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Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

I'm here a lot

Every day since I got Ignite T V it has lost the connection at least 4 time a day, it's been over a month now. It displays an error code RDK03087 and RDK03117. I have searched the internet and can't find anything other that the Gateway modem is from the U S Xfinity Cable Co.

Does anyone out there know a fix for this ? Right now we are in the spike of Covid-19 so before anyone comes to my house would like to know what is wrong with Rogers Ignite T V constantly failing.

I have hooked up cable tv ever since it was invented (yes i'm old, another reason i don't want someone in my house right now) so I am sure every thing is hooked up correctly .




*Added Labels*


Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117


Hello, @pboc.


Thank you for sharing your Ignite TV connection issue; losing the connection multiple times a day can be quite troublesome. 


The errors point to a poor WiFi connection, is this happening on more than one Ignite TV box? Have you checked the WiFi signal strength? 


You can check it by navigating to Settings > Device Settings > Network.


I look forward to hearing from you. 



Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@pboc  There is another thread discussing RDK-03117.  I have seen this before.  As far as I know, it's a network connectivity-related glitch that you should be able to fix by power-cycling your Ignite modem.  Wait for the status LED on the modem to turn solid white, then power-cycle each set-top box.


RDK-03087 gets displayed when the set-top box loses Wi-Fi connectivity and cannot reconnect.  I have seen this error whenever I perform an action that causes by WiFi mesh to restart.  If your WiFi network is working fine, power-cycling your set-top box should fix this problem.

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

Hello; thank you for responding.

Signal strength is excellent and yes all tv boxes fail to connect several times a day every day.

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

Does rebooting the box as per @Gdkitty suggestion fix the RDK-03087 error?


Do you tend to see one error more often than the other or is it completely random as to which error you may get when the service fails?


If rebooting fixes RDK-03087, then we can focus on troubleshooting the other error. Please let us know.




Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

I'm having the same problem. I just got Ignite yesterday and 10 minutes after the tech left, the wifi and TV signals dropped and took almost 5 minutes to come back up. This kept going all day. 


I didn't catch all of the error codes that I saw all day, but I did see RDK-03087. 


I've been with Bell for 2 years and have never had a single problem with my wifi connectivity. 


I wanted to switch over to Ignite to check out your features and also because Bell was about to jack my price up by $50/mo now that my first 2 years is up, but even though you have some cool features, none of that matters if the connection isn't stable. 


I mean come on, it's 2020 for Pete's sake, if you're a communications company and you can't get a decent wifi signal then you're useless.


How do you fix this? I'll give this a couple more days, but if I don't have resolution to this issue by end of day Sunday then I go back to Bell.


Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

Greetings @deleriyes,


A warm welcome to the Rogers Community Forums, we appreciate the post! 😊👍


This is definitely not the first impression we were aiming for and I can understand your reason for frustration. During this very difficult time, the least we can do is try to keep you entertained. We will do our best to help get this resolved!


By any chance, have you already tried rebooting your boxes? If not, I would definitely give this a shot. First, you'll want to reboot your internet modem by unplugging the power cord for about 30 seconds and then plugging it back in. Once the light turns white, you can proceed with rebooting each of your Ignite TV boxes one by one in the same fashion. This should resync everything and then you can monitor to see if the issue is resolved.


Please give this a try and let us know how it goes! 


Kind regards,




Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

Laura, I'm not a novice. Of course I tried power cycling everything, that's the automatic first troubleshooting step anyone should take when technology malfunctions. 


After I wrote my initial post here a couple days ago, I unplugged rogers and plugged my Bell hardware back in until this morning because I needed to have a stable system so I could work on Thu and Fri - I have not yet asked Bell to disconnect me because I needed to test your system to see if it will meet my needs before committing. 


So this morning I unplugged all my Bell hardware and packed it away in a box far which I placed away from the rogers hardware so I could completely rule out interference. 


Then around 11am today, I hooked back up all my Rogers hardware so I could give it a real test over the long weekend.


