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Samsung Galaxy Watch LTE Smartwatch support

I've been around

Now that Rogers has released support for Apple watches, and the Samsung LTE watch will be in Canada in late October, when will Rogers support the Samsung LTE watch?



232 REPLIES 232

Re: Samsung Galaxy Watch LTE Smartwatch support

I've been here awhile

I ended up switching to Telus after getting the run around with trying to get my watch working. I was sold an esim that wouldn't work and had many phone calls only to find out that it wouldn't work. Switched over to Telus and it literally took 30 seconds to get it to work without having to contact anyone. I constantly get phone calls offering me deals to come back to Rogers even after I tell them to drop me off the list. Not a great experience. 

Re: Samsung Galaxy Watch LTE Smartwatch support

As a long-time Rogers customer, it is very frustrating to purchase a device from a company as large and reputable as Samsung (next to Apple, probably the biggest cell phone provider in North America) to get ZERO support from Rogers to be able to setup the device.  Further to this, to be told that because I didn't buy the device from ROGERS, that it can't be activated on my account as an LTE device!!

The most frustrating this is that Rogers WILL provide support for the device ONLY if it's been purchased from Rogers.  I'd like to remind you that you are a telecommunications company NOT a hardware company.  Your job is to support the hardware devices that other companies make and provide a reliable network and service for it's users.


I left Apple many years ago because of their proprietary ways and it is disappointing to see Rogers behave in this manner.  Whatever process that your company uses to active a device that is purchased from Rogers is available to another device that is not.  I called Samsung today and asked them if there is any difference in the hardware that they provide versus the hardware that Rogers provides... the answer that they gave me was "No, they are identical".  That being the case, it seems like Rogers is trying to lock it's customers into obtaining hardware from them.  If they want to gain more market share of the hardware sales, then they should be more competitive with their pricing.  The fact that you can buy these devices for less from the both manufacturers and big box stores alike, maybe your company needs to re-evaluate it's pricing models rather than extorting your client base and forcing them to pay above retail pricing for hardware.