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Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I saw a few recent posts "hinting" at this, however, I received a text today confirming the following:  I've therefore started this thread on the topic.


1. Rogers (and Fido) Prepaid services will no longer be available after December 16, 2024.

2. I can switch to Rogers (or Fido) (assume Post-paid service) and keep my number

3. I can switch to Chatr Prepaid and keep my number.

They provided a phone number 1-844-235-3766, or say to visit a Rogers retail location...


I just finished pre-paying until July 25, 2025 (so 9 months still to go, value approximately $75).  I also have a balance on my grandfathered anytime plan of about $95.


I guess I'll need to do some research and decide what I'll do and also find out what Rogers will do regarding the $170 or so in "value" that I still have in my Prepaid account.




***Edited Labels***

155 REPLIES 155

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

It seems that everyone should be sure to share their CCTS results so that everyone know exactly what the expectations are from Rogers, instead of relying on Rogers to treat every pre-paid customer the same as far as compensation.

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

I will relay MY own initial encounters once I got the text notifying of the end of pre-paid. 

I immediately called the number in text, and the front line call answer person provided me with useful details on the 5.00/mth plan. I was not ready to commit. I called back later in the day, and the next front line call answer person had no details, and seemed completely unaware. I called back a 3rd time and the front line call answer person also had no details and seemed completely unaware.  I called back a 4th time and the front line call answer person helped me transfer my 2 20+ year old accounts to post paid, and provided some additional information/commitments that I specifically asked and confirmed several times during the call, that  these details would be in the email she said would be sent later that day.  Those details were NOT in the email, just the new contract. My initial thought was, do I trust the verbal statement to materialize in 4 months, without having something in writing. My answer. Absolutely NOT. I filed a CCTS complaint, and a Rogers Office of the President rep called me on Thanksgiving day October 14th, stating he would call back the Thursdays/Friday. He did not. (We have call display, an answering machine, and a log showing if someone calls).  I got an email a week later, October 21st.  from another Office of the President rep, who outlined the CCTS issues. I responded immediately and pointed out there was an additional issue, she hadn't mentioned.  Oct 22 she acknowledged the email as well as the information contained. Oct 24th "someone" at rogers re-did the 2 new phone accounts, based on the fact I got 2 new emails with new contracts and the email indicated it was some I had initiated/done that day. (This is not accurate). I "guess" it was someone on Rogers end re-doing what should have been done properly in the initial new account setup. Nov 4 the Office of the President rep emailed


"I am just following back up with you as I did review your accounts, and can confirm that the applicable promotions have been applied to both your accounts, for you to receive the Today's Shopping Choice Gift Cards as previously extended to you.


Therefore, these two gift cards will be sent to you via email within 4 months of activation, to the email address on file for both accounts,"


..and basically asked if this resolved the issue and wanting to advise the CCTS of such.  I emailed back AGAIN, to state it does NOT and to refer back to my email of Oct 21, which she had already acknowledged with the additional information, for the details of the issues. So no, the CCTS complaint is not resolved because l had ~11 months left on my just renewed Aug2024 pre-paid plan, or my Jan pre-paid plan nor the CASH balances remaining on both those accounts.

I indicated it does not seem reasonable for Rogers to KEEP MY MONEY or the value of the remaining pre-paid plans, since the gift cards are supposed to be in recognition of the 20+ year accounts, not those other monies/value.   


I didn't receive anything further from the Office of the President, and on Nov 5th received a CCTS email indicating an "extension has been granted" to Rogers to deal with it, with a deadline of Nov 16th.


OTHERS can judge if this would leave them feeling confident of Rogers staff, but speaking on my own behalf, my encounter does not.  In the future, rather than spending this amount of time with the front line staff I did for this, I would just ask to escalate to the next level, and failing that occurring in a TIMELY manner, I would  just go to the CCTS and let the rogers department responsible for handling things, deal with it. 



Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

Thanks for this very helpful info for users not in Canada recently.

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

Just finished the call, update here.


I choose the $10/month plan:

  • when you are in Canada: Unlimited Call (Canada Wide), Unlimited Text (Canada/US), 1G data (5G, network, Canada Wide)
  • when you are roaming: receive message is free, once send message, receive(I believe it's "answer" but not just "receive")/make call will trigger Roaming, $12 per day

The balance will be given as "gift card" via email after 4th month payment. The "gift card" cannot be used to top up, but somewhere else, I didn't understand where it can be used (not native speaker), but one word I heard is "Rogers Video". I have less than $50 in my balance and the representative said the gift card will be $100.


