. Thanks for now

Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
some times you have to manually clear the voice mail, its rare but here is what works for me, have someone call you and leave you a message, wait for the indicator to show, then make sure your phones in an area with good signal and call the voicemail and check your messages and delete them, and then wait till everything clear then hang up, check your indicator it should be clear.

Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

I've been here awhile
I gave that a try and it worked!! Thanks for the info

Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
your welcome!

Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

I've been here awhile

iOS 14 obviously killed all of the solutions.  Tried them all and I still have the message waiting indicator and when I reset I get the message notification upon restart.


iPhone 8 - iOS 14.4


I believe the issue is with Rogers and not Apple.. I think whatever they are doing for voicemail to text it's . it up. Tried leaving a new voicemail from another phone, called in and right away it said I have now new messages and one saved messages.  So I am guessing that when the message comes in it triggers the read message when it sends you the text; delete it all you want but your phone never receives the "hey the message is gone".  So no point in calling apple, Rogers needs to fix this.


My last resort (which I don't want to do) is reset and reinstall my phone as it takes a while to do.




Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

I've been here awhile
Didn’t work for me. Tried everything. Guessing I’ve had the red dot for years now. NOT an Apple issue. Probably will never get resolved.

Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

Greetings @ajjefferson!


Stuck notifications can sometimes be a network side issue. If you've tried everything you could on your end, we should have a look from here as the next step.


Feel free to send a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can assist you further. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, you can find out more here.  




Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

This is ridiculous. I have called support numerous times about disabling my voicemail. When people call they shouldn’t have the option to leave a message. Also when I call myself, no voicemail option comes up so why do I have a red dot voicemail notification? This issue has been on and off for years. Now I know I will NEVER get another phone through a promotion. There is a reason why they were on promotion which I believe is due to this defect. I will be going back to Samsung my Android. Income Up have been a disappointment. I had more control with my Android

Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

I've been here awhile

no it will never get resolved. im on android with the same problem. rogers caused it by making a change to my voice mail without my consent. Been like this since Sept /23 and nothing. annoying when my galaxy watch beeps at 5 am to tell me i have VM when i really do not. good luck. for what we pay, they should be all o ver this.

Re: Voicemail notifications with no new voicemail

I've been here awhile

next step? really? we've done that  and the problem still persists!!! i'll be damned if im going to factory reset my phone because of rogers. pfffft. this is why i refuse to refer ppl.

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