Here is a timeline of what happened since then. As you can see, every time I connect my work laptop to the wifi, everything connected to wifi drops and takes 5 full minutes to reconnect. This is absolutely unacceptable and unless it is fully fixed by Tuesday then I will cancel everything and keep my Bell service - I'd rather give them an extra $50 per month for something that works than to give you a single penny for this horrible service.


11:01 AM 2020-05-16 - Hooked up the Living Room TV, it worked
11:10 AM 2020-05-16 - Hooked up the Master Bedroom TV, it worked
11:20 AM 2020-05-16 - connected my wife's mobile phone to the wifi, it worked
11:25 AM 2020-05-16 - Connected my work laptop to the wifi, within 30 seconds everything dropped
11:30 AM 2020-05-16 - After 5 full minutes everything came back up except my work laptop
11:32 AM 2020-05-16 - Connected my work laptop to the wifi again, within 30 seconds everything dropped. Error messages RDK 03087 and RDK 03117 appeared.
11:38 AM 2020-05-16 - After 5 full minutes everything came back up including my work laptop.
11:40 AM 2020-05-16 - Connected Switch to the wifi, it worked
11:43 AM 2020-05-16 - Connected Wii U to the wifi, it worked
11:46 AM 2020-05-16 - Currently have the following connected and everything is working: Living Room TV, Master Bedroom TV, my wife's phone, work laptop, Switch, Wii U
3:58 PM 2020-05-16 -- Got back from grocery shopping and tried to use the laptop, but it was disconnected from the wifi while I was gone even though I left it open and connected.
3:59 PM 2020-05-16 -- Connected it to Rogers wifi and everything dropped within 30 seconds.

4:05 PM 2020-05-16 -- After 5 full minutes everything came back up including my work laptop.



Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

Nevermind, the decision has been made. Immeidately after I posted that last reply with the timeline (from my work computer on your wifi), everything connected to wifi dropped.

Since your wifi will not provide a stable connection to my work laptop, it is absolutely useless to me. I'll be contacting your customer service phone number on Tuesday to arrange to return your hardware.

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@deleriyes wrote:
Nevermind, the decision has been made. Immeidately after I posted that last reply with the timeline (from my work computer on your wifi), everything connected to wifi dropped.

Since your wifi will not provide a stable connection to my work laptop, it is absolutely useless to me. I'll be contacting your customer service phone number on Tuesday to arrange to return your hardware.

What happened?  Did you install Pods to extend your WiFi coverage and did a Pod fail and cause the mesh to become unstable, or was there a problem with the modem itself?


If you click on @CommunityHelps  and then click on the button to send them a private message and explain your situation, they can run tests to assess the status of your installation and recommend steps to get things stable again.

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

I've been here awhile

I have been a new Ignite customer for about 2 weeks. Almost daily I receive error code RDK03117. When this comes up the Ignite receiver freezes until I unplug it. This happens with both wired and wifi connections.
After some reading on the forum it seems this is somewhat of a common problem.
What can we do to stop this from happening?
I should not have this problem this frequent. Once a year would be acceptable.

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

@Beckydowling wrote:

I have been a new Ignite customer for about 2 weeks. Almost daily I receive error code RDK03117. When this comes up the Ignite receiver freezes until I unplug it. This happens with both wired and wifi connections.
After some reading on the forum it seems this is somewhat of a common problem.
What can we do to stop this from happening?
I should not have this problem this frequent. Once a year would be acceptable.

I see this error code in situations where the set-top box loses network connectivity to the back-end systems.  It could be caused by a problem in the Rogers network (or possibly with your Ignite XB6 gateway) and this can often be fixed by power-cycling the XB6.  I can also trigger RDK-03117 in my home network by unplugging a network cable that interrupts connectivity for a WiFi access point that my set-top box is connected to.


Are you only seeing this error on your set-top box or are other devices in your home losing connectivity as well?


Also, is your Ignite modem/gateway logging any errors?  To check this, go to , log into the XB6 as admin, navigate to "Troubleshooting > Logs" and display the Event Logs for the Last week.

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

Becky, just go back to your old provider. That's what I did and I haven't had a single instance of dropped (or even low signal) wifi since. 


