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Rogers winback team, failed call, March 2024

I'm here a lot

Hi, I am from Montreal, Canada. Here I will try to explain of what happened after receiving a call from someone claiming to be RogersFido special team, winback team. I hope someone from Rogers reads it and listens to all the calls that have been made to me and from me. Here we go:

I received my first call from the number +1-833-447-9898 (my iPhone detected this call of being from FidoRogers, scammers can put it to be Apple if they want) on March 12 at 15:57 EST time.
The “agent” was nice, he presented himself, explained why he was calling, asking me questions about what carrier I moved to and what is my plan with the new carrier. I was open and cautious at the same time. He then proposed me a plan, at a very very good price it was a 100gb US/Canada plan for $40. I was surprised and happy at the same time. Yes it would be a great deal and plan to come back for sure, no doubt. But then he asked if I want a phone, I wasn’t sure but then I asked the agent to tell me what would be the monthly payment for an iPhone 15 Pro 256 gbs if financed.
After the agent checked the prices he replied that it would be $46 per month, but then he lowered it to $36 per month. I asked again what would be the plan price if I pick a phone, he replied it would be $55 for 100gb plan. Ok here we went a bit on a conversation, to pick the best for me, the agent was professional. At the end we agreed for a $45 80gb US/Canada plan and the phone for $36/month(before tax) and 200 bonus points.
. , it was really a great deal!
The agent then said that his work is done and he will transfer me to another agent who will take care of me to open a new account and so on. The other agent then replied to me that they are sorry, a bit busy and will call me back in 5 minutes. I said ok.
I am very cautious with this kind of calls, the agents talking good but the deal was too good to really not to check on it.
So I decided to call the real Rogers customer service and ask them if that could be real and so on.
I called 1 (888) 764-3771 at 16:43 EST time, right after I spoke with the “winback team agents”.
An agent picked up, I explained to him everything, he started checking my account and he said he doesn’t see any notes, usually if a team calls you from Rogers(in this case) they would put a note on my old account which is still Open because there was a balance to pay. He said he can’t check or see who called. A few things were suspicious he said:
1. one of them the phone number they are calling it was starting with (+1 833) with Rogers the number is usually with (+1 888), but he also mentioned that this could be a third party call center who works for Rogers who could call me and he wasn’t 100% sure.
2. Another thing is that he said the price of the plan they proposed was suspicious, too low. I said ok.
He then advised me to ask some questions about my account, like account number, name, the last few bills what was the balance etc. he said if they know the account number it is a possibility of 99% to be Rogers.
But he also said that usually when someone from winback team would call then they would put a note on my account. If they can’t put a note it would mean they are not from Rogers.
I also asked, if they make a deal with me, could I call Rogers directly and finish the deal with Rogers? He replied that it is not possible, unfortunately.

Ok, so I received a call from winback team again, the agent asked me again if I am from Ontario or Quebec, I said Quebec, he replied that then the price for the phone would be not $36 but $31 per month, even better.
It was suspicious for me. But I was still hoping for this to be true.
Next I said that I need to ask some security questions so to make sure that this is not a scam, he replied not to worry about. But he agreed. He couldn’t answer these questions he said so someone else would call me and answer all my questions. I said ok, sounds good.

At around 17:38, I received a call from the other agent from “winback team” who could answer my questions.
I asked him:
1. what is my account number?
He replied correctly
2. what is my balance?
He replied correctly, but without mentioning the cents(didn’t pay attention to that, but it is important).
3. I said that I need him to leave a note on my account for other agents to see it. I explained that I will have to call Rogers and check with them if they see the note, if they see the note then I am happy to continue with the deal. I asked him of what he will write on the note so I can double check this. At the end I asked him to call me back in 30 minutes, he said he will tell this to other agent so he will call me back. I agreed.

After this call, I did call Rogers, I explained the situation to the Rogers agent. The agent checked the account and confirmed that she doesn’t see any notes.

I waited for 10 minutes approximatively
and called back Rogers, explained again everything to the agent and he checked the account, he said there are no notes on the account. The agent told me that if it would be a team from the winback department, they would put a note on the account, it’s also in their interest to do so. And better not to accept any deals if they can’t put a note.
I agreed, saying that if these are a bunch of scammers, then they are really doing a great job.

I was waiting for the call back, half an hour passed, 1 hour passed, 2 hours passed, no call back.
I started thinking that it was really a scam.

I slept on it, the next day was good, and I received a call from the winback team again, I answered, but I couldn’t hear anyone on the other side, so I hang up.

