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Cannot Log into Ignite TV from Computer

I've been here awhile

The site that allows to Login to Ignitve TV shows " "is down or certificate issued has expired. Not sure what to do.




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Re: Cannot log into Ignite TV from computer

I've been here awhile

Also, I have tried incognito mode, restarting computer, clearing cache and ensuring that pop-up are not disabled. Nothing is working. 

Re: Cannot log into Ignite TV from computer

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@wayneb71 : The website is working fine for me. The link is:


Here's the complete list of tips. Try a different clean browser?

Re: Cannot Log into Ignite TV from Computer

I've been around

Same is happening with me. Same message as "is down or certificate issued has expired..Did you get yours working yet? 

Re: Cannot Log into Ignite TV from Computer

getting the same errror on google chrome only tho, I tried it on firefox and microsoft edge and those browsers are fine .. not sure what the issue is but clearing cache/deleting autopassword login didnt help on chrome , if anyone gets a solution please update us here, thank you

Re: Cannot Log into Ignite TV from Computer

I've been here awhile

I keep getting a page that says

ESF Authorization Server
error: invalid_client
error_description: The given client credentials were not valid

Nothing I do  - restarting, clearing cache, etc will change this 

Re: Cannot Log into Ignite TV from Computer

I've been here awhile

and yes....I am logging in under the right account and password

Re: Cannot Log into Ignite TV from Computer

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Why are people seeing ""? That's not the correct website.  Are your bookmarks/links being "hijacked"?  The correct website is:


For all the people above, please try all of the suggestions in my previous post link (again below).  If a different browser works, then it's not a Rogers issue. I'm using Chrome on my Mac Mini M2 E10 just fine - tested this afternoon and again just now.  Also tested Chrome on my MacBook Air.


It's often a cookie issue which is usually solved by trying Incognito or Private mode in the browser (although some people have already tried that.) People who clear cookies, often don't clear all of the appropriate Rogers cookies on their browser, so the problem will continue.


It can also be extensions like an adblocker, or any of the other many items listed in my link.


P.S. Sometimes the latest version of a browser, like Chrome, may have a brief incompatibility with the website, giving you the "certificate expired" feedback.  I assume you're on a PC since my Chrome on a Mac is fine.


You may need to temporarily run with a different browser until the incompatibilities are ironed out.  I also just checked and I'm running the latest version of Chrome 124.0.6367.93.  

Re: Cannot Log into Ignite TV from Computer

I've been here awhile

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