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Payment Dec10

I'm here a lot

Since August and home phone instal plus cobtact with the office of the Predent ( VK) plus 3 emails you need to check your files and payment.Check canceled acct starting with 7 . It recieved $300.00 on Dec 10. Then $55.00 to acct starting with 9. If I call I have to wait. You send notices about payment when the service has been a mess since August. Now you harrass for payments already made but you changed that acct and took time to confirm the 9 acct. You send letters thanking me for payment, but still call saying to calk. Yesterday it started at 4 pm. Call from Rogers press1 dor call back in 15 mins. You never called. Then 2 d call 15 mins later same message and again another call. Rogers created a mess in August..long story incompetent staff, I pay my bill in advance and yet you still call and I waste my time waiting. Would you PLEASE check the 7 acct move the payment to the 9 acct and REMOVE late charges. I am so tired of this incompetence.
Confirm my payments. Remove late charges.
Lastlh PLEASE make sure your AUTO calls work.
YOU ARE BEYOND BELIEF. EVEN THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT DO NOT RESPOND. I should never have changed my phone from Bell. You state we are under contract well let me remind you so are Rogers tonprovide a quality service. Are my emails not working now? Are my texts not working?? I have spent over 40 plushours on your incompetence so please fix the payment issue. I never agreed to online billing so send bill by mail as usual.
Waiting for CTRC and will update again.
Dont tell me about staff issues, training linked to your merger. That is your problem not mine but creates a situation of abuse. You didnt even get the phone transfer right till I called you asking for information on how this change works. Sometimes a cell call comes through my landline of a differdnt number and vise verse... callers are as confused as I am and yet O of Prez still unable to have manners to respond after spendin weeks on the phone. People need to leave Rogers ..Sorry I believe in supporting Canadian companies but service , reliability and costs dont match and then you charge me for late pay when the accounts are not even in order.
1. Call meafter you check the issues.2. Explain the whys and dates addressed.
3 Set up correct acct anx confirm payments are up to date and remove late charges.
5 Confirm all services are working.
6. Off of Prez. Took multiple calls time and again to get agreed services so in case you are confused again please confirm my services that are active.
Sorry you are not to be trusted. Maybe this note will get the correct attention required.
Thank you



Re: Payment Dec10

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Greetings @Quinny, 😊


I'm sorry to hear about what transpired since you've come on board with us. This is most definitely not the type of experience we want you to be having. Ensuring that we provide you with exceptional customer servce is very much at the forefront of what we strive for. I do have a few questions if you don't mind:


It sounds like you have an issue with misapplied payment, along with late payment fees is that correct? 


Have you since heard back from our Office of the President? It generally takes 72 business hours to receive a call back however there may be a delay at this time in all honesty. 


Looking forward to your responses,




Re: Payment Dec10

Today Jan 23.
Unable to get in contact with a human to discuss the 2 accts. I also spke to Chad in Montreal. He cant help either but was helpful when the "free home" line started playing up and got a tech to my home. However I have sent yet another email to the off of the president to (VK). Again I have requested to be contacted by her senior as she did fib about the 30.00 cost we all got in December I think it was. I really wonder who jn this xompany can be trusted, be properly trained , and capable of dealing with customers. The CS is a huge failure. My name on my bill remains incorrect. I wonder if anyone has any better ideas? I document everything. Record , and yet nothing seems to budge this company to deliver honest reliable service. Now I am up to 52 hours of follow up since august 2023. Imagine they cant transfer the 300.00 paid in early December to the original correct acct, but can delete it acknowledge payment cancel the correct name and acct but cant get money paid from one acct that was correct to the 2nd one with incorrect idenrification and correct their error as well as refunding me late charges that dont exist.
Jo if you arw a Rogers rep then please contact me. No more apologies just fix the errors.6 months is sufficient time for a company to fix their errors. CTRC will be involved and I am sekking legal advice. Rogers service is anything but acceptable and we need to know why. So I will also be copying the responsible ministers. Some one somewhere has to be able to bring such unethical behaviour under control. I will start with the lead ministers of all parties federal and provincial. I have no other recourse do I except to let Rogers continue. In the past 20 yrs ago a similar situation with service had to purchase a new TV and guess what the issues remained the same after visits to my home. Leopard never changes its spots it seems.
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