Thursday, March 14, I missed the call from “the winback team”. They didn’t call me after.

At that time, I was thinking 80% these are scammers and still had 20% they are not.

Friday, March 15, 12:11pm, I receive a call from “the winback team”. I answer, he greets me and then asks what’s happened? I asked him back, what Happened? Then the agent asked me if I spoke with the other agent his colleague, I said that I did speak with him and he didn’t answer all of my questions and I asked him if he told him something, the agent said that no, he was not aware and said that the other guy is off today and he can’t ask him. I was really sure at that moment that this is a scam, but still was trying to be calm. And he replied ok, have a great day sir.

I received a call again in 2 minutes at 12:13pm. It was another agent, from the same team who could answer all of my questions.
I started asking him:
1. what’s my account number?
2. What’s my balance?
3. What was my balance in December?
4. My full name?
5. My address?
He answered all of them correctly.
I asked him where does he have all this data from? He answered he is a Rogers winback team agent. He was polite.
He then started telling me all the calls I made, and he saw the notes other agents left. I wasn’t happy about this, also suspicious. Nowadays there are things that can be done.
So I asked him again to put a note on my account and call me back in 30 minutes.
He politely agreed, and we hang up.

A few minutes after we finished the call I started calling Rogers again, I spoke with an agent at around 12:44pm. I explained everything to the agent, he AGAIN said that he DOESN’T SEE ANY NOTES ON MY ACCOUNT! I replied to him, how is this possible for these people to know all of this information about me? They can’t put a note on my account but those guys know a lot about me, not good. If there was a data leak from Rogers, they should let people know. The agent replied that he is not saying that these are scammers but noted that if they don’t put a note on my account then it would be better not to take the deal. He also put a note on my account. I asked him what he wrote, he told me in short and then we hang up.

I received a call back from the same “Winback team agent” after more than half an hour, I told him again that there are no notes on my account and I can’t trust him or anyone calling from that number, there are no notes and I can’t accept any offers from them. He was polite and patient, only sometimes felt an anger from him. He was saying, that he may talk to his manager, whatever things he can do he would do just to believe that they are not scammers, and he repeated again that he Left the note and he doesn’t know why other agents can’t see it. He even read the note the recent agent I called, and it was correct. But I told him that I can’t trust them if Rogers customer service agents can’t read his note. He then angry replied that he left the note and I replied back that yes, maybe you put the note, maybe you are not lying but why other agents can see it? So I can’t trust you. He then angry but politely replied ok, have a great day sir and Hang up on me without me even saying a word after that.

I was calm but it was a headache, I understood that it could be a scam or could not be a scam.
I was thinking if it was a group of scammers calling me then they were Real Professionals, I was amazed, but if it was really a Rogers Winback team, then I would be really disappointed because they couldn’t really prove that it wasn’t a scam.

I decided to call back one last time to triple check with Rogers and see if there is a note. I called 1 (888) 764-3771 at 14:20 Eastern Time on March 15 2024.
I explained to the agent everything and when she checks the notes for that day he says that she can see 2 notes on my account.
1 note was left the the winback agent, and it was describing all of the details, the plan price, the phone etc..
And the second note was left by the Rogers agent that I called at 12:44pm on the same day, I asked her how he could not see the note left by the winback team member? She replied she doesn’t know.

Big Fail by Rogers and Winback teams.
I don’t know why, they are so disconnected one from another? What is the reason? Why can’t they just make it easy to verify them? Why can’t I get a deal from the Winback team and then call Rogers customer service and finish the deal directly with them?

The agents don’t know how to prove that they are real people and not scammers.

These days when phone scammers and so many other types of scamming exist, Rogers need to do better out of this.

I was ready to change back for Rogers, it was a great deal. The +1 (833) 447-9898 was the real winback team department.
But at the end the deal Failed just because they couldn’t put and read a note left on my account on time.

I hope Rogers looks into that and makes some adjustments so people can enjoy the process without all of this mess I had to go through. Lots of time and energy spent for this and at the end got nothing.

All the calls received from winback department (+1 (833) 447-9898):

March 12,2024 at 15:57, duration: 44min
March 12, 2024 at 16:57, duration: 0min
March 12, 2024 at 17:06, duration: 8min
March 12, 2024 at 17:38, duration: 5min

March 13, 2024 at 14:31, duration: 24sec

March 14, 2024 at 11:44, duration: 0min

March 15, 2024 at 12:11pm duration:1min.
March 15, 2024 at 12:13pm duration:19min
March 15, 2024 at 13:56 duration: 10min

The phone calls I made to Rogers customer service agents at 1 (888) 764-3771

March 12, 2024 at 16:43, duration: 38min
March 12, 2024 at 17:45, duration: 25min
March 12, 2024 at 18:21, duration: 9min

March 15, 2024 at 12:44pm, duration: 14min
March 15, 2024 at 14:20, duration: 30min

These are the calls from above I had with Rogers, I would really hope that Rogers could listen to those calls for Quality Assurance purposes and improve their services.