Overall status I checked and talked by the representative:

  • there is $5/month plan, Unlimited Call/Text (Canada Wide), but no data. If you wanted to add-on data, the $5/month plan will be cancelled but you have to choose a new plan with data, maybe e.g. $40/month.
    In another word, if $5/month is chosen now, later if you wanted to use data, you cannot use just "add-on" something like $10/GB + $5/month, NO.
  • the exclusive offer, either $5/month, or $10/month, or others (if there is), the valid period will be 2 years. (the representative said it should be 2-3 years at the beginning, then finally said the offer will be valid for 2 years, not 3 years)

Hopefully above information could help.

I am still considering whether to contact CCTS to ask the balance really back, like: credit to my new account, or send by voucher which can be used to top up.


One last 2 questions:

  1. after logging into > MyAccount, I can see the plan, but without price. Anyone here can suggest where I can see the base price?
  2. where can the "gift card" be used?

Thanks again for this post and everyone's sharing.


Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

Helpful. Only issue is, it seems the rep is guessing or unsure with the 2 vs 3  years.  That uncertainty means, get it in writing either through the Office of the President, or thru CCTS complaint that will require it be documented on both ends, from the Office of the President to you, and in their response to the CCTS complaint.

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

ya, some said something like "the plan will not less than 3 years", but my contact-rep. was told "2 years". if I raise CCTS ticket about balance, I will also raise ticket about the valid period as well.

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

When I called the specific number in post 1 of this thread and checked on plans, I was told the plan would last for as long as I stayed on it - no time limit.  Of course with more and more data and calling available for the same money as time passes, such a plan would be very limited in a few years, but that may not bother some people.


Consistency from agents is not Rogers forte.  Always get it in writing. 


I switched to Chatr and their plans are clearly outlined on their website.  I chose the $149/year plan.

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

So as far as how long the prices will be held constant we have

1. I don't know

2. 2 years

3. 3 years

4. For as long as you stay with the plan.


I've asked the Office of the President rep to confirm if it is 3 years, or what. 

"Perhaps the information should be shared with the 'front line staff' that are communicating with customers"....or is that too much to ask of Rogers.


People are being asked to make a decision, but are clearly being given different answers. That makes any decision we make that flows from that information, null and void in terms of a contract.


PS. It was just confirmed to me as part of my CCTS, that I could have, essentially the pro-rated value of my remaining pre-paid plans, PLUS my cash balances, credited to my 2 new post paid plans. That in addition to the gift cards offered during my original call, would satisfy me for the time being. Things could and should go a lot smoother, considering we are post 1 month after the announcement, so everyone should have been informed of the options available to pre-paid customers. 

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I've been here awhile

for question 1

logging into > MyAccount   

 > Overview

Individual Wireless           press         Manage>

My Wireless Plan

Talk & Text            press           change plan>


you can see your current plan details. You do not change your plan ,just quit.

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

Thanks for reply @nick000 👍, it's there.

I also just received the email confirmation with attachments, inside of the enclosed PDF file, the price is there. I take it as the agreed price as well.

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

@dj2015 ya...but as @57 mentioned as well, so far there is nothing written. 

Or, Rogers treats different customer with different balance / account age different?

If that's the case......

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around
“I also also confirm that the $5 + tax monthly plan you have on both your accounts is rate protected for three years.”

From the office of the president

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I've been around

First off, a huge, HUGE, thank you to all those in this forum who are providing clear details and info regarding their handlings with Rogers/Fido (and Chatr), as well as the steps they've taken to accomplish their migration.

My elderly parent is with Fido, and barely uses their Prepaid plan. However, we had just refilled on the 85$/year (same as the Rogers one) in June 2024. Balance on the account is about 20$ now.

After calling Fido (though they answer, 'Welcome to Rogers') via 1-888-481-3436 (Prepaid Fido IVR), we were offered the 5$/month Fido Postpaid special migration offer (same as the Rogers one: unl Talk/Text Canada and access to FidoROAM...supposedly). Was told offer would be valid for 2 years.

Also offered 10$/month for Unl Talk/Text Canada and 1GB data, or, 20$/month for 5 GBs. My parent does not use a Smartphone and has no need for data.

We also had bought a 30$ Fido voucher in September, thinking my parent my need the send texts (as the 85$ yearly plan has none, and charges a whopping 0.70/sms). 

