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New Rogers Account & Nothing but Major Issues 100% on Rogers Side....

I plan to stick around

So I'm so tired and so exhausted. The account Starting with 500 bound to this rogers forum account....


So let's start with getting the service actually took some time it was a special deal they were offering and we got through and finally setup. We expected to get everything the next day or so and we did.... Sadly I had Internet already but this deal would not offer me the speeds I needed or required so Rogers created me a brand new account.


Anyways long story short I got 2 TV boxes and the Cable Modem and set it all up... But some reason my account got stuck. When I say stuck it seems the account half completed but something bugged out. One of the 2 TV boxes did not Register 012 error and I can't use the Rogers account nor can Rogers Employees or the Basic account access ones access my account correctly. The website also does not allow me to access the account and pick my 20 flex channels...


So after going to social media, chat, voice, etc.. I found someone who helped me out. Confirmed that the TV Box was not in the system but could not add my 2nd box into the system. Also confirmed the account was broken and could not properly access it could not offer any kind of compensation because the account once again is broken.  The Good news is I was told it was escalated and that it be first in 24 hours they will text me and woot...


Days later it does not happen so I submit a share your concern to rogers where I asked I prefer email contact and the reply was basically call us... ugh lol 


So I gave them a call and they said there was nothing they could do blah blah but you know in a very long period of time waiting, getting to the person, etc. They were super nice I have to always say their nice, but because your having technical issues I have to suffer and waste my time, their time, etc... They said give it 48 hours and call us again....


Overall it's been now 8 days since I ordered this Ignite TV/Internet from Rogers. We only have one box working, can't pick the flex channels and the account still broken in my rogers. Clearly no point calling anymore it's a waste of time. With all the holds, wait times on chat, etc. I prob done about 15-20 hours trying to fight to get service... I have never in my life had such an issue with Rogers or any company like this... Even when I had issues with my Internet outside the home I had a Rogers tech guy eat his lunch in my Court and kept monitoring till he saw packet loss and replaced a couple of boxes on the streets and fixed the issue... Wish I knew that guy just to once again say thanks that was over a decade ago...


Another thing that bothers me and I had no clue Rogers was so behind the curve is why you charging me $120 a year for a Android box? The box That exact box is half the price if not more.... Yet you charging me double a year for it... This for someone who is Disabled and goes to diff locations of the house depending on their day. In a good world I would of loved 3-4 of these boxes but we can't afford to be paying $360 a year for 3 more boxes... I know the ignite app and casting is a thing, but for this persons needs it does not work well... This just a side complaint and one that is just silly. 


I'm really screwed here I'm hoping someone who is much more at the backend of Rogers will see this and do something as this is a special case. I know that. But it's not fair to us either way.





Re: New Rogers Account & Nothing but Major Issues 100% on Rogers Side....

I plan to stick around

Also just got this email today.... How do I get this now? My stress level is maxed out...


Re: New Rogers Account & Nothing but Major Issues 100% on Rogers Side....

I'm a senior contributor

24 hours later and no one from Rogers has replied?  I am surprised, usually, you get a moderator replying to situations like this pretty quick.  

Re: New Rogers Account & Nothing but Major Issues 100% on Rogers Side....

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@TechChime wrote:  Overall it's been now 8 days since I ordered this Ignite TV/Internet from Rogers. We only have one box working, can't pick the flex channels and the account still broken in my rogers.

FYI, if you placed your order for IgniteTV after November 1, there are no more Flex channels. They disappeared on November 1 and there are now different packages that have no Flex channels.


I can't help you with your other issues. Let's hope @CommunityHelps gets back to you and sorts things out.  Did you actually PM @CommunityHelps or were you hoping for a reply on the forum?

Re: New Rogers Account & Nothing but Major Issues 100% on Rogers Side....

I plan to stick around

They sold / gave me a Flex Plan that has 20 channels to choose from. Maybe this why it buggered up? Even told me how it works how you login to the website even said they don't give these out normally anymore because too many people had issues and complained about it. 

Re: New Rogers Account & Nothing but Major Issues 100% on Rogers Side....

I plan to stick around

Since Rogers has been so amazing with their support (Sarcastically Speaking). I have sadly had to file a complaint with the CCTS for the first time. 

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