Hope it somehow helps other people in the future.

Also advice, never trust whoever calls you, ask them a few questions, see what they know about you and then ask them to put a note on your account so you can call Rogers directly and verify if the note is there.




***Edited Labels***


Accepted Solutions

Re: Rogers winback team, failed call, March 2024


Hi @joe_black,


We thank you for your post, and we do appreciate the feedback you have provided with your most recent call interactions. It is important to always keep your personal information secure and not provide it over the phone. You took the correct steps to call our direct number to confirm if there were any documented notes to confirm if those calls were legitimate. Thank you for your participation in the Rogers Community Forums.




View solution in original post


Re: Rogers winback team, failed call, March 2024


Hi @joe_black,


We thank you for your post, and we do appreciate the feedback you have provided with your most recent call interactions. It is important to always keep your personal information secure and not provide it over the phone. You took the correct steps to call our direct number to confirm if there were any documented notes to confirm if those calls were legitimate. Thank you for your participation in the Rogers Community Forums.




Re: Rogers winback team, failed call, March 2024

I've been here awhile
The 833 number has to be legit because i just left rogers last week after being with them since 2003.. I was paying $3,350 a year for ONLY mobile services and kept asking them if they could give me a better deal and every deal they offered would cost me even more so I left and they sent an email stating the win back team would call me and sure enough this morning I get a call from 1-833

Re: Rogers winback team, failed call, March 2024

I've been here awhile
they called from that exact number.

Re: Rogers winback team, failed call, March 2024

I've been around
I received the same thing. I can see that a phone was ordered on my account but no plans were changed yet and I don't see any notes. The rep had all my information and had the first and last digit of my SIN as well as partial of my driver's license. She knew my old account number and was able to access some notes on my account from a previous call. However I do not see a credit check on my equifax that she said she did. I can't wait for the call center to open in the morning to see what is going on. I only verified my driver's license and an active credit card that I had the bank lock from being used a few weeks ago. So if it is fraud they can't use it. I have equifax notification for any changes on my accounts. If this doesn't pan out I will get my driver's licence number changed too. I never gave my SIN because that is harder to change.

Re: Rogers winback team, failed call, March 2024

I've been around

It is a legit number! I just got a call from this exact number (1-833-447-9898) 15 minutes ago. I left Rogers for Public Mobile at the end of November, just before Black Friday.


Like the original poster, the winback agent was pleasant, and professional. He had a moderately heavy accent (Indian), so that raised a bit of a flag. He was able to provide my Rogers acct, last 2 bills, my email, and credit card listed on the acct.


They offered me $29/mo for 30Gb, unlimited talk/text in Canada, 1000min/mo and unlimited text to 6 int'l countries (China, US, HK, and a few others) through Fido. This would 3x my current data limit while keeping the talk/text and typical call features that I'm getting with Public.


I was still suspicious though when they asked for 2 pieces of ID. So I said I don't feel right about this, and if I need to make a decision now, that I'll just pass. The rep replied that it's totally fine and that he can just leave a note on my acct about the deal offered and I can call Rogers on my own to confirm that this interaction is legit before going forward with it. He left me with an interaction ID and everything.


I called Rogers Tech support, and after confirming my identity, the lady was immediately able to see the call made, and the note left with all the details of the deal. She said that she could forward me to someone who can move this deal ahead, or I can just go into a Rogers or Fido store to set everything up. I will be going ahead with this offer once I confirm which family members I can bring with me to get the same deal.


Like OP, if the tech support couldn't confirm the interaction and notes, I would not go forward. It's better safe than sorry. So if they aren't able to fully verify the legitimacy of the call, do not give out your personal info over the phone.

Re: Rogers winback team, failed call, March 2024

I've been around

Thanks for posting your experience in such thorough details. I experienced the same issue from the same number. They sounded legitimate, but then needed my IDs and/or credit card because my account has already been "closed." That was only 2 weeks ago. Since it is a 3rd party company doing this on behalf of Rogers, it was also not possible to be the one to initiate the call to Rogers and complete the transaction. Unfortunately, with scams being rampant and so sophisticated, it's just not worth the hassle and risk. 

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