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Xi6 Colorspace

I'm an advisor

Does anyone know how to change the Technicolor Xi6 Colorspace? On my Samsung TV using the Xi6 the color is very RED, so I suspect the TV isn't detecting the color space properly. I never had this issue with the old 4K boxes or Nextbox 3 PVR. 




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Re: Xi6 Colorspace


Hi @gp-se,


I did a quick Google search and most people recommended modifying the TV picture settings. I'm sure @57 would have a better insight!





Re: Xi6 Colorspace

Thanks for replying @RogersZia 

I thought about changing the picture settings through the tv, however I cannot do that because I only use 1 input on my TV. The Ignite box along with my other devices all go through my AV Receiver which I use to change inputs, so I cannot change the picture settings for the individual devices. 

My other Ignite box is connected directly to my Sony TV and has no issue, so it's something with my Yamaha AVR and Samsung TV that causes the Ignite box to choose the incorrect color space. I might try playing with the resolution settings on the Ignite box, maybe switch it to 1080p instead of 4K HDR and see if that corrects the colorspace issue. (rec. 2020 vs rec 709)

Re: Xi6 Colorspace

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@gp-se : Have you tried switching the Ignite boxes to see if the problem stays with the box or stays with the TV?  During my optimization travels I found that there wasn't usually that much variations in picture settings on devices if they all used HDMI connections to the TV (even through an AVR), although there can be minor differences.  Are your other devices all HDMI?  You may need to calibrate the TV for a "happy medium" the way you are currently connected, or you could calibrate for the most used device, or you could connect directly to the TV from the Ignite box and feed the AVR via optical out from the TV. Get yourself a Harmony remote to handle all the switching with one button press.

Re: Xi6 Colorspace

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@gp-se  Did you also try plugging the Xi6 directly to the TV and to a different HDMI port to see if the issue goes away?


I did a few searches for things like samsung xfinity "color space" but didn't really see any focused discussion about specific problems pertaining to the Xi6.


You didn't say which TV model you have but Samsung does have a "Color Space" advanced picture setting that you can adjust:


From discussions in other forums, the "Auto" setting with up-to-date firmware should usually work for the Xi6.  I don't know what you would need to do if you can't find a setting that works for all devices.


This is also taking me back to a situation when 4K was still relatively new and a friend was trying to get his new 4K TV working with his AVR, TV STB, new 4K BDP, HTPC, gaming system and media streamer.  Not all HDMI ports supported the highest HDMI standard and some devices would not work correctly through the HDMI ARC port.  He was also running similar "color space" issues with one of the devices connected through the AVR.

Re: Xi6 Colorspace

I'm an advisor

I'm going to try plugging directly into the TV and see what happens. I have the settings calibrated right now so I rather not have to mess with the settings to find a medium between the Xi6 and my other devices. The TV (Samsung UN55KS8000) and AVR are running the latest firmware. I will also try switching to 1080p output and see if using REC 709 makes a difference.

Re: Xi6 Colorspace

I plan to stick around
Bumping an old thread. Also have an issue with the Xi6 box. It seems to want to force a bt2020 color space mismatch. Eg I am using it in a complex setup with MadVR on my JVC projector.

The cable box tells my setup that it is sending a bt2020 color space when in fact it is a rec709 color space (and I’m getting over saturated colors on a calibrated display. My NVidia Shield is fine. My Bluray player is fine.

Oddly, anything less than 2160p30 wants to send a 12 bit signal.

But I do not see any options to adjust the color space or even a “deep color” on/off option??

Re: Xi6 Colorspace

I plan to stick around

By chance is another type of cable box available by Rogers that does 4k/HDR? Can’t imagine why Xfinity Xi6 wouldn’t allow one to turn on/off deep color and or insists on sending a bt2020 flag for all content including SDR.

Re: Xi6 Colorspace

I plan to stick around

Well this is even more interesting. Happen to have a Xi6-T lying around so plugged that in as well.

With the Xi6-A, 12 bit signal was being sent for everything other than 2160p30, which was sending through a 10bit signal. SDR should be I believe an 8 bit signal or 10 but not 12.

With the Xi6-T, all resolution choices send a 12 bit signal flag. What is going on??

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