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Problems with Ignite Remote

I've been here awhile

I just got Ignite installed in my home. The Rogers box (TX061AEI) is connected to my Samsung UN50NUthrough a Denon AVR 5750 receiver.


When I try to switch to verbal commands on the Remote, it more often than not will not work, unless it is pointed away from the Television/Receiver. The Remote gives a flat chime, and there is not any message displayed.


Any suggestions?


***Added Labels***


Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

I've been here awhile
I simply chose not to use Rogers ignite remote pairing and paired my soundbar using the soundbar remote to pair to Ignite remote. I followed manufacturers instructions of my sound bar to pair Rogers ignite remote.

Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

A few more comments:


1. When you go to the URC Support website and use the Setup/Codefinder function for your particular remote, if you only put in the make and not the model (use the "you don't know" the model option), you will get several options for codes and one of these may have better functionality than another code, even if you put in the model number. I believe if you put in the model number you can also select "more" and it will give you more codes.


2. Some Yamaha AVRs and some other brands have discrete IR signals for On and Off. If a code only does one, then you may have one of these AVRs. You can tell if you look at the AVR remote - it'll typically have two buttons - one for on, one for off.  


3. If there are discrete buttons then the IgniteTV remote may never work properly with that AVR for on/off because it only sends a "power" signal, that is compatible with most equipment, but it will not send an "on" or "off" signal discretely.


4. Although the IgniteTV remote will work with most equipment it will not provide proper/full functionality for some equipment.  It will work with perhaps 95-99%, but not 100% of equipment.


5. Sometimes HDMI-CEC (or another "incoming" signal like optical) can work to turn certain equipment on/off, but you need to understand how things work.  Here's a post on that topic:

Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

I've been around

Ignite Remote wont power on Audio Receiver:

I can get my Ignite remote (XR15) and got it to control volume/mute on my Harmon/Kardon receiver.  It will power off the receiver, but not power it on. 

The audio receiver has seperate power on / power off buttons instead of power toggle. 

I tried all the codes for Harmon/Kardon at


Is there anything else I can do to tell it that the power on/off should be for two commands and not just a toggle?  

Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@asdw : Your post may have been moved to this thread.  As discussed in the post above yours, there is no way to do what you want for any AVR that has discrete on/off requirements.


If you turn on the HDMI-CEC functionality in your AVR and TV, it may turn on your TV/AVR, but that can be tricky, as discussed in the link in my post.

Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

I'm a reliable contributor

I too am now having issues with the voice commands using the remote.  I never had this issue before, and all of sudden it is happening with one of my TVs. 


The remote stopped working, so I assumed the batteries had died and replaced them with new Energizer.  All worked well for a day.  Then the voice commands stopped working.  I would get more of a flat chime ( a different sound than what I usually hear), with a message on the TV saying sorry I didn't get that.  No issues changing channels/volume etc. 


Then I get a message indicating the (new) batteries were at 17% - which couldn't be right.  So I removed the batteries, then put them back in.  The batteries then registered at 77%, and voice commands worked fine.  Then the voice commands stopped working again about two hours later, but the batteries now say 86%.  I put in another set of fresh batteries, but same issue.  Voice commands are now working 50% of the time even with new batteries, but again no issues with channel changing, volume, turn on/off tv, etc.  My others tvs works fine and nothing has changed on my setup.  I even rebooted the set top box.   The battery indicator now says 0%, but the remote works.

Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

Greetings @jjjjy7!


I think it would be worthwhile to look into replacing this remote. It sounds like it is malfunctioning and it isn't battery related.


Please send us a private message to @CommunityHelps. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, have a look here.  




Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

I plan to stick around

(Post merged)


XR11 won't control TV *and* Audio Receiver?


Hi all,


I've just (reluctantly!) switched to Ignite from my perfectly fine Nextbox. I've been able to get everything setup and working, but with one thing still frustrating me!


I'm able to connect the XR11 remote to the STB, then my TV (Sharp), then my Receiver/Speakers (LG). Sounds good, but not quite! It seems whatever I connect last (TV or Audio) is what controls *all* the applicable buttons.


What I want (and was relatively easily done with my Nextbox) is for the remote to have the volume buttons control the Receiver, but the 'TV Power' & 'TV Input' control the TV. Plus, when pressing 'All Power' it should turn on/off all three (TV, Receiver, STB). I cant find any info on this and cant believe this basic functionality has been removed!?!


Help! TIA!



Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@razzdazz wrote:

I've just (reluctantly!) switched to Ignite from my perfectly fine Nextbox. I've been able to get everything setup and working, but with one thing still frustrating me!


I'm able to connect the XR11 remote to the STB, then my TV (Sharp), then my Receiver/Speakers (LG). Sounds good, but not quite! It seems whatever I connect last (TV or Audio) is what controls *all* the applicable buttons.