Asked about balance transfer: not possible as the migration offer is so low. Though we understand this, we're like others in who prepaid a yearly plan for 12-months... So parent had plan from June to October, before learning it's about to end.

To those who have had success getting anything back (portion of unused plan and/or balance) I am not understanding what the gift card can be used towards (assuming we will send the CCTS, and get resolution).


Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

Just got dinged 12.00 for a single text, I sent from the usa since by default Rogers enabled "roam like home". I called and had them remove it from both my new POST-paid plans. I'll stick to pay per use for those features. 


As a heads up, you have to call to have it removed. 


They also reversed it when I pointed out I wasn't told about this 'add-on', nor did they send me the usual , "you are roaming in the USA...." .  I had proof. 

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@dj2015 wrote:

Just got dinged 12.00 for a single text, I sent from the usa since by default Rogers enabled "roam like home". I called and had them remove it from both my new pre-paid plans.  (before edit)

Your comments are (were) confusing for this thread.  Just to be clear, you are now on postpaid, not prepaid plans.  That's why you got charged for Roam Like Home.  To learn more about roaming, check out the following thread, especially post 2 and the link in post 2 (also below).


Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

Thanks for pointing that out. It was a typo, which I will correct. We obviously can't have "new" "pre" paid plans. 


I was on pre-paid, and migrated to post paid, which all of us are now being forced to do. During the migration process, there was no mention of the "roam like home" add on being done automatically. During a recent trip to the USA, I also did not receive the standard, "you are roaming in the US" message that we've always received, as pre-paid customers. (that text message comes from the same number whether it is pre or post paid), but my wife did receive the text notification. (I only learned of that once I was dinged the 12.00 and checked into what roam like home even was. 


The caution is to those who are migrating, who also might not be informed, and might not want it. (I may well add it back on in the future, but certainly not if I intend to only send one text.  

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@dj2015 wrote: I was on pre-paid, and migrated to post paid, which all of us are now being forced to do.

Actually, you can continue with pre-paid, if desired, by going to Chatr, which is also Rogers.  Chatr doesn't have the $5/month plan (or some of the other value-priced plans offered by Rogers to former pre-paid customers), but since many people want some data, they do have competitive pricing.  For example, I switched to their $149/year plan which has 30 GB of data (for the year).  


By sticking to prepaid, I know that I will never be "dinged" for anything beyond a small amount of money that I will keep in my account.  No chance of a large roaming bill as can happen with postpaid plans.

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

Correction: We can't have "new" ROGERS "pre-paid" plans. Better?

When I first got the text about Rogers ending pre-paid I looked at alternatives, and saw Freedom had a similar plan. We only use texting, don't need voice, so 100 or 120 minutes /yr voice didn't matter.

l'll definitely look at Chatr's plan you mentioned, since I buy a 365d esmin with 35gb data from some hong kong provider.


Issue I run into is some apps/website block the hong kong thing somehow/some reason. Can never get into the McD app. I'm assuming Chatr being Canadian shouldn't have that issue.


Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I plan to stick around

This is very helpful info, i've never know there is such option.

What is "roam like home"? After disable it, are you still able to receive text?
For roaming, the only function to me is to receive message since i usually need to receive verification code, other than this, i don't make call, answer call and send text while roaming.
But we all know some users reported s/he has never answer a call / send text but got charged.
So, if "roam like home" got disabled AND I can still receive message, that's good, otherwise, i have to make it ebabled.

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@HowardL wrote:

What is "roam like home"? After disable it, are you still able to receive text?

Please let's not take this thread off topic.  If you search this forum and the Rogers website for Roaming, or Roam Like Home, you'll get lots of links.  Here's one:


For texts there are apps you can use for free texting, or you can simply pay on a pay-per-use basis.

Re: Rogers (and Fido) Pre-paid Phone Service Ending December 16, 2024

I'm a senior advisor

When I renewed my grandfathered anytime plan on September 19th I added $100 and now my balance is $182.23 and expires 19 Sep 2025. I only found out about this "Service Ending December 16, 2024" here on Community Forums just recently. Not one word from Rogers. Will I still be able to make and receive calls after December 16?  If not, how will Rogers make good on my balance if not a refund? Stealing hundreds of dollars from customers by discontinuing a service without reimbursing the balance is criminal. If Rogers messes with me on this, there is no way I will use any other Rogers service.


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