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Office of the President - unsatisfactory service

I've been around
I’ve made seven phone calls and communicated by chat twice with various CSR agents and managers, all over the course of 2 months. I’ve invested over 8 hours and I’ve been deliberately delayed and ignored. This includes a proactive call to avoid unnecessary charges and follow verification calls to make sure that we are using the roam like home properly. We kept getting false information and extra charges on our bill.

We have written proof (from Rogers support chat transcripts) of what we were told to do and those instructions cost us over $240 in additional roaming charges. We’ve been told that the information we were given is incorrect and that the charges are ‘valid’.

We wanted to avoid extra charges and not only did that NOT happen, we were told that they couldn’t verify our story because they couldn’t access the chat.

Finally, I received a call from the Office of the President after many requests to escalate. We spoke to Valerie and her approach was extraordinarily frustrating and borderline unprofessional.

Valerie said “sorry for your frustration, we will credit the additional charges even though they are valid”. We said, fine, but what about all of our time that we invested to avoid this very issue? We have been proactive, we’ve been diligent and we have gone above and beyond what a customer should do to ensure this issue doesn’t happen. The issue did happen and at every turn we have experienced delay tactics, been told lies, passed to other departments and worse.

Valerie acknowledges this but can’t do anything about it, as it’s not their policy.

We asked to speak to someone who can help us, she said “I’m the highest level”. We said we want to speak to your superior, she said “you can’t”. We asked how to send a letter to her superior, she said “I don’t know, look it up on social media”.

We are at the end of our patience as this is the worst treatment we have ever had by Rogers. Where is the accountability and ownership for what we have had to endure? No Rogers employee thinks this is fair but they all say that they can’t do anything.

I want to know who to write to about this. Does anyone know?

Re: Office of the President - unsatisfactory service

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

1. There is no one at Rogers higher than the office of the president.

2. You have been credited with the charges.

3. No company provides for payment for "consequential damages" such as time spent by you.

4. If you're not satisfied with the "refund", then you can try contacting the CCTS.


Just as an FYI, if you wish to avoid roaming charges, read the following post:

Re: Office of the President - unsatisfactory service

I'm a reliable contributor


I appreciate you sharing your "journey and challenges" (the woke terms to use). 

Your only recourse is to file a formal complaint with the CCTS. If you encounter Valerie again, firmly request another representative to address your concerns.


As a Rogers/Fido customer for over three decades, I've witnessed a concerning decline in service quality, especially since the onset of the pandemic. The professionalism, attitude, and overall conduct of the customer service team have deteriorated significantly. This downward spiral seems to have accelerated following the Rogers/Shaw merger, with the company's leadership seemingly emboldened to act with impunity.


Continuing to share your negative experiences online is crucial. Silence only empowers wrongdoing, and it's essential to shine a light on such behavior for the benefit of all consumers.

Re: Office of the President - unsatisfactory service

I've been around

Very frustrating.

Re: Office of the President - unsatisfactory service

I'm an advisor
I don't think any company out there crddits you for the time you invest to resolve your issue. As much as it cam be frustrating to have to go through a mess like this. Be thankful you finally got it resolved.
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