- last edited
Im paying for high speed data, the claims on the website are 1Gbps. I wouldn't be complaining if the speeds were at least usable, but when i literally have to wait over 10 seconds sometimes to load a google search, I wonder why im still with rogers. This has been happening for months, i've complained to support multiple times.
***Edited Labels***
I'm located in Ile-Perrot, near Montreal. According the the coverage map i should be well within a 5G+ zone. My device is an iPhone 14 Pro
Friday - last edited Friday
I just tested on my girlfriends iPhone 14 Pro Max, and its just as slow.
I have already had the support team do a reset on their end, and a full network reset on my end.
Finally, yes my data is just as slow even while im at work.
If i were to upgrade my phone, which my contract ends in August. I wouldn't be sticking with Rogers if i cant resolve this issue beforehand. 3 Bars of LTE shouldn't resault in those speeds, much less the speeds shown for 5G.
Not to mention, according to the coverage map i'm in a 5G+ zone (which my phone isnt connecting too), and I would say it's almost a ridicoulous claim to say that the reason my data is so slow is because i'm using a iPhone 14 Pro instead of an iPhone 15. If anything my specific iPhone is faulty, not the entire lineup.
Saturday - last edited Saturday
A few comments/questions.
1. If your girlfriend has a similar issue, then it's likely not an issue with your phone, even though similar models.
2. Have your gone into Settings - Cellular Data and turned off low data mode?
3. What sort of speeds do you see when connected to home high speed WiFi?
4. When not at home and driving or walking around do you notice a difference as you get closer to a cell tower? 5G doesn't extend very far. In post 1 I see that your signal is not very good.
it has nothing to do with the intel modems. if you look at the area the person is located, you can see it lacks rogers towers.
yesterday - last edited yesterday
@pg2man wrote:
it has nothing to do with the intel modems. if you look at the area the person is located, you can see it lacks rogers towers.
Hmm, when I type in "Ile-Perrot" I show pretty good coverage - see screenshot below, however, distance from the tower can have an effect and it would be nice if the OP answered Question 4 in my previous post. There is a difference in speed between post 1 and post 2 with post 2 being on LTE but having a higher speed due to a better signal strength indicated on the screenshot.... Both seem low though. Perhaps also a congestion issue?
OP, what is the speed like at various times of day and in various locations???
12m ago
i don't trust the rogers coverage maps at area is fully red and i have the exact same issues as the OP.
below is a the Rogers towers in the area