Sorry / NOT sorry, Rogers. If you can't provide a stable wifi connection in the year 2020 then you're worthless as a "service provider".

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

I've been here awhile
After logging into the Gateway there are no errors, only port mapping log entries. There must be an issue with the Gateway. My cell phone spends more time using cellular data than it does using wifi. The wifi on my phone continuously fails as well.
Whenever I get the error on the ignite tv box, unplugging it always corrects the issue.
There seems to be a communication issue between the ignite tv box and the gateway.
I have restarted the Gateway just to give it a try. It has been restarted a few times now and still has issues.
What is the solution? This has been a common problem from what I have read. Maybe I should have stayed with Bell. Never had issues nearly this frequent.

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

@Beckydowling wrote:
After logging into the Gateway there are no errors, only port mapping log entries. There must be an issue with the Gateway. My cell phone spends more time using cellular data than it does using wifi. The wifi on my phone continuously fails as well.

Are you using an iPhone by any chance?  I know that not being able to connect to WiFi (after some WiFi hardware/configuration change has been made) has been an issue for ages and is related to Location Services.  If this is the case, I will try to find the link on why this happens and how to fix it.  (I think the fix involves disabling Privacy > Location Services > System Services > Networking & Wireless)


Whenever I get the error on the ignite tv box, unplugging it always corrects the issue.
There seems to be a communication issue between the ignite tv box and the gateway.
I have restarted the Gateway just to give it a try. It has been restarted a few times now and still has issues.
What is the solution? This has been a common problem from what I have read. Maybe I should have stayed with Bell. Never had issues nearly this frequent.

As for connectivity suddenly breaking for Ignite TV, I suspect this stems from overnight maintenance work done by the Rogers network team.  Connectivity had been very stable for me for the last year.  However, over the last few weeks, I have had to reset equipment in my home every few days rather than just every few months.

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

I've been here awhile
Hi G
I do not have an IPhone and this is not related to any changes.
As far as the Ignite connections go you should stop saying that it is related to service work that is a joke. It is a hardware
connection issue. Otherwise rebooting would not correct the problem.
Can you please provide a solid solution?
Or should I contact technical support?

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

@Beckydowling wrote:
Hi G
I do not have an IPhone and this is not related to any changes.

Sorry, you didn't provide any information about your mobile device, which is why I asked.  I've seen this happen before with iOS while I was a Bell customer.


As far as the Ignite connections go you should stop saying that it is related to service work that is a joke. It is a hardware
connection issue. Otherwise rebooting would not correct the problem.
Can you please provide a solid solution?

Again, I don't have any information about your current setup whatsoever, or even know what specific error messages you may have been seeing.  I can only explain why you may have been experiencing problems but can't even suggest any solutions without additional information.


I have run Ignite TV over several different WiFi solutions, those supported by Rogers and some totally unsupported, without any issues.


I have also experienced some connectivity issues recently that seem to be related to work that Rogers has been doing.  Unfortunately, Rogers has neither confirmed nor denied anything.


Or should I contact technical support?

I think that would be a great idea.  If Tech Support is unable to help you or if you have any further questions, we can try to help you out as best as we can.  Keep in mind that this is a Community support site.  The Rogers team will not immediately respond to questions that you ask here, although the Moderators may chime in to provide additional information.  If Rogers is able to help resolve your issue, please share what you can with the rest of the Community.


Best of luck with getting your connectivity issues resolved.

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

I'm here a lot

That's not true and you know it, G. 


Tech support will run a 45 second automatic test on their end and then tell Becky "everything looks fine on this end". 


That's exactly what they did with me, on my very first day as a Rogers customer. My connection started dropping 10 minutes after the hookup tech left my house, and when I went to tech support to tell them I was a brand new customer having WiFi dropping issues, they ran that short little test and said exactly that to me, then they washed their hands of it completely and refused to investigate further because their "test" said there was no issue. Meanwhile, the wifi dropped 3 times WHILE I WAS SPEAKING TO TECH SUPPORT and they still said there was no problem.


