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Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

I plan to stick around

Since yesterday my channel availability has been changed. I have rebooted twice with no change. Anyone else having this issue?



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Re: Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@bg47 What are you seeing on your TV's screen?


1. "You are not subscribed to this channel"?

2. A Black Screen?

3. A message like "this channel not available right now, try later?" "Loading, one moment please"?


If any of the latter two points, you may have a signal issue at your home or neighbourhood.  See the following post on that topic:

Re: Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

I plan to stick around

Thanks for this. Apologize for late response. I have been out of country. 

The message I get for the channels I am paying for and not receiving is "tuning one moment please" then  "channel not available. Please try later." I called Rogers Tech Support and was told my old STB was not receiving any signal when Rogers initiated a reboot from their end. I have a Cisco 8642 box  my second Toshiba TV. This TV receives all channels. I swapped it out with the old Scientific Atlanta box Explorer HD 8300 but could not get the channels on the primary Sony TV so swapped it back. I do get some channels on the primary Sony. I don't understand what is going on. The Cisco box works on my kitchen TV but not on the primary TV. Also if Rogers say the Scientific Atlanta box is not receiving a signal, why am I receiving some channels?  I have unplugged both PVR and TV for many hours, plugged in, same result. I have removed the HDMI input to the older PVR box same result. When swapping the Cisco to the primary Sony TV do I need to get Rogers to send a signal? I rebooted with no result.  I am non technical so please try to explain in layman's terms. TIA!

Re: Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@bg47 wrote: 1. The message I get for the channels I am paying for and not receiving is "tuning one moment please" then  "channel not available. Please try later." 

Here are my comments:


1. As I indicated previously, you have a signal issue at your home or in your neighbourhood.


2. You can check the signal at various boxes yourself using the following link:


3. Rogers is migrating everyone to IgniteTV, so they will not provide any technical assistance to digital cable customers.  It would be a good idea to get your signals sorted before switching to IgniteTV.


4. You can try out (test) your boxes in your home at a location closer to the demarcation point where the cable comes into your home, or where you have a working box, perhaps removing any splitters that are also there to get a better signal..


5. Different boxes sometimes require different signal levels - because one box works doesn't mean another will at the same location.  It's pretty rare for several boxes to fail.

Re: Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

I plan to stick around

Hello 57. Thanks for your reply. Only 1 box has failed. I am getting the signal on my Cisco STB attached to the small Toshiba TV in my kitchen, consequently receiving all the channels I subscribe to, but not the older Scientific Atlanta STB which is attached to my Sony TV. The Sony TV and Scientific Atlanta are the closest to the demarcation point but this is the where I have the issues. I tried swapping the boxes but for some reason when I connected  the newer Cisco to the Sony TV it no longer received all the channels.  My question is, "do I need to have Rogers send the signal to the Cisco box now that it is connected to the Sony TV"?  I apologize if this makes no sense but I am not fully cognizant with how all the equipment interacts.

Re: Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@bg47 wrote:

1. I am getting the signal on my Cisco STB attached to the small Toshiba TV in my kitchen, consequently receiving all the channels I subscribe to,

2. but not the older Scientific Atlanta STB which is attached to my Sony TV. The Sony TV and Scientific Atlanta are the closest to the demarcation point but this is the where I have the issues. I tried swapping the boxes but for some reason when I connected  the newer Cisco to the Sony TV it no longer received all the channels. 

3. My question is, "do I need to have Rogers send the signal to the Cisco box now that it is connected to the Sony TV"?  

More Comments:


1. OK, so that box works and the signal may be fine in the kitchen. Did you get a chance to look at the Signal Strength and S/N ratio as indicated in the link in my previous post?

2. This indicates that the signal at that location is probably poor/bad.  I assume that the SA box didn't boot when you put it in the kitchen?  You may have a bad splitter, bad cable, bad connection at the Sony TV location.

3. If the SA box is showing "----" on the front when you plug it in and it tries to boot, it means that it has probably been deactivated by Rogers after a period of inactivity. This can happen automatically if the box hasn't been used or hasn't been getting a good signal for a while - say a few weeks.  If, on the other hand, the box starts displaying numbers on the front in a count-down or count-up manner, it's trying to reboot and should reboot completely if you have a good signal at that location.  If the box shows "----" you will likely need to contact Rogers and have them "hit" the box with a signal, but you need to do that at a "good" location in your home.


Since Rogers will be migrating everyone to IgniteTV, you may not want to bother with all this.

Re: Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

I plan to stick around

I reviewed your suggestion of accessing custadmin. I was able to do that but could not see where to find signal strength or s/n ratio. Whichmenu will I find this information. Status / Basic / Wireless?

Re: Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

I plan to stick around

The SA box boots normally in the Den where the Sony TV is. I have unscrewed all cable from the Hitron modem and SA box. Unplugged both TV and SA box. Rebooted the Hitron modem, then re-attached the cable to the SA box and plugged both TV and SA box back in. Still not getting all channels. I had all my subscribed channels for 2 days up until yesterday. Then back to basic channels again only. Same today. I have no idea what to do next other than give up and subscribe to Ignite! I previously posted asking for help with finding the correct menu in cusadmin to determine my signal. Can you advise on that please?

Re: Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

I plan to stick around

Here are some of the warnings I found in the status menu.

12/27/23 08:29:5585010200warning 
    Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;
2012/27/23 08:30:4782000400criticalReceived Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;

Re: Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@bg47 Here's a link which allows you to see the signal at the box(es):


You can try swapping the position of the boxes to see if you have a signal issue at various locations in the home and to see if you have a "location" issue (different boxes work at one location, while not another location)



Re: Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

I plan to stick around

I have now called Rogers technical support. They tested my box while on the phone and it failed all tests. A technician is to call me within 24-48 hours. Looks like I am only receiving local channels, not even channel 11 and no US channels. I will post an update if they find a fix.

Re: Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

More/similar comments to previous posts:


1. They will probably urge you to switch to Ignite.

2. Make sure the signal is good coming into your home before considering switching.  The technician should be able to advise.

3. The technician will probably say that the box is at fault.

4. If he does, have him/her swap your two boxes and see if the problem follows the box or the location in your home.  (I think you mentioned earlier that one of the boxes works fine.)

5. I guess you didn't use my link to check the signals at the boxes yourself. I understand that the instructions can be daunting - perhaps if you know someone more technical you can have them try the instructions to check signals at the various boxes?

6. Checking the signal at your modem instead of at the various boxes is not accurate, although it can provide an indication of the signal coming to your home (but not at your boxes).

Re: Rogers Cable TV not getting all my channels?

I plan to stick around

Good morning 57,

I swapped the two boxes myself installing the 8642 box in the Den and the older SA 8300HD box in the kitchen. Both worked for 2 days, then the SA8300 went back to limited channels. The Cisco 8642 is working well. I have left the 8642 in the Den and purchased a used 9865 NextBox 3.0. I had the s/n confirmed and added to my account. I am getting the "wall mode." Just 4 dashes with no clock display. I have rebooted myself with no change. I called Tech Support this morning and the sent a signal to the box but stil 4 dashes. I am told to leave it "as is" for 24 hours , then call back if still no change. Any ideas?

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