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Worst Service

I've been here awhile

I placed an order through phone customer service on March 22nd, 2023 for a new iPhone 15 pro max titaninum blue.  However, the rep inputted as black which Imspotted immediately from the email confirmation and asked it to be correct.  The call was over an hour and the rep told me the correction cannot be made and need to do it the next day and someone would contact me to confirm.  I waited till late evening and no one called so I called Roger’s again and the rep was sounded irritated that I called  and offered no assistance and told me to wait for another 24 hours.  I had no time and just lift the case in Roger’s capable hand.  However, it is a week and still no delivery, then I went online and found the order was cancelled.  I visited a shop to confirm and then called Roger’s .  I spent over 3 hours on the phone and was on hold because no one was there to help.  I asked it was more than 2 hours and the tech rep told me if it wasn’t’ My call, he should be off work over an hour ago.  He told me I could hang up but will need to start over again next call, and he would not tell me how much longer I have to wait.  More so, while I was waiting, he was making a lot of noises and I asked him what he was doing in creating so much loud and static noises; his answer was scathing his chin!  WOW, he scratched his chin with what and more than a few minutes!  
I would  like to know does he got paid overtime while holding my call doing nothing, especially he said he would have off work over an hour ago.  
The point is that from the day I placed my order and Roger did it incorrectly and then leave it without any follow up.  My time to call and talked to the rep for more than 5 hours in total is nothing to Roger’s.  I am insignificant and matter nothing to Roger.  Each time when the rep said sorry to me, I asked them what is he/she sorry about and they cannot answer.  I said you are sorry that I wasted my time to call them, I wasted their time and sorry that I let out my frustration on them.   
As of this moment, Roger’s still has not resolve my issue and I wait and see will they take initiative to call me to apologize and rectify their mistake.



***Edited Labels***


Re: Worst Service

I'm a reliable contributor

I'm not inclined to offer a defense for Rogers, given that unsatisfactory service has become increasingly prevalent in today's landscape. The pandemic has seemingly exacerbated this issue, with a noticeable decline in work ethic.


Despite this trend, Rogers takes pride in emphasizing the Canadian location of its call centers.


While my commentary may not serve as a solution for the problems you've endured, you can be assured that you're not alone in facing such frustrations. Keep voicing them and send an email to your local MP. 

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