As far as I'm concerned after my horrible experience with them AS A NEW CUSTOMER, Rogers is nothing but a bunch of grifters selling garbage that doesn't work.

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@deleriyes  I'm not here to defend Rogers, just help others out as best as I can.  If you had a bad experience with Rogers, you have every right to upset.  I would be as well.


Rogers didn't install my WiFi.  I did.  I know what I'm doing and continue to have zero issues with my installation.  Others may not be so fortunate.  I can't do anything about that.


I'm not a huge fan of Pods but they usually work okay when installed correctly.


Relatively few customers are complaining here in the Community with issues.   For Ignite TV to work well, your in-home network and Internet connection need to be absolutely solid.  Rogers techs are better trained these days so there don't seem to be as many "bad installations" as there used to be.  I'd guess that at least 99% of customers have an installation that works fine.  Of the other 1% experiencing ongoing problems, 99% are likely victims of a poor installation.


WiFi is finicky.  If you follow some simple rules and best practices, WiFi can work well.  If you have faulty hardware, you are guaranteed to have problems.  I have received defective equipment and Rogers replaced it.


As for the Internet service, I'm sure some areas are also experiencing more problems than others.  I can't help with that either.


If you still need to vent, there is another thread where others have reported ongoing issues with Ignite TV... but it's been pretty quiet lately.

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I just did something inadvisable (and possibly really stupid) last night: I switched from a WiFi system that was working perfectly to a Linksys Velop system that is 1) unsupported by Rogers and 2) whose software has had some stability issues lately, just to see what would happen... and hopefully replicate issues that some of you have been experiencing.


All the Ignite set-top boxes and all of my other devices connected to the Velop mesh fine.  I power-cycled the set-top boxes to make sure that they would reconnect to the new network... and they did... so I powered down the other WiFi APs.  I re-ran the Channel Finder (so that the Velop mesh would switch to optimal channels that the other APs had been using) and everything was fine EXCEPT that one set-top box started falling off of WiFi again and again with the dreaded RDK-03087.


The downside to most consumer network gear is that they don't provide you with many useful tools to troubleshoot problems when weird things start happening... and the only thing that the Xi6 set-top box had to say was RDK-03087.  I didn't know whether the Linksys mesh was unhappy, the set-top box was unhappy, or both.  The other (stable) set-top boxes had a Velop node in the same room.  The problematic set-top box had an equally good connection (RSSI of -58 dBm or better) to two nodes.


The good news is that no other WiFi clients were dropping off the network, and my iPhone could roam seamlessly from one Velop node to another.


However, that one set-top box was still unhappy.  When I pressed the (Rogers) Menu button, the WiFi icon showed a weak signal; so did Settings > Device Settings > Network.


I was able to get things stable again by forcing that one set-top box to reconnect to WiFi.  I pressed the WPS button on the bottom of the STB, clicked "Continue" on the warning screen that this would disconnect me from the network, then clicked the WPS "Connect" button in the Linksys mobile app.


So far, so good.  All set-top boxes show "Excellent" signal strength and I haven't had any devices fall off the network, despite my ongoing testing and other attempts to slightly destabilize things.  The set-top boxes (understandably) didn't like it when I powered down the entire WiFi mesh... and wouldn't reconnect on their own when I powered the Velop system back up... but they did connect fine when I power-cycled the set-top boxes


I will continue to keep eye on things and hope that everything remains stable... and if you keep getting RDK-03087, you may simply just need to force the set-top box to disconnect and rejoin your WiFi network.

Re: Ignite TV Connection Error Codes: RDK-03087 and RDK-03117

I've been around
This rdk-03087 error started occurring a couple of months ago… the screen would freeze and then go black…sometimes it would comeback in a few seconds and other times not…I tried all of the recommended steps of rebooting router and Roger’s box.. tried new hdmi cables, direct to tv and still same error….the error occurred more and more frequently…finally I called Roger’s and told them my story and it was clear to the agent that my Roger’s box was at fault. They sent a new one (the Xi-one) and I hooked it up and no more problems.
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