What I want (and was relatively easily done with my Nextbox) is for the remote to have the volume buttons control the Receiver, but the 'TV Power' & 'TV Input' control the TV. Plus, when pressing 'All Power' it should turn on/off all three (TV, Receiver, STB). I cant find any info on this and cant believe this basic functionality has been removed!?!

Wait, what??  You have a new Ignite TV installation and an old XR11 remote?  Okay...


With the XR11 remote programmed to control the TV and Receiver, "All Power" should send a Power On/Off code to both the TV and your Audio Receiver.  That remote also had a "TV Power" button to help in situations where the TV did not turn off and got out of step with the other components.


The set-top box will not turn off when you press All Power.  It will eventually go into standby mode.  The only way it can be turned off immediately is through HDMI CEC, when the device that it is connected to gets turned off.



I'm also not sure what you mean by, "It seems whatever I connect last (TV or Audio) is what controls *all* the applicable buttons."  The TV and Audio devices are programmed as separate device classes.  With both configured, the remote should be able to control only "TV Input" and power on the TV, and should only control volume/mute and power on the Audio receiver.  All other buttons on the remote should control the Ignite set-top box.  Did you manually enter an LG TV code (rather than an LG Audio device) and it happened to work for your LG sound bar? should help you to find the correct codes for all of your devices.

Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

I plan to stick around

Thanks for the reply @-G- 


Yes, XR11 is what I got sent this week in Toronto... 2 of them actually. Seemed odd to me.


But it seems like you're confirming it is supposed to do what I want it to! Your explanation is exactly what I want but its not doing. To clarify, if I set to match my TV, it comes up with a code onscreen automatically. If I enter it, then decline to continue with and Audio option, the remote works the TV fine (power, input, volume). If I do the process above, but say yes to setting up Audio, it asks what brand, and when I choose LG from the list, it just goes to say its now set. But now the power, input, volume buttons on the remote ONLY send a signal to the audio, and the TV is no longer controled. 😞  It's driving me a bit nuts. 

Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@razzdazz  Okay, try this:  first program the XR11 remote to ONLY control your TV.


Next, go to and use the Code Finder to locate the correct code for your LG Audio device.  (LG TV codes start with a 1; the LG Audio device codes start with a 3).  To the right of the Code Finder, you will see Setup Instructions with an Audio Device Control setup tab.


Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

I plan to stick around

Thanks again @-G-

That worked... or at least as close to working as I'm guessing I'm going to get!

Now the remote will change the volume on the Audio Receiver, and the TV Power and TV Input control the TV. All good, except for some annoying reason my TV will cycle through the input names, but wont actually change to an input unless an enter/ok is pressed. Nextbox remote had a way to do it, but looks like I'm out of luck now.

Another odd thing, is that the Audio Receiver still wont power on/off when All Power is pressed. Not a huge deal, as the sound stops once the tv is off, just odd and hopefully wont add to power consumption.

Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@razzdazz wrote:

1. my TV will cycle through the input names, but wont actually change to an input unless an enter/ok is pressed. Nextbox remote had a way to do it, but looks like I'm out of luck now.

2. Another odd thing, is that the Audio Receiver still wont power on/off when All Power is pressed. Not a huge deal, as the sound stops once the tv is off, just odd and hopefully wont add to power consumption.

1. Most TVs will eventually switch to the "chosen" input after a period of time, say 5-10 seconds.  If yours doesn't, sorry.


2. Did you try various other codes.  It sounds like the one you chose is not the best one.  There are usually a number of different codes and the first one is not always the best.  Power consumption is usually higher when "on" instead of "standby/off".  Check out the following post which has other remote tips:


You may be able to use HDMI-CEC functionality to control various devices....

Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

I plan to stick around
Thanks @57

I'll give it a go... and no unfortunately, my tv won't select an input if waiting, the input popup just eventually goes away if left 😕

Side note: for any experts here... any chance of being able to assign the 'D' button, as it appears unused (or change the assignments for A, B or C for that matter?)

Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

If you enable HDMI-CEC on your TV, and on any devices connected to that TV, then if you turn on another device, your TV may switch to that input, if that device (Say a BD player or other device) also has HDMI-CEC, and if it shakes hands properly with the TV.    This may help with your input problems.

Re: Problems with Ignite Remote

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@razzdazz wrote:
Side note: for any experts here... any chance of being able to assign the 'D' button, as it appears unused (or change the assignments for A, B or C for that matter?)

Actually, the "D" button is used, for "delete":

Press "D" to delete a recorded program on the Saved / Recordings list.

Press the "Last" button (Left Arrow on the XR15) to view your history, and press "D" to clear history.


You can't reassign any buttons on the Rogers Ignite remote.  However, you can customize the "B" button (which is used to access Accessibility functions) by selecting an "Accessibility Shortcut" function in your Accessibility settings.  I have mine set to "Closed Captioning" -- I can quickly toggle CC on or off just by pressing the "B" button twice.

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