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Unbearably poor reliability

I'm here a lot

I've had this service for three months. Every month there has been an outage. So far for 2024 the uptime has been 72.7%. Typically uptime is measured in the number of 9s - e.g. 99%, 99.9%, 99.99%, and so on. That is to say, 2x9s (99%) uptime is considered poor performance. 72.7% uptime is absolute crap. What's Rogers solution? Only after my asking did they *graciously* offer me $14 -- on a $79/mo service.

This is 2024. Rogers is one of the biggest Internet providers in the country. People, like myself have been working from home and/or have Internet-dependent home automation, TV, etc. Reasonable reliability should be the baseline.

Rogers, I beg you, please let me out of my 2 year contract. As there are two of us in this house who work from home, I cannot afford your poor level of service.


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Re: Unbearably poor reliability

I'm here a lot

It gets worse. I'm also on Rogers wireless. I'm supposed to have truly unlimited data; and Google's speedtest shows 42 and 24 Mbps download and upload speeds respectively. These are great numbers. And so I would think that connecting my laptop to my cell phone would be a reasonable interim solution. No! I just had to cancel a sales presentation part way through because the Rogers cellular reliability was a total yo-yo. Literally more time was spent "unconnected" than connected.

In short, my experience at least is that Rogers cellular and home Internet do not meet reliability expectations of 2004, let alone 2024.

Re: Unbearably poor reliability

From their outage page (😞

There are no outages in your region

Still need help? Chat with our virtual assistant Anna to report an outage or troubleshoot an issue.

Meanwhile, My region has been without Internet for 3 days. Tech support has told me >90% of the devices in my region, which covers a big chunk of Toronto - they weren't more specific, are reporting being down.

Re: Unbearably poor reliability

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Greetings @toronto-adam,👋


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'm saddened to hear about the reliability issues you've been plagued with as I know first hand how imperative it is to ensure you stay connected, especially when you work from home. 


With that said, have you been able to connect with us to go over some troubleshooting steps? We'd be more than happy to assist you. Feel free to send a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can assist you further. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, you can find out more here.


Looking forward to hearing from you,



Re: Unbearably poor reliability


More outages since 11am this morning. (It is now 9:30pm.) I called at around 4pm and again at 8:56pm and was on hold for more than half an hour. The agent Adaf could not find any record of my 4pm call. At first he told me the outage started at 7pm. When I told him I had called at 4pm, he looked again and then corrected himself saying the outage started at 11am. (Are the technicians instructed to be deceitful?!?) When I told him I want out of the contract he said he would transfer me to customer service. I asked if they were open now and he assured me they were. He transferred me, and of course the outgoing message said they were closed and to call back during business hours. So once again I'm sure there is no record in the Rogers system that I have called their support.


Rogers, I want out of this two year contract. Your reliability and support are abyssal. I know you are reading this. Please respond and let me know that you understand that in 2024 it is fair to expect reliable Internet from you. I'm sure we can agree that multi hour and multi day outages on a regular basis is not reliable.

Re: Unbearably poor reliability

Once again, both the automated outgoing message for technical support and the technical support person say their is a widespread outage in my area, which is confirmed by hundreds of users at , but Rogers own outage reporting is either itself not working or dishonest .


rogers network outage.pngRogers-down-Realtime-status-and-problems-overview-Downdetector.png

Re: Unbearably poor reliability

why is rogers website always down, i was not able tocheck my balance or my bills. could we get hard copy bills if web site dont work all the time

Re: Unbearably poor reliability

@timhortons224 wrote: why is rogers website always down...

It's not. Although some people sometimes have issues due to any of the reasons outlined in the following link (Browser, cookies, cache, extensions, etc).


What part of the website are you trying to see?  MyRogers? What error message are you getting?  What browser (or app) are you using?  Have you tried a clean different browser or incognito/private mode?

Re: Unbearably poor reliability

Did you ever get out of your contract? I'm going through a similar situation and have spend considerable amount of time opening up tickets with Rogers - about 16 now over the last 4 months. They did come out and address an area problem but the last two techs found nothing wrong. I have issues mostly in the evening every night where I'll lose internet for about 10 minutes and then have <1Mbps upload speed and high jitter (min 20 max 3000ms pings). I'm an IT Director and have done my best to point rogers in the right direction - captured a ton of data and showed that the issue is happening outside my modem but on the way to there gateway. I've seen two other posts online with the same issue.

Rogers solution is to send another tech wasting more time and money... Every time I contacted Rogers during the issue and every time they saw and admitted there is an issue. It goes away by 1AM and comes back by 7PM the next day. The area issue has been resolved but my issue is unchanged.

Tomorrow I am supposed to hear back from someone regarding options but I have been clear at this point I simply want out of the contract. Due to my job I have already had to order a second service using alternative technology (DSL is the only option in my case) Assuming it is a problem with Rogers - any third party that uses cable will go through the same rogers network\systems as they are leased. This is part of the problem in Canada. 


In my case if Rogers will not release me from my contract I will be stuck paying for two ISP's and I certainly will never give Rogers a second chance. Additional if this is standard practice I will not be able to proceed with and Rogers contacts at our six business locations where we depend on 24/7 uptime - Cogeco has done a fantastic job in locations where available on this front. 

I would strongly suggest if you are still having issues with Rogers or they are refusing to let you out of your Contract - I would contact the CRTC and CCTS - the CCTS has a complaints form - the more complaints they get the closer our telecommunications regulator will review the procedures of our limit competition market place.

Working in the telecommunications industry myself I can tell you that no one wants a call from the CRTC. If these companies were being fair and treating consumers with the same respect they demand we would not need to resort to going through government regulators. 



Just posting some images to give an idea of what I'm talking about - The first is PRTG - Normal until 7PM where I have 100% packet loss and when it is restored - I end up with excessive ping. This ping is a result of the available upload dropping to under 1Mbps. My packet is 1.5Gbps down 50Mbps up - from my PC it should show at least 300Mbps down and 50Mbps up. As state above - 4 month on with me opening up tickets daily and Rogers has absolutely no idea why I am having an issue but does acknowledge the issue.



prtg 1111.jpgScreenshot 2024-11-09 234153.png

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