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Rogers App and spam emails.

I've been here awhile

why after being forced to sign up and use the rogers app. And all the hours spent on the phone to stop spam emails from rogers. Why now all of a sudden do i start getting my bill emailed to me?
Make up your mind. Never received a bill via email before this month.
The only advantage to the app is it seemed to help stop the spam emails from rogers.




Re: Rogers App and spam emails.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
Not sure if you are aware but EVERYONE has been switched over to online billing even my parents who are Senior Citizens and are not that literate with computers.

My parents have been getting paper bills for like ever, and I remember reading about the forced change on here actually.

The good news is I think there's a few limited exceptions for like elderly and / or disabled people where they would switch it back to paper.

Re: Rogers App and spam emails.

I've been here awhile

Ok. I was forced to use the rogers app over a year ago when they sent me a notice via canada post. And then they stopped sending me a paper bills. So yes i know that everyone is being forced on to online billing. They have given plenty of notification.
The issue is that i have asked roger's many times over not to be emailed.
With this month's bill email came other promotion emails. - which i have asked them not to send me way too many times, both by phone calls and unsubscribe links in the emails. I've even blocked most of the rogers emails. But yet they still keep coming.
Apparently there is a means of unsubscribing though this website or forum.
Its easier and faster just to call and talk to a human. I full well expect to be repeating that phone call again in 3 months

Many phone calls to be put on the UNSUBSCRIBE since 2018. Multiple unsubscribe links in the emails.

They recycle the unsubscribe list

Re: Rogers App and spam emails.

I sincerely GET your issue, yes its frustrating to be spammed by Rogers in your email.

With the switch to digital communications instead of Paper. it is definitely easier to send communications to customers.

before when you were paper billing you called in and did an account change, and that was it, you didn't get any notice or letter sent to you. but with digital communications and online billing you get an email for every account change or interaction. you remove a feature, you get a email, your promo expires, you get an email, a new promo is automatically going to replace an old one, you get an email, you forgot to pay your bill, you get an email, you paid your bill but late, you get an email,

I GET IT, its frustrating and clogs up your email, I find it frustrating too. you can probably be placed on their Do Not Contact list, but I believe their do not call or do not contact list probably expires after a year and you probably have to call back to change it, or there are probably some reps who completely flat out ignore your do not contact preference and still contact you, there will always be lazy ignorant people in any company who do not follow the rules, all you can do is complain complain complain till stuff gets done

Re: Rogers App and spam emails.

I'm a senior advisor

@Cdales720  So am I to understand you don't want to be notified in any manner that you have a bill due? Just go on line whenever you want and see if there is one? I don't think any company does business that way.

Re: Rogers App and spam emails.

I've been here awhile
The bill isnt the issue.
They have the rogers app to communicate that to me.
That is how they have sent me my bill for quite some time now.
Now im getting massive amounts of promotional emails again(daily) Something i have asked them to stop sending me multiple times.
Repeated again yesterday afternoon
And now no more than 20 hours later after being told i will get no more emails. I have more promotional emails.
No surprise.
They recycle then unsubscribed lists.

Re: Rogers App and spam emails.

I've been here awhile
They recycle the do not contact list around every 3 months if they even acknowledge.
Proof to me of them ignoring the do not contact list is the multiple emails after the calls i made in april may and june of this year. With no changes to my accounts.
The fact they do not respect a request of do not contact is the greater issue.
And now they ignore the request less than 24 hrs later.

Re: Rogers App and spam emails.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Have you tried the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of most Rogers pages?


This doesn't eliminate, but does minimize, the number of e-mails from Rogers. I get one e-mail per month when my bill is ready and about one other e-mail per month regarding my account, like free COVID time, etc.  Any organization that you do business with has the right to send you e-mails, but it is usually possible to minimize (or sometimes eliminate) these intrusions.


If something is not working to my satisfaction, I usually handle it via chat, or via PMs in this forum.  That way I have a written record.



Re: Rogers App and spam emails.

I'm a senior advisor

@Cdales720 wrote:
The bill isnt the issue.
They have the rogers app to communicate that to me.
That is how they have sent me my bill for quite some time now.
Now im getting massive amounts of promotional emails again(daily) Something i have asked them to stop sending me multiple times.

There used to be a link when viewing your bill to manage marketing permissions. It doesn't work anymore, but it looks like @57 has posted a new link. I hope it works for you to cut the Rogers spam.

Re: Rogers App and spam emails.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

If you don't want to receive anything from Rogers, you could change your e-mail address to a "disposable" e-mail address that you never go to or only check say once a month.  You can get a "disposable" address from Rogers/Yahoo, or Gmail, etc.

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