I plan to stick around
since ‎01-15-2016

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We have had the IGNITE for now over a month. I like that I can use the single ROGERS remote for 'everything' i.e. no need for say our roku remote to access any streaming service we use BUT accessing these streaming service i.e. ROGERS button and then...
In the last hour I have changed from Bell to Rogers. And soon after I did notice a change regarding texting. With Bell I used the Messages by Google for my default Texting App.But I quickly noticed that RCS Chat was not "working" with the new SIM car...
Your Google Account is still secure. This leak came from somewhere else on the web, and you can secure your saved passwords now using Password Manager. Change your compromised passwords g ____________Rogers.com (There is the "g" but I removed my spec...
Just verifying that all is as it should be with this bottom light for this older Rogers modem seemingly always in "flash mode":      
Confused as to using wifi via a Rgoers modem VS wifi from a separate dedicated router:   We have the Rogers 150 (unlimited) package.    And looking online it appear we have the Rogers CGN3 (or is it the CGN3ACR?) modem. We have had this same device f...